
Once upon a time...

- Look around ... - confused, I looked everywhere ... - What do you see?

Nothing, there was nothing ... just trees, an immense grove stretched along my watchful eyes. But he saw nothing out of place.

I received a blow that made me fall to the ground.

- Get up! - I fulfilled his order barely - Close your eyes and tell me what you see.

It hit me again ... he didn't take the disbelieving glance I gave him very well.

Reluctantly and with swollen cheeks I sat as an indian and a deep breath before closing my eyes but ... it happened again ... I had to open almost immediately to calm my breathing ... It could not be possible ...

- Do not open your eyes! - Another blow that rumbled that annoying voice in my head. - Do not think! Do not stop!

I closed my eyes swallowing hard. I was terrified.

A bright world opened up before me.

- Don't restrain it! - I turned his order for fear that again receive. And the result was ... strange, I felt a strange energy through my body. No longer hurt my cheeks, bruises, head ... I was not even sure feel them.

I got carried away and looked around me.

- What do you see? - I looked to the right.

- There ... - I smiled sweetly - a family of wolves a couple of kilometers from here, they are feeding their pack...

He waited for him to say more so this time looked to the left.

- ... No ... do not know what ... it's ... - scared, I opened my eyes and looked with horror to my teacher. He soon realized that what I had seen had to be terrible. He mimicked and looked in that direction. His face, always calm changed to one of panic in seconds ...

He never showed terrified with me but ... We had just witnessed the killing of our clan ... Now we just could flee.

We took things and I followed him through the trees.

- It's risky - his voice sounded to my ears. - But you have to do it again, there is no other way out of here.

Both open our eyes to the magic, closing limiting our capabilities, once the world was transformed and went from ... ordinary ...to one ... bright? No, that was not the right word but ... really there was any to describe what I could see?

Everything was driven by energy, is moved by nature, we had our own energy which in turn is linked to land on our feet. It was almost magical.

My skill was still very green, after all, still had to close my eyes to access my invocation but the teacher could do so with open eyes ... he was great ... it was an honor that he was training me.

We reached the wolf pack who welcomed us with soft grunts threat but was normal, after all their offspring were almost newborn.

- Recite me. - I obeyed him again in a few moments our bodies ceased to be human, now we were wolf cubs ... jealously guarded by their parents.

We slaved to the little flock and safeguard us with them almost a year.

After that time we decided to transform again and return to civilization.

The teacher taught me everything he knew for three years, we were living in a peaceful and away from large populations village.

He taught me everything I needed to know and more. He taught me to fight spirits and purify souls. He taught me to fight and defend myself as best. He taught me to be strong and have pride. He taught me to use my magic without having to close my eyes to use this.

No longer feared my magic.

Now I feared hunters.

I feared the Haruno.

Who found us again, teacher distracted them ... so I could escape again. I was alone. The State found me.

I ended up in an orphanage, thought nobody would take me but I was wrong, there were still people who sought the company of boys of fifteen.

The Senju adopted me, the grandmother was very kind to me ... although did not talk much and every time I did not like something growled and she gave me a scat ... I liked her ... it was as if the old man had sent her to take care of me.

Immediately we hit it off in our own way but somehow we became almost family. But she died unexpectedly ... had too many problems with alcohol and that destroyed his liver, tube terminal cancer ... ... and not say anything, even made a will.

Were the six months, three days, eight hours and sixteen minutes happiest since grandfather's death.

Her daughter, Shizune, returned me to the orphanage since she only lived for the company and could not deal with a troubled kid like me, was a blow. She just gave me time to collect my things to leave that place. I was not allowed to attend the funeral.

And so the two most precious people in my life disappeared, no more.

I did not cry, they had just returned with the currents of energy but it still hurt. My chest was compressed inexplicably ... my eyes suffered a slight sting ...

I went to public school in the state, did not have friends. I did not want to lose more people... could not afford it.

One afternoon, while I kept the gym things in the house, I saw the Uchiha, the idols of the school, speaking in secret ... I was curious and went to have a look but did not expect to meet a wild demon.

They seemed to have problems so I started throwing tennis balls to that beast like a fox with nine tails ... but it was gigantic.

They were too far away and the fox was too fast. They shouted me away, but in microseconds the animal was already in front of me, looking at me with fury. I raised my arm and put it on his head. Before anyone could react a seal appeared on the stomach of the fox and this became small and weak.

I left there before the kids reach me.

I did not want them to ask me unnecessary things.

It was nearly a month since that loss of my ironclad control.

Nothing happened until one afternoon in the orphanage made an open house to raise funds.

And they had to appear.

They were beaming, next to their parents, with those beautiful smiles, full of self-assurance. They looked like angels. I snuck party in milliseconds to watch them. But ... they no longer would remember that ... sure.

Safer I left my hiding place and went to the yard, where to put on a show ... was the only sixteen so I must represent but had not prepared anything so I did the only thing I knew to do.


I closed my eyes and let the wonderful world of peace led me by the rivers until I reached a viewer. I raised my hand and he mimicked me, I put myself in position waltz and I started dancing while the audience watched us entertained. I stopped moving but did not let go the boy, I bowed and he mimicked me. I applauded when I freed myself and I made one of my favorite tricks.

I got back to the audience while a cloud of red chackra around me. I let them drop an oooh amazement and let out small dragons yellow that engulfed the audience who kept dropping soft ovations while small kids were playing trying to catch them ... but they were just illusions, I had caught the energy of the audience and I had sneaked into their minds, leaving them to see delusions, hopes for a future full of dreams.

I removed the dragons in an imaginary sea and dissipate the fog of chackra making it into a spiral in my stomach while the audience looked at me with regret and amazement, there was no need to read the mind to know that a question prowled their mind ... it's over?

I turned my gaze to reality opening his eyes and found myself with a raven staring at me intensely.

A shiver ran down my spine ... Hunters?

If so I should run like the devil wearing soul there. I retired after the standing ovations. When I thought everything was over I held one hand on my shoulder.

I immediately looked at the father of the Uchiha princes.

- Are you a Wizard? - I blurted out and looked at him with undisguised indifference.

- I do not know what you are talking about.

I walked to the corner where they were playing small, they cornered me and not let me go until I promised to return to teach the golden dragons.

Then I went to my room and I started making the backpack, put on a pair of clothes, my savings from my part-time job and some food he had taken the room without being seen.

I put on my shoulders, I put the hood orange sweatshirt and left without being seen from the property.

It was not an idiot, these would give the order to "seek and execution" as they could. But I would not allow the knowledge of my teacher go to waste. Not while I was his student.

I went out the front without anyone seeing me and ran down the street to lose sight of the institution.

- Where you think you going? - Said a voice behind me as I reached a natural park near the city. I turned to meet the Uchiha princes and pink-haired girl who looked down on me ... She was not good vibrations.

- Is to me? - I said pointing at me. They looked at me in disbelief.

- Do you see anyone else around here, you idiot? - Said the girl ... could not help throwing a snarl at the insult, which startled the others ...

- Calm down. - This time spoke the one that seemed greater. He took a couple of steps toward me but stepped back, alert. - We do not want to hurt you.

I growled back at that statement.

- Do not snarl my brother, monster. - Sasuke spoke in a calm voice as the greatest reproach him with ... Monster ... I ... was ... a monster, it's true ...

And so I hated it ... There should not be ...

That's why we were exterminated.

- Sasuke, you're a knucklehead. - The one mentioned only stared back as the girl hugged him. - Come on, just want to talk ... and be friends if you want.

- I do not have friends. - By his face I could tell that my voice sounded more childlike than I should but they had already served eighteen, I was just a puppy ... my kind were beginning to enter adolescence to thirty years of life ... now only barely it looked about thirteen, was short and with long hair to the back. Girlish traits. - And I will not die here.

Everyone was surprised.

- Who said us going to kill you? - Immediately I looked at the girl with a grudge ... I recognized her very easily ... after all her chackra was like those of her clan ...Haruno ... - Sakura, go.

- What!? - She replied angrily to the higher - But I have not done anything!

Immediately I growled, calling everyone's attention.

- Four and a half years ago ... - her face suddenly turned white.

- It can not be ... - I nodded as I let the energy flow through my body, I did not need to close my eyes in front of them, after all ... we were partially equal.

- ... You killed my whole family, my parents, my brother, my uncles ...

Both Uchihas looked at Sakura who already seemed to have forgotten their presence.

- There were no survivors! - A sinister smile on my face was born.

- I know, after all the old pervert man hid me very well ... You forgot two ...

- We pursued and chased them down! - Both black movie began to understand the situation and did not like at all ... hunting another clan was against the rules, with the death penalty ...

- You forgot me ... - I clasped my hands in the position of the dragon while invoking the fox that sealed the first time I saved the Uchiha princes.

They were surprised to see the animal and began to attack him to overcome the slope they had ... Sakura account and charge accounts our side.

With one stroke I beat, I guess the Haruno princess who never took into account her training.

I looked at her lifeless body on the floor ...

That was for the old perverted man, my teacher. I went to the fox who allowed me resealed without problems.

The princes looked coldly body of the girl ... Those were their laws, harsh but effective. They were finished with a whole clan so they could not intervene in their punishment.

- Wait! - Sasuke said seeing my move to leave. - How did you do it?

I looked with intrigue.

- Did not they teach you what is Energy?

- energy? - Shook my head no, that was my own race, they were just hunters. - Just a moment! - I stopped again - Tell me what it is!

- Are you sure? - My eyes were serious, not joking. It was beautifully dangerous energy that ran through me every time I used it was ... addictive.

He nodded, that was all I needed.

My eyes turned red again and left that lovely color blue sky, a seal appeared on my stomach, I approached the little prince Uchiha and put my hands gently over his eyes as one red chackra overlying me, in seconds both were connected for that red mist.

I said the words that limited his vision and his body twisted, knew the process was painful ... but nothing he could not handle. As I finished I retired carefully, he started to open his eyes.

- Do not open!

- Why? - He questioned although obeyed.

I smiled and told him the words of my master.

- What do you see?

- Nothing? - He said sarcastically. I frowned.

- Look, focus, let it flow ... - immediately eyebrows were raised without opening his eyes.

- What the ...?

A silence was suddenly in place ...

- Its beautiful...

- I know ... - I smiled wistfully, remembering my first time as I put my eyes pale blue sky died away.

- But ... your light ... is fading ... - Sasuke opened his eyes suddenly, taking advantage of his moment of surprise and bewilderment I took his cheeks and our lips got together. They joined gently, I put all my knowledge in one part of his mind, now he would know how to use that gift.

- Luck. - I whispered as I pulled him and my body became a golden dust as a tear slid down my cheek.

- NARUTO! - Sasuke called me as I tried to stop my death. A hand stopped him.- Itachi?

- You can not do anything for him ... - the largest stared sadly. - ... They are known to be a wise race, pass on their knowledge within or outside their clan to endure this ... The Uzumaki, the half-demon ...

- But he was not a Uzumaki, he was Naruto ... And I've never met anyone who support more than my pain.

Itachi looked at his little brother, this became responsible for the death of his best friend at the hands of a demon, could not protect him and give then was never the same but for him to say those words ... needed a miracle.

Almost he had a heart attack when she saw him mourn as he hugged himself.

- H-how I can ...? - He sobbed - ... how he could save so much pain for so long ...?

Itachi looked at the sky smooth silent as he regretted having followed the boy ... Sasuke now would not have to suffer like this if he had been left alone.