
Chapter 0006: System Training

"The host has 19 training points available. Please select the level of the companion. When the training level is 1 level, 1 point is an hour, and each additional level increases by 1 point. The same level will get 3% proficiency per hour, and each higher level will increase by 0.5. %."

Wang Tao's current level is 1 level. It doesn't make sense to find a level 1 sparring partner, so let's find a level 2.

After choosing Level 2, the system then allows him to select the target for training. The system gives out more than a dozen characters. The funny thing is that these characters are the people he has absorbed skills. In line with the idea that men and women are not tired from working, Wang Tao of course chooses women. But these people are all men except Zhang Yunwen and Sister Zhao. Wang Tao had to choose Zhang Yunwen.

After choosing the character, he can actually choose the costume of the character. Wang Tao couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Didn't this show that the system wanted to expose himself to the secret of being a subjugator?

Wang Taoqiang endured the desire to choose an OL suit, and chose Zhang Yunwen, who was wearing a sportswear. No way, he had a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. Wearing an OL suit was seductive, but it didn't feel good.

Wang Tao discovered that he couldn't beat Zhang Yunwen at all. In reality, the gap between level 2 and level 1 is actually not that big. Due to various factors, it is not impossible for level 1 to defeat level 2.

But in the system, level 2 is the peak level 2, which is actually level 3 (99%), which is equivalent to two levels behind Wang Tao. The sparring figures in the system are not interfered by any external factors, and even their physical strength is unlimited. How do you ask him to know? Zhang Yunwen has a green stamina circle on her head, which is always full.

A Zhang Yunwen with infinite stamina and an infinitely close to level 3 can't find Wang Tao. In reality, Wang Tao has just played badminton for more than an hour, and his physical strength is not full.

After ten minutes, I obviously felt that my state was not good. Zhang Yunwen over there is still ridiculing constantly.

"Little brother, it's only been a few minutes since my feet are soft, what should I do if I find a wife in the future?"

"Your physical strength is too bad, you are not good at fighting."

"Playing requires skill, can't you rely on brute force?"

After lasting an hour, Wang Tao felt several times more tired than just playing with Zhang Tao for more than an hour. But the effect is really obvious. His skill proficiency has increased by 3 percentage points, and it is now 5% at level 2.

After exiting the system, Wang Tao felt weak. In fact, this is his illusion, the physical energy consumed by the system is virtual, and his physical energy is not consumed in reality.

"By the way, how did this training point come from?" Wang Tao suddenly thought of this question and asked a little puzzled.

"The host uses skills in daily life will increase training points, 1 hour 0.5 points for level 1 skills, 1 point for level 2, and 0.5 points for no level. The host replicates new skills at level 1, 1 point, and level 2 2. Points, 4 points for level 3, double for each level up." The system answered very mechanically.

Wang Tao nodded involuntarily, that's right, today I copied 15 level 1 skills, learned PS for half a day, and played badminton with level 3 badminton skills for more than an hour, and only got 19 points.

This skill is not easy to come by, but it is spent very quickly. But the effect is very good, more proficiency than playing with Zhang Tao of level 4 for more than an hour.

When I looked at the phone, it was only 7:30, and Wang Tao realized that after an hour of studying in the system, the real time has not passed.

This is not the first time he has expressed emotion for the true value of this training point, but this time it is really convinced by the system. After all, the most important thing in a person's life is time. With the system, Wang Tao is equivalent to having countless more study time than ordinary people. By the way, I haven't eaten yet. Fortunately, there are fruits in my dormitory. I washed two apples for myself. While eating apples, Wang Tao turned on the computer and continued to learn PS.

At work the next day, Wang Tao met Yu Zemin, who had contributed to him yesterday with Level 2 graphic design and Level 2 3D. The two usually didn't have much overlap. After a simple greeting, Wang Tao walked to the office. Suddenly he scanned Yu Zemin again and chose his level 2 graphic design skills for a week.

Through playing badminton, Wang Tao discovered that he played with Zhang Yunwen not long after he used level 3 badminton skills. He knew many techniques but could not use them. That is to say, the skills that are being used for a short time, although they cannot be used in the system, he retains the memory of these skills.

He wants to try today, will there be any effect with a week's level 2 skills?

Through the whole morning, he found that it did have an effect, but the effect was not very obvious. After two hours of study, the PS proficiency changed from 1% for level 2 to 4% for level 2. I don't know if it's an hour plus 0.5 or 1.5 times the original.

In the afternoon, I studied for another three hours, from 3% to 7.5. He suddenly found that this could not be tested, because whether it was adding 0.5 or 1.5 times the original, it changed from 1% to 1.5%. His level is too low, there is no way to verify it now.

Wang Tao, who felt that he had done useless work, sighed, and at this moment the system made a sound.

"Skills used briefly will bring a 50% speed bonus to learning. The host is now at level 1, using level 2 skills to learn will bring 1.5 times the speed bonus, if you use level 3 it will be 2 times."

I didn't expect the system to be very considerate, but I realized that the system gave the answer.

"It is the responsibility of the system to provide the host with system-related use knowledge and learning questions." The voice of the machine once again remembered in Wang Tao's mind.

"Reminder, the system energy is less than 5% and can only be used for 5 hours. If the system does not replenish energy, the skills being used will become invalid after 5 hours. During the system shutdown, the host's skill usage time is still calculated." Prompt, it's not warm at all.

"Then how can I add energy?" Can such an advanced thing absorb electricity out of thin air? He immediately shook his head, this is impossible, wait, his experience over the past 13 years seems to have answered this question.

"The host is right, the system will absorb energy from the host, but now the system has been activated, and the host's consent will be obtained before absorbing the energy." Of course, the system knew what Wang Tao was thinking, and immediately gave an answer.

Fortunately, the current system is not forced to extract as before, but is the energy in the body obtained by eating?

"Yes, the food the host eats contains energy, and the host can replenish energy for the system by eating more. In addition, the energy consumed by the system in standby and in use is different. I hope the host is prepared." The system is simply a BUG, ​​neither Know what kind of civilization will create this kind of system!

"What should I prepare?" Wang Tao asked in a puzzled manner.

"According to the designer's limit, the system cannot tell the host." Rarely, the system did not tell Wang Tao the answer, but told him the reason.

After an hour, Wang Tao finally knew what this preparation was? !