

2019 ‖Eckley, CO

The round face and narrow eyes paint the picture of an innocent, chubby young man, but his figure is way too familiar.

It's the man he saw in their room right before his first-time travel.

The man who hit him with a baseball bat inside the very same cabin they are now standing next to.

But now as he gets to see his face, a memory flashes through Cameron's mind.

Last summer. The beach. He was taking a walk, balancing on the rocks that were slithering into the ocean like a snake.

Cameron kneeled down to take a look at the water, let his hand run through the coolness. Cold against hot skin.

Suddenly, a face beneath him, under the surface. He jerked back but the man had already grabbed his foot and pulled him into the water. Cameron's head smashed against one of the stones and then everything went black.

"You. I almost drowned because of you!"

"What? Cam, what are you talking about?"