
Chapter 1521

The voice of Jun Taihuang, the third forefather, was heard from the Huangtian Mystic Realm, spreading throughout the universe.

He stood in the wind, standing in the void above the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

He drew the line with his sword, and anyone who crossed it would die!

How domineering!

Billions of creatures in the entire Huangtian Mystic Realm were silent at this moment, looking up at the sky.

The Jun family was their only savior, their only hope of survival.

However, some people were worried that the Jun family could stop the Great Emperors of the forbidden zone.

Take the Huntian Mystic Realm for example. Even the Celestial Court could not protect the entire mystic realm. They could only protect the territory of the Celestial Court.

If the Jun family could only protect the Emperor State, but not the entire Huangtian Mystic Realm …

Billions upon billions of lives would be lost in a bloodbath.

"The Jun family will not give up on us!"

"That's right. Didn't you see that the Emperor Taihuang has drawn the entire Huangtian Mystic Realm into his territory? He will not allow the Great Emperors of the forbidden zone to massacre the entire Huangtian Mystic Realm!"

"But can the Emperor Taihuang alone stop the six Great Emperors of the forbidden zone?"

"Don't forget that even though the Emperor Dowager is the only one who has shown up, the Jun Family doesn't only have him."

"That's right. No one knows how powerful the Jun family is, not to mention that they have a mysterious hidden branch."

"Isn't the Great Emperor of the Divine Universe from the hidden branch of the Jun family? He just hasn't shown up yet …"

Countless creatures in the entire Huangtian Mystic Realm were talking about it.

Although they were nervous, they still believed in the Jun family's courage.

At this moment, in the starry space of the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

Jun Taihuang stood on the star alone, facing the six Great Emperors of the Divine Mountain of Emperor Fall alone!

These six Great Emperors were not just ordinary Great Emperors.

There were also giant figures among them.

However, Jun Taihuang was not afraid at all. He held the Nine Dragons Godly Sword in his hand and confronted the six Great Emperors.

"The Jun family is still as arrogant and overbearing as ever," one of the giant Great Emperors said coldly.

Jun Taihuang did not bother to say anything more. The sword in his hand flashed, illuminating the nine heavens.

"You can try to cross over if you dare."

"You …" The other Martial Monarchs of the Emperor Meteorite Godly Mountain wore cold looks.

They couldn't help but want to attack.

However, that Great Monarch simply waved his hand.

He could sense that Jun Taihuang was the only one who had shown up in the Jun Family.

But it was definitely not that simple.

Moreover, the Longevity Island and other forces had said that they would also involve the Jun Family in this life.

But until now, the officiant had yet to make a move.

If the Six Emperors were to attack the Jun Family, they would only end up as cannon fodder.

They didn't want to be the vanguard and lose their lives in advance.

"Haha, that little fellow from your Jun Family has caused quite a commotion in the Nine Heavens."

"Even a young master of Emperor Meteorite Divine Mountain died at his hands."

The Great Emperor of the Supreme Meteorite Divine Mountain sneered coldly.

"That's his ability. I can only say that you descendants of the Nine Heavens cannot even withstand a single blow."

Jun Taihuang's tone was sharp, piercing Jiutian's heart.

"How arrogant …"

The other Great Monarchs didn't look too happy either.

It was the time of the Dark Turmoil and the Great Purge.

Logically speaking, shouldn't it be the time for the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone to be arrogant and overbearing?

Why did it feel like the Jun Family was even more overbearing than the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone?

"Haha, no matter how good a seedling is, he still needs to grow up. Otherwise, he'll just be a speck of dust."

The Great Emperor sneered coldly.

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling sword light cut through the galaxy and tore apart the sky, attacking that Great Emperor.

The nine dragons roared, tearing the sky and the earth apart.

That Great Emperor's expression changed, and he tried to resist.

But in the end, he was pushed back.

His eyes revealed a faint trace of bewilderment.

Wasn't Jun Taihuang also a Great Emperor?

But now, why did it feel like his strength had improved by another step and was beginning to reach the peak?


The Great Emperor's eyes were filled with a hint of shock.

Jun Taihuang's sword didn't have the strength of a Peak Great Emperor, but it wasn't far from it.

"Let's go!"

The Great Emperor from the Divine Mountain of Emperors only spat out one word, then turned around and left.

The other Great Emperors looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

They didn't say anything else and turned around to leave.

After all, it was just the beginning of the Dark Turmoil.

When the Officiant descended and the curtains were drawn, the Jun Family would naturally be dealt with.

Watching the six Great Emperors leave.

Billions of living beings throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm could not help but let out earth-shattering cheers.

Intense joy appeared on all the people's faces.

With the protection of the Jun Family, they would finally be able to survive and safely survive this dark upheaval.

"We'll remember the Jun Family's life-saving grace forever!"

The Quasi-emperors who had fled to this place also cupped their hands and bowed deeply to Jun Taihuang and the Jun family.

The prestige and influence of the Jun Family had once again reached a new peak.

However, Jun Taihuang's face didn't show any signs of relaxing.

There was even a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Is it really so easy to get through this life?"

On the Jun Family's stage in the Emperor State.

Jiang Luoli also patted her chest with her small hand and said with a smile, "That's great, Brother Xiaoyao. We don't have to worry about anything."

Jun Xiaoyao's handsome face didn't show any sign of relief. Instead, he was thinking about something.

He knew that the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone was planning to drag the Jun Family into this Dark Turmoil.

The reason why they hadn't made a move yet was because the leader hadn't appeared yet.

When the leader appeared, the Jun Family would naturally be targeted.

Just as Jun Xiaoyao frowned and was deep in thought.

A warm and delicate jade-like hand held his hand.

Jun Xiaoyao looked over and saw Jiang Shengyi looking at him with a smile.

"Xiaoyao, don't think too much. We'll face all storms together."

"Okay." Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

He couldn't save the people of this world.

He only wanted to protect the most important people around him.

That was the difference between him and Jun Wuhui.

After the six Great Emperors of the Divine Mountain of Emperors left the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

The Great Emperors of the various Forbidden Zones also ended their teamwork and began to search for the areas to be massacred.

In the Xuantian Mystic Realm, a Great Emperor of a Forbidden Zone also arrived and wanted to massacre the world.

However, when they were about to reach the area where the Emperor's Court was stationed.

A Great Emperor with a vast aura appeared. It was the Great Emperor of the Chiyou Lineage, Chi Xiaotian.

The Chiyou Lineage that originally belonged to the Immortal Court had now become the Ministry of Justice of the Emperor's Court.


Chi Xiaotian's figure floated in the endless blood tide.

The Chiyou Lineage was also an extremely ruthless lineage.

"Huh?" The Great Emperor of the Forbidden Zone's expression froze.

At this moment, he vaguely felt a sense of danger. It didn't come from Chi Xiaotian in front of him, but from the existence hidden in the dark.

"Two Great Emperors?"

The Great Emperor of the Forbidden Zone's expression changed slightly. He pondered for a moment and then left.

In the void, the King of Assassins, Gou Sheng's figure appeared.

"Damn it, I really want to attack," the King of Assassins said.

"If you attack, you'll be poking a hornet's nest. More Great Emperors of the Forbidden Zone will come here in the future," Chi Xiaotian said.

"By the way, where's the old Big Dipper? Why don't I see him?" the King of Assassins asked.

He was obviously referring to the Big Dipper Great Emperor.

"The Big Dipper Great Emperor is a guest of the Emperor's Court. He's not an official member, so he can come and go freely," Chi Xiaotian said.

"Sigh, if I don't attack, my dagger will rust." The King of Assassins took out his dagger and cleaned his nails.

After seeing how the Emperor's Court was able to stop the Great Emperors of the Forbidden Zone.

Many factions and cultivators in the Xuantian Immortal Realm also came to seek refuge.

This scene played out across the Immortal Realm.


Not all factions were like the Jun Family, the Emperor's Court, or the Immortal Court, who could accept all the cultivators who came to seek refuge.

In the Immortal Realm, a large group of cultivators fled to a certain place in order to avoid the Great Emperors of the Forbidden Zone.

It was the Tyrant Ancestral Hall.