
Chapter 1372: Huang Nie Dao, Little Stone Emperor Arrives, One of the Four Minor Kings, Fierce King

It was a handsome young man in a black and gold robe.

He had a pair of black and gold phoenix wings on his back, surrounded by wisps of black Undying Fire.

It was Huang Nie Dao, the Minor Ancestor of the Demon Phoenix Cave.

He was the son of the Undying Ancient Emperor.

And the Undying Ancient Emperor was connected to the big shots of the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone.

Therefore, he had been brought to the Nine Heavens early.

And now, there was another figure beside Huang Nie Dao.

It was a man with a muscular body, like a demon.

His long black hair was draped over his shoulders, and his eyes were a terrifying dark green that was mixed with the color of blood. He looked extremely terrifying.

There was also a pair of wings on his back.

But they weren't phoenix wings, but they were covered with white bone spikes, like the wings of some kind of beast.

An extremely terrifying and ferocious aura was also emitted from his body.

Just one look was enough to make one's soul tremble.

Some of the surrounding prodigies looked at this figure with deep fear in their eyes.

"As expected of one of the Four Minor Kings of the Beast Lair, Fierce King.

"Nonsense, are the Four Primordial Beasts kind? But why hasn't Fierce King come yet? I remember that he and Fierce King seem to like Fairy Liu Qiongyan.

"I don't know, but he'll definitely come.

Some of the prodigies were whispering, but they didn't dare to say anything.

That was because there had once been a genius who had criticized the Ferocious King. In the end, that genius was directly swallowed by the Ferocious King's true form.

He was different from Fierce King's deceptive and elegant appearance.

Fierce King's aura was like a demon.

But now, Huang Nie Dao and Fierce King were walking together calmly, enjoying the respectful gazes from all around.

That's right, the forbidden zone related to the Undying Ancient Emperor was the Beast Lair.

"Brother Nie Dao, there will definitely be opportunities in the Three Immortal Cave this time. You haven't been in the Nine Heavens for long, and you need such opportunities.

Fierce King's original body was Qiong Qi, one of the Four Primordial Beasts.

Although he was infamous, he was more polite to Huang Nie Dao.

Of course, it wasn't because Huang Nie Dao was was very strong.

It was because he had a good father.

The Immortal Ancient Emperor had a close relationship with some of the big shots in the Beast Lair.

He was also an Ancient Emperor whose might shook the world.

"I still have to thank Big Brother. I believe that Big Brother will definitely be able to bring the beauty home.

Huang Nie Dao smiled faintly.

In the Immortal Realm, his status was noble, he was the Little Ancestor of the Demon Phoenix Ancient Cave.

However, after coming to the Nine Heavens, he finally understood how powerful the real monstrous geniuses of the Nine Heavens were.

Huang Nie Dao wasn't weak, but he definitely wasn't one of the best.

Thus, compared to when he was in the Immortal Domain, the current Huang Nie Dao was much more low-key.

"Thank you for your auspicious words. However, why isn't the Fiend King here yet?" The Fiend King asked.

He and the Fiend King were both Liu Qiongyan's pursuers.

However, they did agree to compete fairly.

Seeing that Fiend King had yet to arrive, Ferocious King was puzzled.

"Perhaps he was delayed by something.

Huang Nie Dao smiled faintly.

Right at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Huang Nie Dao, I didn't expect you to come as well.

Hearing this voice, Huang Nie Dao looked over.

A young man with a stalwart figure flew over from the sky.

This man had a well-built body and bulging muscles. The surface of his skin had a grayish-white color, like that of a rock, and had an indestructible texture.

He was wearing an extremely simple and unadorned stone armor, which even looked a little tattered.

It made one wonder if the stone armor had any defensive power.

Seeing this person, Huang Nie Dao revealed a look of surprise.

"Little Stone Emperor, I didn't expect you to come as well."

This young man in stone armor was none other than Huang Nie Dao.

He was the son of the Holy Spirit Island's Stone Emperor, the Little Stone Emperor!

The Little Stone Emperor was also very famous in the Immortal Realm.

Like Long Xuanyi, Huang Nie Dao, and the others, he was also a famous second generation.

Their fathers were the Stone Emperor, the Soaring Dragon Ancient Emperor, and the Undying Ancient Emperor.

All of them were once famous in the Immortal Realm, invincible Ancient Emperors and great success Sacred Spirits.

As for the Little Stone Emperor's strength, it was also a mystery.

This was because he hadn't fought in the Immortal Realm and didn't have any achievements.

However, some people guessed that the Little Stone Emperor was one of the few top monsters in the Immortal Realm who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Di Haotian.

It was just that he didn't reveal his strength.

"I'm just here to join in the fun."

The Little Stone Emperor said indifferently.

He didn't come to pursue the fairy of the Immortal Mausoleum. He just wanted to gain experience.

"It seems like the Holy Spirit Island and the Holy Spirit Ruins have a special relationship.

Fierce King narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Little Stone Emperor.

This was because there were rumors that the Stone Emperor and the Holy Spirit Ruins had an inexplicable relationship.

There were even rumors that the Stone Emperor was originally a big shot in the Holy Spirit Ruins.

Later, he went down alone and united many powerful Sacred Spirits to establish the Holy Spirit Island.

Of course, no one knew the exact truth.

But now, no one in the Nine Heavens dared to discriminate against the Little Stone Emperor.

They basically treated him as a prodigy of the Holy Spirit Ruins.

The Little Stone Emperor only chuckled when he heard this and didn't say anything.

How could his father, the Stone Emperor, be an ordinary person?

"If that's the case, why don't we train together?" Huang Nie Dao invited.

It wasn't that they had a good relationship.

It was that they were often compared to each other.

After all, they were both descendants of the same father.

Therefore, they felt that they were in the same boat.


The Little Stone Emperor nodded lightly.

He and Huang Nie Dao actually had something in common.

It was because they had a common enemy.

Jun Xiaoyao!

The Little Stone Emperor, Huang Nie Dao, and Fierce King entered the Immortal Mausoleum.

A banquet was held in the Immortal Mausoleum.

Before the Three-Immortal Cave opened, the Immortal Mausoleum would first invite all the prodigies.

The people who came and went were all women.

Each of them was as pure as ice and as beautiful as jade. They were a feast for the eyes of many male prodigies.

However, the three most important prodigies of the three branches of the Immortal Mausoleum — Liu Qiongyan, Yun Tianlai, and Jiang Luoli — didn't appear immediately.

At this moment, in the depths of the Immortal Mausoleum, inside an immortal palace filled with spiritual energy.

A beautiful figure that was as beautiful as the morning snow was throwing a tantrum.

She was wearing a light blue long dress with a pink veil on the outside. She looked bright and charming, and her beauty was peerless.

The only thing that didn't change was the lively twin ponytails formed by her black hair.

She was also 1.5 meters tall.

On her white jade-like cheeks, a pair of bright and beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak.

Her eyelashes were long, and her nose was straight.

Her cheeks were dotted with two shallow dimples.

If her cherry lips curled up slightly, she would reveal thousands of cute and playful flirtatious looks.

Unfortunately, the woman at this moment was pouting.

"Aunt Xuan, don't say anymore. It's impossible for me to marry that Wang Yan. Tell him to give up."

The woman was none other than Jiang Luoli.

Beside her stood a beautiful woman. She was a powerhouse of the Jade Heaven branch of the three branches of the Immortal Mausoleum.

At this moment, this beautiful woman called Aunt Xuan also had a headache.

To be honest, if it were any other woman from the Nine Heavens, they would definitely faint from joy if there was a possibility of marriage with Wang Yan, the young master of the Divine Mountain.

After all, Wang Yan's appearance, identity, and strength were absolutely top-notch in the Nine Heavens.

There were very few who could compare to him.

Aunt Xuan originally thought that Jiang Luoli would agree.

That would also be beneficial to the Jade Heaven branch.

They could also use Wang Yan's strength to seize the initiative in the Three Immortal Cave.

Who would have thought that Jiang Luoli would reject without hesitation.

"Luoli, we're doing this for your own good. Do you want to see our Jade Heaven branch suppressed by the Jade Heaven branch?"

Aunt Xuan said earnestly.