
Chapter 1315

Looking at Ling Yuan in front of him, Jun Xiaoyao was silent for a moment.

To be honest, he was a person who rarely felt guilty.

But for Ling Yuan, he really did feel a little guilty.

Although Ling Yuan was one of the Seven Defiant Emperors in the beginning, they were enemies.

But later, after all kinds of disputes, Ling Yuan unknowingly fell in love with him.

Jun Xiaoyao took advantage of this love.

It was all thanks to Ling Yuan that he was able to enter the Forgotten Kingdom without anyone noticing.

It was also Ling Yuan's credit that the Immortal Court was divided by him.

In order to keep the Immortal Court divided, Jun Xiaoyao didn't even let Ling Yuan follow him. Instead, she stayed in the Immortal Court.

It could be said that Ling Yuan was the most miserable tool.

She was willing to be used by Jun Xiaoyao, but she never said that she wanted anything from Jun Xiaoyao.

Sometimes, when you fell in love with someone, you had already lost.

Ling Yuan lost completely, but she was willing to do so.

Now, Ling Yuan smiled and sent her blessings to Jun Xiaoyao.

She smiled on the surface, but her heart was already scarred.

She was once the cold and arrogant Empress of Empress Wa's immortal lineage, the young empress of the Immortal Court.

Now, she was so humble to send her blessings.

"Ling Yuan, you..."

Jun Xiaoyao opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

But he could vaguely feel that Ling Yuan seemed to have something on her mind.

She seemed to have something to say to him, but she couldn't say it.

On the side, Yuan Che looked over and sighed in her heart.

Ling Yuan didn't come here just to send her blessings to Jun Xiaoyao.


She said goodbye to him.

"Ling Yuan, if you're not used to living alone in the Immortal Court, then come to the Jun family." That was all Jun Xiaoyao could say.

He no longer needed Ling Yuan in the Immortal Court.

Ling Yuan's eyes lit up slightly, but she still shook her head, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"No need, Xiaoyao. As long as I can help you, it's enough."


Jun Xiaoyao wanted to say something, but Ling Yuan interrupted him.

"Xiaoyao, I only hope that in the years to come, you will occasionally think of a woman named Ling Yuan."

Ling Yuan smiled. Her eyes were crystal clear, and there seemed to be a little tears.

"Ling Yuan, what's wrong with you?" Jun Xiaoyao frowned.

The current Ling Yuan was very different from her usual personality. She was a little abnormal.

Ling Yuan gave Jun Xiaoyao a hug out of courtesy, basking in the last bit of warmth before turning around and leaving.

Yuan Che said, "Xiao Yao, help me get rid of the remaining Great Sin Energy in my body."

"Sure, but Lingyuan …" Jun Xiaoyao hesitated.

Yuan Che said, "She has her own ideas."

Jun Xiaoyao could only sigh to himself after hearing that.

After that, there were no more waves at the engagement banquet.

Even Di Haotian and the Chaotic Body had been defeated, so no one dared to challenge Jun Xiaoyao.

As for the other forces, even if they were hostile to the Jun Family, they wouldn't dare to cause trouble in front of the Jun Family's mountain gate.

Therefore, the wedding banquet came to an end amidst a joyous atmosphere.

In today's engagement banquet, millions of cultivators had witnessed the most exciting battle of the younger generation in the Immortal Realms.

There was no suspense in the outcome.

After today, Jun Xiaoyao's reputation would truly reach its peak. No one among the younger generation would be able to compete with him.

At the same time, Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli had also become the targets of envy for countless female cultivators in the Immortal Realms.

It was said that the two of them had saved the Immortal Realms in their previous lives, which was why they could become Jun Xiaoyao's women.

On the stage, the two women and Jun Xiaoyao held hands happily. The sweetness in their hearts was about to overflow.

Jiang Rou and the others also shed tears of happiness when they saw this.

In this warm and lively atmosphere, the entire banquet was about to end.

But at this moment …


A thunderous roar was heard.

All the cultivators present were stunned.

"What is that sound?"

Everyone felt that it was a little unbelievable.

Would anyone dare to cause trouble at this time? That person would be a fool.


Then, an even more terrifying roar was heard.

It didn't come from the surroundings, and it didn't even come from somewhere in the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

Instead …

Everyone raised their heads and looked at a certain place in the unseen world.

The Ninth Heaven!

Could it be …

Some of the Lords of the Immortal Realms present instantly changed their expressions, revealing unprecedented shock.

"How is it possible? How can it be so fast?"

"Could it be that an unprecedented change is about to take place?"

"I feel like I'm witnessing the end of the world!"

The originally joyous and harmonious atmosphere of the banquet had completely disappeared at this moment.

Some of the authorities were astounded and in disbelief.

Meanwhile, some of the ordinary cultivators were lost and confused.


Terrifying claps of thunder took place, as if billions of lightning were striking above the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

The weather changed drastically, and the sky turned upside down. It felt like the mountains and rivers within billions of li were about to collapse!

In addition to the Huangtian Mystic Realm, the other Immortal Realms were affected by the commotion too.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Realm was trembling!

The sound felt like something extremely terrifying and powerful was about to descend upon the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

More than half of the cultivators present were knocked to the ground by the impact.

The sound was like a heavy hammer pounding on the hearts of the cultivators.

Some of the weaker cultivators even spat out mouthfuls of blood from the impact.

Meanwhile, the authorities at the banquet were wearing twisted expressions.

"How is this possible?"

Even the ancestors of the Jun Family were surprised.

"Don't panic."

A voice came from the depths of the ancestral land of the Jun Family.

Then, nine golden dragons suddenly soared into the sky and formed a barrier, isolating the shockwave and giving everyone a chance to catch their breath.

"It's the Nine Dragon Godly Sword of the Third Ancestor …"

The one who made the move was none other than the Third Ancestor, Jun Taihuang.

He had been staying in the Jun Family ever since the Immortal Battle because he knew that chaos was about to come.

"Is it finally here? Why does it have to be now …"

On the stage, Jun Xiaoyao frowned with a cold look in his eyes.

He knew that the sound meant that the Gate of Immortality was about to descend.

Dark turmoil was about to come.

Yet, it had to be at his engagement banquet.

It was as if even the heavens were against him.

"Why? Why now?!"

Jiang Rou, Jun Zhan Tian, and the other relatives all shouted with twisted expressions. They were unwilling to accept the reality.

Jun Xiaoyao had just gotten engaged with Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli. They hadn't even spent a few days together before something like this happened.

"Is it coming?" Jiang Shengyi raised her head. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

Above the Nine Heavens, lightning bolts tore the sky apart.

The shockwave was so terrifying that it felt like the end of the world.

However, at that moment, Jun Xiaoyao held the hands of Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli.

"Are you scared?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

Jiang Luoli shook her head. Jiang Shengyi said, "With you by my side, nothing is worth mentioning."

Jun Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Let the sound of the end of the world be the salute to our engagement banquet!"

She looked at the man beside her who had no sorrow or fear and had an unparalleled aura.

Jiang Shengyi revealed a knowing smile.

Even if the world came to an end and the era withered, she would stand firmly by Jun Xiaoyao's side until death.