

"Xiaoyao, this thing is too precious. You should keep it for yourself."

The Great Ancestors of the Jun family said.

Although this thing was also very beneficial to them.

But Jun Xiaoyao was the future of the Jun family.

The Sequences of the Jun family also had desire in their eyes.

But if Jun Xiaoyao really needed it, they would not take up Jun Xiaoyao's resources.

"Don't worry, everyone. I have it too." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

His Eye of the Divine Spring was of a higher level than this special-grade Divine Meridian, and it contained much more Divine Path Substance.

It was not that Jun Xiaoyao wanted to keep the best for himself.

It was only when he became stronger that he could better protect the Jun family and the people around him.

"Since Xiao Yao said so, then I'll accept it."

"After all, the turmoil is coming. With the Divine Path Substance, the younger generation of the Jun family will be able to grow quickly," Jun Tianming, the Eighth Ancestor, said.

At the mention of the turmoil, everyone present was silent for a moment.

Although the Jun family had never been affected in the past.

But it was still a catastrophe that swept across the Divine Realm.

Moreover, no one could say for sure what kind of changes would occur in this life.

Seeming to feel that the atmosphere was a little stagnant, Jiang Rou said, "Xiaoyao, you brought Luo Li here. You don't have any good news to announce, do you?"

As Jun Xiaoyao's mother, Jiang Rou could be said to be worried sick about Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao had many beautiful women around him, but when it came to the major events of his life, Jun Xiaoyao always seemed to be in no hurry.

For cultivators, the time of marriage was not too important.

But as parents, they always hoped that their children could settle the major events of their lives as soon as possible.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled and said, "By the way, there is one more thing I want to announce to everyone. I've decided to hold an engagement party."

Jun Xiaoyao's words made the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

"Xiaoyao, this is great news!"

Jiang Rou, Jun Zhan Tian, and the other family members could not help but laugh.

"Good, good. The Jun family and the Jiang family have been connected by marriage for generations. Now, it's one happy thing after another."

Jun Tianming and the other Great Ancestors also laughed.

"This engagement party must be grand and extravagant," the Eighteenth Ancestor also said happily.

As a core member of the Jun Family, Jun Xiaoyao's engagement banquet was naturally going to shake up the entire divine realm.

While Jun Xiaoyao had brought up the idea of an engagement banquet, he had yet to set a date for it.

Jun Xiaoyao was now certain of that.

Because he was afraid that if he delayed any longer, it might be very difficult to find an opportunity.

After all, the turmoil had always been weighing on his mind.

If they continued to delay, the two women did not know how long they would have to wait.

Of course, some people were happy while others were sad.

Jun Xiaoyao's family and friends were naturally overjoyed that he was going to hold an engagement party.

However, for many women, this was definitely a sad piece of news.

Just like some fangirls who worshipped their idols, they often fantasized about marrying their idols.

But if their idol really got married, then their dreams would be shattered.

There were some women present, such as Jun Mulan, Jun Xuehuang, Jun Linglong, and Jun Ying 'er.

While they were happy for Jun Xiaoyao when they heard the news, there was also an indescribable sadness in their hearts.

It was as if his youth had come to an end.

And that was only part of it.

Some of them weren't here, and some of them were cultivating in the Monarch Emperor Palace.

All in all, when the news was announced, it would definitely cause a huge reaction.

However, this was only an engagement party, not a wedding party, so the nature was different.

It was equivalent to giving the two women a status and a promise.

At this moment, Jiang Luoli was smiling from ear to ear. It was a happy and silly smile.

After some small talk.

Jun Xiaoyao also temporarily took his leave and went to the depths of the ancestral land.

In the depths of the ancestral land, there was a blessed place. Chaotic qi filled the air, and it was extremely terrifying. It was like a universe that had just been created.

"Daddy is back!"

A crisp and sweet voice was heard.

Immediately, a figure threw herself into his arms.

Silver straight hair was as bright as the galaxy. Her chubby little face was snow-white and delicate, and her facial features were as delicate and cute as a porcelain doll.

She was as delicate as jade, and her voice was clear and soft.

Her big eyes, which were like glazed gemstones, were tightly attached to Jun Xiaoyao with a look of attachment.

Who else could it be but Little Eversnow?

"Daddy number one is back!" Little Eversnow said happily.

"Number one?" Jun Xiaoyao turned his head.

In front of him, chaotic qi spread out, and an extremely majestic aura surged.

A peerless figure in white came out with his hands behind his back.

It was Jun Xiaoyao's chaotic body.

Jun Xiaoyao's Sacred Body of Dao went to the Nine Heavens, while his chaotic body stayed in the ancestral land of the Jun family to cultivate in isolation.

Now, the chaotic body's strength was also extremely terrifying.

His level was the same as the Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao, which was at Mystique Venerable Level.

That was the incredible thing about One Qi into Three Pure Ones.

Of course, when breaking through a major level, such as from Dao Lord to Quasi-emperor, or from Nine Tribulations Quasi-emperor to Great Emperor, the difficulty would increase by thousands of times.

That was also the reason why Jun Wuhui, who was so strong, had not yet proven his Way.

That was because it was too difficult to prove one's Way with One Qi into Three Pure Ones.

He needed to accumulate a lot of capital.

However, once he did prove his Way, his strength would be unimaginably strong.

"Daddy number one, daddy number two!"

Little Eversnow looked at the Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao, and then looked at the chaotic body.

"This trip to the Nine Heavens is not bad," the chaotic body said.

Although they shared the same mind, which was Jun Xiaoyao's own mind, they could communicate without words.

Sometimes, it was more ceremonial to talk.

"That's nothing. Compared to the upcoming turmoil, our strength is still not enough," the Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao said.

"But we've already laid out our trump card. I believe it will bring a surprise to the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone." The chaotic body smiled.

"And her origin …"

The Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao looked at Little Eversnow.

"Well, after spending some time with her, I also think it's possible," the chaotic body said.

Little Eversnow blinked innocently and blankly as she watched the conversation between her two fathers. She had no idea what her two fathers were talking about.

"By the way, there's one more thing you should know. I've sensed another chaotic movement," the chaotic body said.

"Is it the one with the Innate Chaotic Body? After waiting for so long, he finally can't hold back and wants to come out."

"It seems that he doesn't want to miss the big opportunity that might appear during the dark turmoil."

The Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao sneered.

The chaotic body sensed the mysterious chaotic body sealed in the Door of Chaos.

Back then, his reputation was no less than Jun Xiaoyao and Di Haotian's.

After all, he was the Innate Chaotic Body of that era.

It was just that he had never come out, which was why people gradually stopped talking about him.

Now, the chaotic body, which was also a chaotic body, sensed the abnormal movement of the Innate Chaotic Body.

That meant that the one with the Chaotic Physique would be born soon.

"I'd like to know if my Chaotic Green Lotus Body or the Innate Chaotic Body is more powerful," the chaotic body said with a smile.

"Then let's wait for him to come. Aside from that, Di Haotian should also have some tricks up his sleeve. He's not someone who would admit defeat easily," the Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao said.

Then, the Sacred Body of Dao's Sacred Body of Dao took a step forward and collided with the chaotic body.

A boundless and terrifying aura burst out and swept across the entire ancestral land.

Jun Xiaoyao's two bodies became one. His aura was so powerful that it cracked the space.

"Then I'll wait for them to come. I'll let them know how sad it is to be in the same era as me."