
1452 The Sacred Physique Lineage deserved its downfall.

With Prince Chang Sheng's arrival, the atmosphere outside the Bottomless Ruin became strange.

After all, Prince Changsheng was too famous. He was well-known throughout the Nine Heavens.

Everyone looked at Prince Changsheng and then at Jun Xiaoyao.

One of them was the number one of the younger generation in the Nine Heavens.

The other was the number one of the younger generation in the Deity Realm.

This clash was interesting.

"His aura is even more profound than before."

Wang Yan and the others looked at Prince Chang Sheng with a solemn expression.

They had no grudge against Prince Changsheng.

They were even geniuses of forbidden zones who belonged to the purge faction.

However, there were only so many opportunities in the Ultimate.

Therefore, they were also considered competitors.

Competing with such a strong opponent was definitely stressful.

"I don't think we're friends. There's no need to call me brother," Jun Xiaoyao said indifferently.

He was not going to pretend to be polite.

The matter of the Sacred Physique Curse was destined to be enemies with Changsheng Island.


This is the first time I've met you, Young Master Jun. I didn't expect you to be hostile to me. "

The smile on Prince Changsheng's face faded, but he was still calm.

"Don't you know what you people from Changsheng Island have done? Why bother pretending to be polite?" Jun Xiaoyao said bluntly.

Hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, everyone present was confused.

Only some of the leaders of the older generation of forbidden zones had a thoughtful look in their eyes.

"Young Master Jun, are you talking about the declining Sacred Physique Lineage?"

Prince Chang Sheng's words were very straightforward. He did not try to avoid the topic at all.

"Sacred Physique Lineage?"

Many people were confused.

However, some people also thought about how the Sacred Physique Lineage, which was originally prosperous, suddenly declined.

The Sacred Physique Lineage declined because of two things.

One was the Heavenly Path Shackles.

The other was the Sacred Physique Curse.

The Heavenly Path Shackles naturally limited the growth of the Sacred Physique of the Ancients.

The Sacred Physique Curse, on the other hand, made it impossible for the Sacred Physique of the Ancients to meet a good end. In the end, they would either die suddenly, go crazy, or mysteriously disappear.

"So, it was you guys."

There was a hint of coldness in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

"So, Young Master Jun's enmity is because of such a small matter."

"The lineage of the Divine Physique tried in vain to defy the heavens. They shouldn't exist in this world. Their decline is also reasonable."

"Moreover, Young Master Jun seems to have transformed into a quasi-Inborn Saintly Being. The Saintly Being shouldn't mean anything to you, right?"

"Why does Young Master Jun need to pursue the truth of the dust-covered matter?"

Prince Chang Sheng's tone was indifferent and light.

The lineage of the Saintly Being had been suffering for a long time.

In his words, it sounded so light, as if it was only natural.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes slowly turned cold.

It was rare for his mood to fluctuate and become angry.

But now, he felt that it was unfair.

He thought of the desolate Desolation Temple.

He thought of the Wu Hu who had been enduring humiliation.

There was also the pitiful Ning Chen, little Xuan Xuan, and the three hundred palace guards.

They were all victims.

This was the Sacred Physique Lineage that had once devoted itself to protecting the Immortal Realm and calming the chaos.

In Prince Chang Sheng's eyes, they deserved to be in decline.

"It seems that the people of Chang Sheng Island think that they have done the right thing."

Jun Xiaoyao was expressionless, and there was no warmth in his tone.

"Isn't that so?"

"The Sacred Physique Lineage can't recognize reality."

"Every generation of the Sacred Physique Lineage tried in vain to stop the great purge. They overestimated themselves."

"You …"

Hearing Prince Chang Sheng's words.

Yan Ru Meng, Ye Guchen, and the others all looked extremely cold.

The Sacred Physique Lineage had made great contributions to the Immortal Realm.

Every generation of the Sacred Physique Lineage tried their best to turn the tide and stop the great turmoil.

But in Prince Chang Sheng's eyes, they were overestimating themselves.

This made their eyes filled with killing intent.

Prince Chang Sheng looked calm and reserved.

But in fact, he was even more disgusting than Wang Yan, Gu Qianmie, and the others.

"Well, in that case, I will also let you experience pain that is even worse than the Sacred Physique Lineage."

Jun Xiaoyao said word by word.

He meant what he said.

Prince Chang Sheng's face also turned completely cold.

"I wanted to make friends, but now it seems that it's impossible."

"Those who don't give me face, I will let them know what regret is."

On the side, the Goddess of Chang Sheng's beautiful eyes were also filled with cold ridicule.

"The Emperor is willing to lower his status and give you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. How ignorant …"

As soon as the Goddess of Chang Sheng spoke.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say anything.

Ajiu, who was beside him, had her hair floating.

Her double pupils emitted a cold light, and chaotic light surged. When she opened and closed, it was as if the sun and the moon were rotating.

"No one has the right to say such things to the Young Master!"

Ajiu's protection of Jun Xiaoyao was needless to say.

"Oh, the man with double pupils?" Prince Chang Sheng revealed a strange expression.

A woman with such talent and strength was actually willing to be a protector.

Being suppressed by Ajiu's aura, the Goddess of Chang Sheng immediately felt oppressed.

And that was not all.

On the other side, Ye Guchen also took a step forward. An awe-inspiring sword will burst out, overwhelming the Goddess of Chang Sheng!

"B * tch, if you say one more word, your life will be in danger!"

His cold words resounded outside the Ultimate Ruin!

Ye Guchen's words could be said to be even more simple and crude. He didn't give the Goddess of Chang Sheng any face!

The friend and opponent that Ye Guchen respected was not for a b * tch to criticize!

Everyone was stunned!

Why were the people around Jun Xiaoyao stronger than the other?

"You …"

The Goddess of Chang Sheng's expression also changed slightly.

She was the number one beauty of the nine heavens, but she was actually called a b * tch.

Blue veins were bulging on her fair forehead.

That kind of detachment and peace was difficult to maintain.

However, she vaguely felt an intimidating will pressing down on her.

She seemed to have seen a supreme figure who wielded a sword in the nine heavens and dominated the world!

That figure caused her to be incomparably terrified!

This made the Goddess of Chang Sheng's face turn pale.

During this period of time, Ye Guchen had been cultivating in the sword tomb. His speed of improvement was extremely terrifying.

In addition, he had comprehended the Selfless Sword Path. Now, even if he were to fight against Lord Xuan, he would not be afraid at all!

Seeing this, Prince Chang Sheng slightly blocked in front of the Goddess of Chang Sheng, and the pressure instantly disappeared.

In his eyes, runes flowed, and they were very deep. He looked at Ye Guchen and said.

"Could it be related to that person in the sword tomb? However, my people are not someone you can touch."

On this side, Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly and said.

"Everyone, don't be angry because of me and drag down the situation."

"If you encounter a clamoring bug, just find an opportunity to crush it. There's no need to argue too much."

Jun Xiaoyao couldn't be bothered with the Goddess of Chang Sheng's clamor.

He would deal with this pair of b * tches in the Ultimate Ruin.

He would let them experience the dangers of the world.

Jun Xiaoyao wanted to use the most humiliating and painful way to make Prince Chang Sheng go crazy and die in despair!

He meant what he said!