
1427 A second Sword God Dugu is not allowed to appear.

The gathering of the three young masters of the Sea of Reincarnation undoubtedly pushed the atmosphere to the extreme.

The Third Young Master of the Sea of Samsara, Xuan Mo, ranked 14th on the Nine Heavens Dragon Phoenix List.

The second young master of the Sea of Samsara, Xuan Li, was ranked eleventh on the Dragon-phoenix List of the Nine Heavens.

The First Young Master of the Samsara Sea, Xuan Mi, ranked seventh on the Nine Heavens Dragon Phoenix List.

Don't be fooled by their low rankings.

But these three great young lords each possessed a piece of emperor bone of the same origin.

If the three of them worked together, even top talents like Wang Yan, the Rainbow Taoist and the Fiend Lord Gu Qianmie would have a headache.

At this moment, Xuan Mi appeared, but he did not look at Ye Gu Chen immediately.

Instead, he looked at Jun Xiaoyao with deep eyes, as if he was sizing up something.

Seeing Xuan Mi's attitude, many people in the surroundings muttered.

This wedding banquet probably had an ulterior motive.

Perhaps the true target of the Sea of Reincarnation was not Ye Guchen, but Jun Xiaoyao.

After all, if there was only Ye Gu Chen, Xuan Mi, the Eldest Young Master, did not need to show up.

Jun Xiaoyao was the only one who was qualified to have the three young masters of the Sea of Reincarnation take action at the same time.

After helping Xuan Li resist this sword attack.

Xuan Mo looked at Jun Xiaoyao with cold eyes.

He still couldn't forget it.

When they were in the Immortal Mausoleum's Three Immortal Caves.

Jun Xiaoyao beat him up like a dead dog, making him look extremely pathetic and humiliated.

Now, he finally had a chance to avenge himself.

Of course, there needed to be a reason for Jun Xiaoyao to act.

Ye Gu Chen was the best reason for that.

That was why everything had been set up to target Jun Xiaoyao from the very beginning.

The so-called Ye Gu Chen was just an excuse for Xuan Li to take revenge.

But now, not only had he failed to take revenge, he had even lost face.

This made Xuan Li a little angry.

Today, he must defeat Ye Gu Chen!

Xuan Li's eyes met Xuan Mo's.

As three brothers, their hearts were connected. They didn't even need to speak too much to understand each other's thoughts.

The next moment!

Xuan Li and Xuan Mo attacked Ye Gu Chen together!

"You're shameless!"

Seeing this scene, Situ Xue couldn't help but shout, her jade-like hands clenched tightly.

However, she was the only one present who dared to say such a thing.

The other guests remained silent.

Xuan Mo sneered and said, "We three brothers are one. Why can't we fight?"


Situ Xue was so angry that her delicate body was trembling.

She then looked at Jun Xiaoyao.

The only one present who was capable and willing to help Ye Guchen was Jun Xiaoyao.

"Young Master Jun, I beg you …"

Situ Xue wanted to say something, but Jun Xiaoyao cut her off.

"Lady Situ, don't worry. Brother Ye's strength is not that simple."

If the three Young Lords were to attack together, the outcome would be uncertain.

However, Jun Xiaoyao believed that Ye Guchen would be able to handle the current situation.

As expected, facing Xuan Li and Xuan Mo.

Ye Guchen's expression was still cold.

Without saying a word, he attacked again!

Xuan Li and Xuan Mo also attacked at the same time.

As for Xuan Mi, he stood indifferently in space and had no intention of making a move for now.

His eyes were more focused on Jun Xiaoyao than anything else.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao was the main target.

On this side, the battle between the three began again.

Xuan Mo's arm glowed as he activated the power of the Great Emperor's Hand Bone.

Xuan Li's chest glowed as the power of the Emperor Realm Sternum burst forth.

What was even more strange was …

The power between the two of them seemed to resonate.

The power of the Great Emperor's Hand Bone and the Emperor Realm Sternum seemed to be increasing each other.

The aura that was originally very powerful became even more terrifying!

"As expected, the two Young Lords of the Reincarnation Sea are so strong when they attack at the same time."

"It's rumored that when the three Young Lords attack at the same time, even the top five geniuses of the Dragon and Phoenix List of the Nine Heavens would have a headache. This is true."

Everyone present was even more concerned.

However, what was surprising was that Ye Guchen was not in a state of being suppressed.

He used his extreme speed, and the sword light flashed across the sky. He wanted to separate the two of them so that it would be difficult for them to join forces.

At the same time, his aura burst out as if he was the reincarnation of an ancient sword god. The Sword of Begging for Defeat had an earth-shattering edge!

"Eh, how could …"

Xuan Mi's attention returned to Ye Guchen.

There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Guchen's performance reminded him of the peerless taboo of the Sword Tomb.

When that taboo existed, the Sword Tomb's prestige was unparalleled.

Even an incomparably ancient forbidden area like the Reincarnation Sea was a little afraid.

That taboo was Sword God Dugu!

The period when Sword God Dugu existed was also the most prosperous period of the Sword Tomb.

In fact, that Sword God Dugu had even brought quite a bit of trouble to these old forbidden areas.

Longevity Island, Reincarnation Sea, Emperor Fall Divine Mountain, and other forbidden areas were all very afraid of Sword God Dugu.

"The Sword Tomb will never allow a second Sword God Dugu to appear …"

A cold killing intent flashed in Xuan Mi's eyes.

If there was a chance this time, he might be able to kill Ye Guchen.

Even if he was a little afraid because of his identity as the successor of the Sword Tomb.

However, if he was crippled, the Sword Tomb would not really fight to the death with the Reincarnation Sea although they would be angry.

However, before that, there was still a problem that needed to be solved.

Naturally, it was Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao obviously could not just watch Ye Guchen die or be crippled.

On this side, Jun Xiaoyao also noticed the killing intent that flashed in Xuan Mi's eyes.

"Are you starting to be afraid of Brother Ye? Are you afraid that another Sword God Dugu will appear in the Sword Tomb?" Jun Xiaoyao sneered in his heart.

It seemed that the Jiutian and Ten Forbidden Areas were not monolithic.

There were even deep conflicts between some of the forbidden areas.

And this was also an opportunity for Jun Xiaoyao.

If possible, he would also rope in some of the forbidden areas.

Just as Xuan Mi and Jun Xiaoyao were thinking about different things.

On the other side of the battle.

Xuan Li was once again repelled, and blood spilled from his mouth.

Xuan Mo was also repelled, and there was a hint of shock and anger in his eyes.

The two of them joined forces, but they were still unable to suppress Ye Guchen.

Instead, they were injured by Ye Guchen.

"It seems that two whetstones are not enough. The three of you, come at me together!"

Ye Guchen's words made everyone present a little stunned.

As expected of someone by Jun Xiaoyao's side.

All of them were as arrogant as Jun Xiaoyao.

However, Ye Guchen did have the right to be arrogant.

Everyone had witnessed his strength.

Many people even wondered if this would be another Sword God Dugu.

"If that's the case, I'll fulfill your wish!"

A hint of coldness flashed in Xuan Mi's eyes.

He just couldn't find a reason to attack, and Ye Guchen's words were what he wanted.

As Xuan Mi joined the battle, the situation changed.

The aura of the three brothers completely merged, and their power multiplied.

Their aura had climbed to the Mystique Venerable Level!

"Their aura has crossed a major level. How terrifying!"

Feeling the aura, everyone present was shocked.

Situ Xue was even more nervous and looked worried.

Jun Xiaoyao was still calm, as if he was in control of the situation.

At this time, a female disguised as a man slipped in. She had red lips and white teeth, and delicate features.

It was Kun Lingyu, who had greeted Jun Xiaoyao once before.

"It seems that I haven't missed the show. I didn't expect the three brothers of the Sea of Reincarnation to appear at the same time."

"Even my brother would have a headache fighting against the three of them together."

Kun Lingyu's beautiful eyes also looked interested as she watched the battle.