
1418 A Soul Reincarnated in the Guise of a Nameless Hero

"The legend of swordsmanship, Sword God Dugu!"

Both Jun Xiaoyao and Ye Guchen were shocked when they heard John Doe's words.

The Sword Catacomb had always had powerful swordsmen who were famous throughout the nine heavens.

However, there was only one person in the Sword Catacomb who could be called a legend of swordsmanship since ancient times.

It was Sword God Dugu!

Legend of swordsmanship, these four words were extremely important!

It was definitely not a title that ordinary people could bear.

One had to know that a title wasn't just a title, it also contained fate in the unseen world.

For example, Jun Xiaoyao was known as the number one person of the younger generation.

That also meant that countless people would come to challenge Jun Xiaoyao and seize his title and destiny.

Being able to bear the title of a legend of swordsmanship in itself meant that Sword God Dugu was definitely a madman who defied the heavens.

"Sword God Dugu …"

Ye Guchen fell into a daze when he heard these four words.

He recalled the fragmented illusion that appeared in his mind when he first arrived at the Sword Catacomb.

A man in black with a domineering aura, holding a three-foot-long green sword, faced some vast figures who seemed to have come from the end of myths.

Was that man Sword God Dugu?

But …

What did Sword God Dugu have to do with him?

In his previous life, he was Sword Demon Dugu Wubai.

He also had Dugu as his surname.

Could it be that this was the karma that was destined?

Hearing this, Jun Xiaoyao also slightly cupped his hands and asked.

"Senior John Doe, what is the relationship between Sword God Dugu and Brother Ye?"

John Doe only sighed when he heard this.

"Sword God Dugu's personality is too unyielding, just like his Sword Begging for Defeat."

"This is … the sword used by Sword God Dugu."

Ye Guchen looked at the Sword Seeking Defeat in his hand and was in a daze for a moment.

This wooden sword that seemed to come from the same bloodline as him was Sword God Dugu's sword.

That meant …

"Yes, you … are Sword God Dugu!"

As soon as John Doe finished speaking, he stared straight at Ye Guchen.

At this moment, the entire Sword Catacomb seemed to tremble.

Jun Xiaoyao also cast a surprised look at Ye Guchen.

At first, he thought that Ye Guchen might be related to some big shot in the Sword Catacomb.

Perhaps they were related by blood, or perhaps they were the descendants of reincarnation.

Who would have thought that Ye Guchen was Sword God Dugu?

However, there must be a secret behind this.

How could the Solitary Sword God, who once dominated the Nine Heavens and was known as a legend of the Sword Dao, become the Sword Demon of the Immortal Domain, and then reincarnate as Ye Guchen?

Even Ye Guchen himself was confused, let alone Jun Xiaoyao.

Wu Ming said when he saw the confusion in their eyes.

"I presume all of you are clearly aware that my Sword Tomb is different from the other restricted areas, and we have never participated in any unrest."

"Indeed." Jun Xiaoyao nodded.

This was one of the reasons why he had a good impression of the Sword Tomb.

"Then, what if this old man says that not only did the Sword Tomb not participate in the turmoil, but it even stopped the turmoil?" Wu Ming asked.


Jun Xiaoyao was extremely surprised.

Although not all of the Nine Heavens and Ten Great Forbidden Areas would participate in the chaos, the Nine Heavens and Ten Great Forbidden Areas wouldn't all participate in the chaos.

But even if they didn't participate, they wouldn't stop it either.

He only knew how to watch from the sidelines.

After all, if he stopped it, he would definitely be viewed with hostility by the other restricted areas.

It would be very difficult to survive in the Nine Heavens.

"Senior, do you mean that Sword God Dugu …" Jun Xiaoyao said.

"That's right. Sword God Dugu once stopped the turmoil, but it was above the Nine Heavens, so it wasn't known by the Immortal Domain," Wu Ming said.

"I see."

Jun Xiaoyao also didn't expect that Sword God Dugu had once stopped the turmoil.

"I see."

Ye Guchen also came to a realization.

In the fragment of his previous consciousness.

That figure, which was Sword God Dugu, once said that the officiant should not exist in the world.

Could it be that he was stopping the turmoil?

And the officiant might be the initiator of the turmoil.

"Senior, what kind of existence is the officiant?" Ye Guchen suddenly asked.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed secretly!

Why would the word officiant come out of Ye Guchen's mouth?

Wu Ming's expression froze, and a rare solemn expression appeared on his face.

As the foundation of the Sword Tomb, Wu Ming showed such an expression, which showed how important the word officiant was.

"Unfathomable, unmeasurable, infinite power, a supreme taboo."

The word "nothing" spoke of the mystery and power of the officiant!

Hearing this, Jun Xiaoyao's eyes had a strange look.

He also signed in a officiant's order.

Could it be that he was also an officiant?

Jun Xiaoyao had already confirmed it through the five words on the officiant's order.

There were at least five officiants.

Wu Ming continued, "I can't reveal too much about the specific situation. The karma involved is too deep."

"The officiant can't talk about it casually."

What Wuming said made Jun Xiaoyao's eyes turn a little solemn.

It seemed that the officiant was indeed terrifying.

Even if he talked too deeply, it might affect some kind of karma.

"But what I can tell you is that the officiant is the source of the purge," Wu Ming said.

In the Nine Heavens, great turmoil was not called great turmoil.

Instead, it was called a great purge.

It had to be said that this was a kind of irony for the Immortal Domain.

It was clearly a chaotic slaughter, the blood of billions of living beings.

In the Nine Heavens, it was called a great purge.

"Back then, Sword God Dugu challenged the officiant with his own strength."

"Although he couldn't completely stop the turmoil, he made the officiant pay the price."

"But in the end, his soul was destroyed and his primordial spirit collapsed."

"Only his incomplete physical body and a wooden sword fell from the land of the ultimate."

"It was also because of this that the sword tomb no longer interfered in any matters related to the turmoil."

"We originally thought that the legend of Sword God Dugu had already ended."

"But we didn't expect that there was still a wisp of his soul that hadn't been destroyed. It fell into the Immortal Domain and entered the cycle of reincarnation."

"That wisp of soul is you, Ye Guchen!"

Wu Ming looked at Ye Guchen.

Ye Guchen's thoughts froze at this moment.

He was a wisp of Sword God Dugu's soul?

"But … why?" Ye Guchen was puzzled.

Wu Ming continued, "Logically speaking, it is indeed impossible for Sword God Dugu to leave behind a wisp of his soul."

"Although he is a legend of the sword path, he faced more than one officiant."

"But I think that this wisp of soul may be Sword God Dugu's immortal and indestructible obsession."

"His obsession doesn't allow him to fall like this."

"Thousands of tribulations, thousands of difficulties, ancient times in a hurry, Sword God will eventually return!"

At this point, even Wu Ming couldn't help but have a hint of fanaticism in his tone.

As the spirit of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Artifact.

He looked forward to the day when the Heavenly Sword would once again be held in the hands of Sword God Dugu!

After listening to Wu Ming's words.

Jun Xiaoyao also sighed.

He didn't expect to be able to come into contact with such a secret.

Sword God Dugu could indeed be considered a nameless hero.

After all, in the Immortal Domain, as long as it was an expert who had stopped the turmoil, they would leave their names in history and be respected by tens of thousands of people.

For example, the ancient chaos and the endless, they were still worshipped by countless creatures in the Immortal Domain.

As for Sword God Dugu, he was above the nine heavens to stop the turmoil, so he was not known by the creatures in the Immortal Domain.

And the creatures in the nine heavens were also on the side of the life forbidden zone. Naturally, they wouldn't like Sword God Dugu, let alone praise his name.

Sword God Dugu, such a hero who had once turned the tide and stopped the officiant.

But he was unknown.

It had to be said that it made people sigh.