
1411 A top-notch Sword Dao Divine Ability, so fast that it could freeze time.

Even a powerhouse like the Seventh Swordsman was confused.

He wondered why no one knew that Jun Xiaoyao was so talented in the art of the sword.

Why didn't anyone say that he was a one-in-a-million sword genius?

The Seventh Swordsman thought for a moment and immediately figured it out.

That was because Jun Xiaoyao had too many shining points about him.

He had an unparalleled physical body, a terrifying Sacred Body of the Ancients, and later, a Sacred Body of the Way.

There was also the Chaotic Body.

His primordial spirit was also extremely freakish, an unparalleled anomaly throughout the ages.

Under the cover of these halos.

His so-called talent in the Way of the Sword was completely covered up.

It was not that Jun Xiaoyao was not talented in swordsmanship.

It was because he was too strong in other areas.

"This is ridiculous." Even the Seventh Swordsman could not help but sigh.

To be honest, even someone of his temperament could not help but feel jealous of Jun Xiaoyao's talents.

For ordinary cultivators, a single talent was enough to make them famous.

As a result, even the most inconspicuous aspect of Jun Xiaoyao's talent in the way of the sword far surpassed that of many geniuses of the sword.

The Seventh Swordsman even felt that …

In terms of Sword Principle.

If Jun Xiaoyao were to seriously study it, he would definitely not be weaker than Ye Guchen.

Even now, he was not inferior to Ye Gu Chen.

This was the result of Jun Xiaoyao not deliberately cultivating the way of the sword.

"What kind of monster did the Jun Family give birth to?"

Seventh Swordsman could not help but sigh.

Down below, Jun Xiaoyao broke the eye of the Ancient Sword Formation of Heaven-Annihilation with a move called The Amitabha Cut.

Even the Sword Emperor's Son, King Hun, Xuan Li, and the others would struggle to break free from the formation within a short period of time.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, felt nothing.

He directly suppressed the nine-colored sword soul and refined it into the Daluo Sword Embryo.

On the body of the Everlasting Sword Embryo, the immortal-like patterns seemed to have become clearer.

At the same time, the edge of the blade that had never been sharpened seemed to have become sharper.

The Daluo Sword Embryo's appearance before was extremely crude, like a piece of unpolished jade.

And now, it was finally starting to look like a Sword Embryo.

"Soon, if I absorb the Sword Emperor's Son …" Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

When he clashed with Sword Emperor, the Daluo Sword Embryo reacted.

Jun Xiaoyao knew that the Sword Emperor's Son's true form would have been extremely helpful to the Daluo Sword Embryo's metamorphosis.

Therefore, killing and refining the Sword Emperor's son was a must.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't care at all about the severe consequences that might result.

"Since it's a sword array, there should be some sort of inheritance within it."

After refining the nine-colored sword spirit, Jun Xiaoyao continued to explore it.

Suddenly, he saw a tablet in the center of the ruins.

There was only a clean sword mark on the monument.

That sword mark seemed eternal, and it was even suffused with a trace of the faint aura of time.


Jun Xiaoyao's eyes lit up slightly.

Previously, he had comprehended the Sword Dao Divine Ability on the stone wall with a single glance.

But to him, it wasn't very attractive.

However, the sword scar before his eyes was clearly different. It should be the inheritance left behind by an extremely powerful ancestor of the Sword Tomb.

"A faint aura of time …"

Jun Xiaoyao was savoring the taste.

What did this mean?

It meant that this sword strike was so fast that it seemed to be able to stop time!

Among all the martial arts in the world, only speed was unbeatable.

It was the same for sword techniques.

As long as one was fast enough, even a wooden sword could cut off the galaxy and tear the universe apart.

The sword move left behind on the stone tablet was the embodiment of the word "fast" to the extreme.

It was so fast that it could stop time. How mysterious was that?

Moreover, Jun Xiaoyao felt that if this sword move was combined with his Amitabha Slash.

It would be even more magical!

If the Amitabha Slash was used, blood would be stained when the sword was drawn. It was basically impossible to dodge.

This sword move was so fast that it seemed to be able to stop time.

One could imagine if these two sword moves were combined.

It would be a sword that was so fast that it would be impossible to dodge.

Wasn't it terrifying?

"Not bad. This is the Sword Dao Divine Ability that I need." Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly.

He really didn't care about the Sword Dao Divine Ability before, but this move was not bad.

Afterward, Jun Xiaoyao also sat in front of the stone tablet and began to comprehend.

After all, this sword move was of the same level as the Amitabha Slash.

No matter how monstrous Jun Xiaoyao was, it was impossible for him to completely comprehend it at a glance.

Therefore, it still took some time.

Of course, this little bit of time, if placed on other geniuses, might take a few years, a decade, or even decades to comprehend.

"It seems that the Sword Dao Divine Ability of Tianjue Sword God is going to be obtained by Jun Xiaoyao."

In the void, Seventh Swordsman muttered to himself when he saw this scene.

In the beginning, he would never have thought that someone could comprehend Tianjue Sword God's Divine Ability in a short period of time.

But now, after seeing Jun Xiaoyao's monstrous talent, Seventh Swordsman actually felt that it was a matter of course.

After that, a few days passed.

Those geniuses who entered the Sword Tomb, as long as they didn't withdraw voluntarily or die for some reason.

More or less, they all had some gains.

Even Yan Ru Meng had gained a lot.

She had comprehended a Sword Dao Illusory Formation, which happened to be compatible with her Way of Illusion of Skydream Butterfly.

Sword Emperor's Son, King Hun, and other top geniuses naturally also gained something.

Especially Sword Emperor's Son.

After all, he was a Sword Dao genius.

In this Sword Tomb, to him, he was like a fish in water.

His originally formidable strength also rose along with the tide.

He also became more and more confident in suppressing Jun Xiaoyao.

Of course, there were also geniuses who failed.

For example, Xuan Li could only leave the Sword Tomb after being severely injured by Ye Guchen.

But obviously, he wouldn't let it go so easily.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Jun Xiaoyao, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the stone tablet, finally opened his eyes slowly.

In an instant, the time around him seemed to have frozen for a moment.

"The Splendor of Fleeting Moment is indeed an extremely intricate sword technique," Jun Xiaoyao mumbled.

In the past half a month, he had finally comprehended the sword move completely.

The name of this sword move was called Fleeting Youth.

Everything in the world was fleeting, like a fleeting moment of youth, a fleeting moment of fireworks.

And this sword move was to extract the essence of it.

The speed of the sword move was so fast that it was like a fleeting moment of youth in the world.

Jun Xiaoyao controlled the Daluo Sword Embryo and casually slashed out.

A dazzling sword light appeared.

The moment the sword light appeared, time seemed to have stopped.

Of course, this wasn't really time stopping.

If one really wanted to stop time, even an ordinary Great Emperor would find it difficult to do so.

Even a stronger Great Emperor could only affect a small area of time for a short period of time.

Only a Mythical Emperor was qualified to explore the long river of time.

Although Jun Xiaoyao was a monster, it was impossible for him to affect time now.

This was an illusion.

That was because the sword light was simply too fast.

That was why it gave people the feeling that time seemed to have stopped.

It was as if the speed had reached the speed of light, and everything around it seemed to have stopped.

The sword light landed on the stone tablet almost at the same time it was shot out.

There was no sound of explosion.

The stone tablet was directly split into two.

The fracture was as smooth as a mirror.

Since the inheritance had been obtained, there was no need for this ruin to exist.