
All the Hounds of Hell

Eveline is part of the famed Blakemore pack, jet-setting around the world as an ambassador until she suddenly come upon her newfound mate, and she will have to choose beeen career, family and love. Darren is the fourth son of an Alpha, without prospect for a career, title, money, nothing but a bloodline, until a girl from afar gives him the opportunity to reshape his future. Kaden is the infamous Hellhound at the head of a powerful pack until challenge comes at a dangerous price, while the fact that he never found his mate is slowly killing him. Mishka is a lone wolf going from job to job, a hired gun, mercenary. You pay, he'll do. Until opportunity strikes for a change and joining force might become the better

Lyv_Aiken · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 25 - Are You Asking Me?

— Kaden —

I was in my office with my Beta Jayson, my Gammas Nathan and Henry, and my Delta Marcus. I had insisted on Tahmina to take a few days off with Benedict. He hadn't been seriously injured, but they were awaiting a child, and in the incoming days, there would be a lot for Benedict to take care of. In the meantime, I had a few people pick up the slack to let them recharge.

Brandon was in a corner taking notes about everything. I'd also told Eva to take a few days off with Darren. So the office was a couple of women short.

On the up side, there was officially no major damage on any of the buildings but Celia. And other than a few isolated incidents, it wasn't enough to require contact with the insurance company.

We sorted out details about the aftermath of the earthquake, and most specifically to the Celia office. When I dismissed the meeting, I asked for Henry to stay behind.

I waited for them to leave and Brandon closed the door behind him, leaving Henry and I alone together.

"Have you talked to Junior?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said. "I think Hank is gonna go with him, he just hasn't decided yet."

"So, he still doesn't want to be Gamma?"

"He's never shown interest, and it's not gonna change soon." He sighed. "I know I sprung my resignation on you and I can stretch things out to help, but I'm in my mid-sixties, and I'm not as sharp as I used to be. I'm ready for retirement."

"You might not have to stretch it too long. I think I might have found someone."

"Really?" he asked hopeful.

"I haven't talked to him yet, and there might be a training period. But we'll see."

We chatted a little, and ended the meeting soon after.

I send a text, then went to the massive pile of papers I had to sign.

I had been away a lot this month, and with what was happening around Monaweard, it seemed like I'm gonna be away some more.

Thank the night for delegation of tasks to a large team or this would be falling apart. Even more than they already are, I mean.

There were two deaths from the crane crash. I was paying for the funerals, of course, and all the injuries too. All those who went to Blakeden hospital, it was easy, I could just waver the cost. But for those that went elsewhere, I had to deal with the paperwork. And a shit ton of checks to write. And there was litigation against the building owners and construction company that caused this mess.

I would probably leave next week or the week after. I couldn't delay this paperwork much longer. I wanted this mess in Monaweard dealt with so I could move on. So I had to take care of this crisis before then. If all went right, next month, both issues would be dealt with and the repairs on my office building would be underway. So all would be done before winter came.

I was neck deep in legal papers when there was a knock at my door.

"Yes," I said not looking up.

"Hi, you wanted to talk to me?"

I looked up. Darren was in the doorway. I looked at my clock, it was past nine.

"I told you you could come later this week. There's no emergency."

"Yeah, well. I prefer taking care of things right away."

I nodded in approval.

"Okay," I said, putting my papers aside. "Sit," I told him, gesturing at the chair in front of my desk.

He sat.

"I have a few questions for you first, if you don't mind."


"You okay to get back to work soon?"

"Yeah. I'm good." He looked at me. "Better."

I nodded.

"Back in your pack, did you receive Alpha training, or was it just your eldest brother?"

He looked a little surprised at the question.

"Some. Michael received all of it. Fred and Kevin had a lot covered. Tim and Max and I, got the basics." He scratched his chin, he hadn't shaved in a day or two, stubble were starting to appear. "I was exposed to a lot of it, but formerly trained, not that much. Why?" he asked suspiciously.

"I saw how you operated during the incident," I said leaning back on my chair. "You have a good head on your shoulders. I know you organized some of the rescue operations before the first responders came. You got some people out. You didn't panic. I know it was rough," I added, looking him in the eyes. "You looked pretty out of it. You think you can handle more difficult situations, or you think this is enough?"

He thought for a few seconds. "I never really had issues with stressful situations." He hesitated. "I'm not sure I could deal with bodies on a day to day basis, though."

I nodded, thinking.

"Why?" he asked again.

"I'm not sure what to do with you," I said truthfully. "You seem competent enough. I talked to your supervisor, you do good work, and can handle big workload."

"Is that why my workload kept increasing?" he asked. "You were testing me?"

"I had nothing to do with that. I don't micromanage my businesses, and you're always allowed to say you have enough, you never said it."

He thought about it.

"Well, first," I said. "If you want to become a full member of any of my packs, you can. You've earned it. Though, I would not recommend Redclaw, they like to keep it in between werecoyotes."

"You have a werecoyotes pack?" he asked incredulous.

"Sure, I also have a Werejaguar pack."

He blinked. "I didn't though werejaguars had packs."

"They generally don't, and they don't have territories like we do either. But there was enough of them to create a pack, it made it easier to be represented, but they don't have land. There were problems with getting too close to one another. Especially the males. So they're strewed all over my territories."

"Wow," he said. "I've barely wrapped my head about how diverse is Blakeden. I didn't think other species could be more than guests."

"Then can and they are. We have some Werebears, two families of werecats, a bunch of weredogs, a bunch of hybrids … not all of them have dedicated packs. But I don't judge much."

He nodded.

"Does that bother you?" I asked him.

"Not at all," he said. "I think it's pretty cool, actually."

"You have a preference, for a pack?" I asked him.

"I don't really. I mean, I only know of Blakemore and Blakewoods. I'd like to be in the same one as Eva, if possible, but she said it's mostly for ranked members and such. So whatever you choose should be fine."

"It could be possible in Blakemore," I said pensively. "Actually, I have a situation, maybe you could do something about it. Help each other."

"Sure," he said right away.

"Henry is one of my Gammas. He's 67, he has a bum knee, and is getting old. He wants to retire. His only son, as never shown any interest in taking his place. He found his mate last month, some guy from another pack. And his mate is not ready to relocate. So, not unlike you, he's considering moving for his mate. Which would take him out of the equation permanently. And it leaves me with one less Gamma."

He froze. Blinking at me. "Are you asking me to take the position?" he asked carefully.

"I'm saying you have shown potential since you've been here. My sister speaks highly of you, and not just in an infatuated way. Anyone who I've talked to so far had good things to say about you. I also spoke to your brother Michael."

"You did?" he asked surprised.

"I had a few questions for him."

"About me?"

"Among other things," I said. "He says you're one of the most reliable men he knows."

He beamed at me.

"You're still young though. You haven't finished your degree either."

"A few weeks is all that's left," he said.

I nodded.

I straightened up and put my hand in a steeple on my desk, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I'm ready to offer an opportunity. What you do with it is up to you."

— Darren —

"I offer the possibility of becoming Gamma of Blakemore. It comes with a lot of responsibilities, and a membership," Kaden said.

My eyes were a little wide.

"Henry, would be the one to train you. If he sees faults in you, you're out. If I come to believe you're not fit for this, you're out. If any other ranked members have a problem, they get a vote," he said seriously. "And there are conditions. First, you must finish your accounting degree. Then you have two years—it can be done part-time if you wish—to finish your business degree. I talked to your Uni, there is not that much left, and you can get it transferred here.

Second, there will be a three-month trial, where you will be trained every day, starting now. It will be a seven days a week job, until you're done with accounting, then you will manage your schedule at your leisure while you finish the other degree. You will receive partial salary, until you make full Gamma. There is a three-year period where the contract can be broken if there is a problem. After that, it's considered your career until retirement, or incapacitation. You will be entitled to lodging and other benefits only once you have full title. Any questions or objections so far?"

"None," I just said, still in shock.

"You're entitled to one last day off tomorrow, then it is expected of you to start right away with Henry. When operations restart at the office, you will be able to return there until completion. A position in Blakemore can be more demanding than that of a regular pack."

"How does the hierarchy work?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Blakemore is in charge of other packs, right?"

"Correct. Though, those packs are technically of Blakemore."

"Okay. So I get I'm under you and your Beta. I know you have another Gamma so that mean equal power, unless seniority counts. But I'd be above your two Deltas. But what about the ranked member of the under-packs? Will those Alphas outrank me? I'm I the equivalent of their Gammas, or it's different because I��m Gamma of Blakemore?"

"Right," he said. "First, in most matters, you and Nathan, my other Gamma, will have the same authority, but in matters of conflict, or votes, his seniority will count until you've gone through your first three years. And for the under-packs, you have more, equal and less power. It depends on the situation. In an example, if I give an order, and one of the Alphas want to defy it, you have the authority to represent me in this matter and outrank them. When it comes to general voting in an assembly, your vote will have the same value as one of my Alpha, more than one of their Betas or Gammas, no more, no less, than one of mines. In matters relating to internal politics of one of the packs, the Alpha has full authorities, and unless it goes against one of my orders, or any of our laws, their decisions are absolute, and they outrank you. In such matters, I'm the only one who can veto over them, and I rarely do it."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Are you okay with those terms?" he asked me.

"Yes," I said.

"Don't you want to talk about it with Eva first?"

Oh. I didn't even think about her.

This offer was probably the best offer I could ever get in my entire life. Possibly even better than Alpha itself. I mean, I get pretty much a similar amount of power and responsibilities, but I'm not the head, which can take actually some pressure off.

"I should probably talk to her," I said.

"For your own sake, I would recommend it. She doesn't deal well with people keeping her out of the loop, or making decision that affects her, for her."

I nodded. "I will. I supposed I have a day or two to give you an answer?"

"Sure. But the faster the better. I'd prefer if you gave your answer by the day after tomorrow. My schedule is pretty full this week."

"I bet it is," I said. "How are you coping? I mean, how is it going with everything that's happened."

"Complicated to say the least, but not unmanageable."

I nodded. ���I haven't checked news much yesterday. Did others die." I lowered my eyes to his desk.

"No," he said. "Two dead. A few seriously injured, but they're out of danger now. Everyone else should be fine, in due time. I don't know about lasting effects yet."

I nodded again. "You don't seem fazed by much."

"I'm fazed. I'm seriously pissed," he said calmly. "This shouldn't have happened, and I'm gonna get heads for this. I don't tolerate much attacks on my people, through willing interventions or mere neglect, it doesn't matter."

"Well, you seem to manage it pretty well."

"I'm not made of stone, despite what some may say." He sighed. "But I have enough experience to know how to manage this."

I nodded.

"If you don't mind now, I'd like to go through this pile before midnight." He pointed at a ridiculously big pile of folders, and papers. I probably looked incredulously at him.