
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 227: It's important to save lives


"Is that the only way?"

Wang Ran was taken aback by Liu Shiyao's method.

She is just a...

"It can only be this way."

Liu Shiyao nodded.

In this situation, even if Ada is in a top research institute or hospital, there is no way to save her.

We can only rely on Wang Ran.

Wang Ran frowned.

If Tang Tang said this, Wang Ran still wanted to spit out a few words.

But the one who said this was Liu Shiyao, a serious scientist!

It looks like that's all it takes.

"Can you help me collect it and then feed it?"

Wang Ran asked.

"Probably not..."

"Her throat and esophagus are starting to shrink and I can't even feed blood."

"Forcibly feeding her could cause her to choke and damage her trachea."

"You figure it out."

"I guess it's not convenient for you to be here. I'll go out first and call me when I'm done."

Liu Shiyao walked out of the villa as she spoke.

The girls at the door were also scattered by Liu Shiyao.

Wang Ran looked at Ada lying on the hospital bed and sighed.

Now Ada is an adult, so she shouldn't be a beast.

Besides, this is to save people...

After a short period of psychological construction, Wang Ran gritted his teeth and gave up... LF

After two treatments, Wang Ran walked to the door and called Liu Shiyao in.

"Oh my God!"

"Ada... how did she get smaller???"

Liu Shiyao was shocked.

There is still some basis for growing up quickly. What is going on with becoming smaller?

Is it Conan?

Ada now looks a little younger than before, about fourteen or fifteen years old, sitting there rubbing her eyes.

"Did she get smaller after treatment or during treatment?"

Liu Shiyao suddenly glanced at Wang Ran with doubts in his eyes.

"what are you thinking!"

"Of course it became smaller after treatment!"

"I... am I that kind of person?"

Wang Ran said solemnly, his eyes drifted to one side involuntarily.

"I want to check her body, you go out first."

Liu Shiyao pushed Wang Ran out of the villa.

"Ada, how are you feeling now?"

Liu Shiyao asked while checking Ada's pupils with a flashlight.

"Sister glasses, I'm not uncomfortable anymore!"

"It seems to be quite comfortable, and the whole body is full of strength!"

Ada looked rather happy.

"I'll double-check it for you."

Liu Shiyao took out the syringe and began to draw blood.

After the blood was drawn, Liu Shiyao conducted a detailed body examination on Ada.

"There's nothing unusual about it..."

"Is it so amazing!"

Liu Shiyao muttered.

Ada's bones and muscles are fine.

Even the skin did not wrinkle due to the smaller body, it was still so smooth and firm.

"Sister glasses, can I go out to play?"

Ada asked with wide eyes.

She had been lying down for a long time, bored.

"No, you have to lie down until the results of my blood test come back!"

"If you don't obey, I'll let Wang Ran spank you!"

Liu Shiyao pretended to be murderous.


"Like just now?"

Ada's eyes lit up!

"You...was awake during the treatment just now?"

Liu Shiyao was stunned.

"Well, I woke up early!"

Ada smiled sweetly.

Liu Shiyao rubbed his temples.

Forget it, embarrassment is Wang Ran's embarrassment anyway, and Ada is fine.

"Lie down, I'll check your blood first."

As Liu Shiyao said that, she took the blood she had just drawn and walked outside.

As soon as Liu Shiyao left, the orangutan and Xiao Jin jumped over the wall.


The orangutan bent a finger and scratched his head.

How did Ada get smaller!

Are humans so weird? Sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller.

"Go out to play?"

The orangutan gestured to the outside.

Xiao Jin also made an effort to the outside with his mouth.

"Don't go, don't go!"

"Sister glasses said I need to rest, hey..."

Ada sighed.

The orangutan touched Ada's head, indicating that it was right to rest.

"By the way, you went outside to find big brother just now, was it fun?"

Ada looked up and asked.

The orangutan nodded and took a few steps back, then demonstrated how he beat those enemies.

In order to be realistic, the orangutan also grabbed Xiaojin and showed how it smashed people.

Kim: …

"Ah! I really want to go out and fight!"

"It's a pity big brother won't let it go!"

"Hey, he's going to spank me as soon as I go out."

Ada sighed.

The orangutan scratched his head, suddenly realized that he pointed at Xiaojin, and then made an action to hit Xiaojin.

"You mean throw the pot to Xiao Jin?"

"Oh, I've already tried it."

Ada sighed.

Xiao Jin looked at the orangutan with a puzzled expression.

Are we not comrades!

Why do you keep bugging me? ? ?

At this time, Wang Ran pushed open the door and entered.

Little Jin and the orangutan sat down honestly.

"Ada, how is it, is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Wang Ran looked a little embarrassed.

Hmm, it's really embarrassing.


"Yes, yes, I seem to be a little uncomfortable!"

"Ah, it's so uncomfortable, big brother, give me some treatment."

Ada said and gave the orangutan and Xiaojin a wink to tell them to leave quickly.

Wang Ran's face twitched.

Your acting skills...it's really bad.

"You have a good rest."

"I'll go to Shi Yao's side to find out the situation."

Wang Ran said and quickly left the villa.

For some reason, Wang Ran felt a strong sense of embarrassment whenever he was close to Ada.

Wang Ran quickly escaped into Liu Shiyao's laboratory.

Liu Shiyao is testing Ada's blood.


"Is there any problem with Ada?"

Wang Ran walked over and asked.

"I did a basic checkup, and there's really nothing wrong with my body."

"From the blood test, the virus concentration in the blood has also returned to normal."

"It should be fine for now."

"But to be on the safe side, I think you'll have to give her a supplement from time to time."

Liu Shiyao said seriously.


"Are you still coming?"

Wang Ran was shocked.

It was an emergency before, so it would be too embarrassing to come here...

"What? You can't do it anymore?"

Liu Shiyao helped her glasses and smiled wickedly.

This guy, Wang Ran, is always ruthless to himself, so why did he start cowardly when he met Ada.

tsk tsk...

"Damn, who are you saying can't do it!"

Wang Ran carried Liu Shiyao and threw her directly into the greenhouse.

It's up to you to speak with your actions...
