
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 22: What an energetic day

The next morning, Wang Ran woke up from his sleep refreshed.

Since there was no one else in the warehouse, Wang Ran has stopped sleeping in the tent.

The mattresses, pillows, quilts, etc. are quite complete here, and Wang Ran laid the floor directly in front of the big screen.

This makes it easier to watch what's going on in the monitor at any time.

"Master, it's time for breakfast!"

The well-behaved Lin Momo served steak and fried eggs.

The steak has been thinly sliced ​​and sprinkled with pepper.

The eggs are also half-boiled, the perfect state.

Lin Momo's cooking skills really have nothing to say.

"Master, let me feed you!"

Lin Momo leaned beside Wang Ran, used a fork to fork a piece of steak, and brought it to Wang Ran's mouth.


Wang Ran praised it immediately after eating a piece.

"Thank you for the compliment, master!"

"Then do I have a reward?"

Lin Momo asked with a blushing face.

"I always think you're tricking me, but I don't have any evidence..."

Wang Ran rubbed Lin Momo's little head.

Lin Momo continued to feed Wang Ran.

"Hey, what about Xiaoyu?"

"Where did you go early in the morning?"

Wang Ran asked curiously.

When I woke up today, I didn't see Su Xiaoyu.

"Miss Xiaoyu saw from the screen that a large number of zombies surrounded the warehouse."

"She went out early in the morning to clean up the zombies."

Lin Momo explained.


"You two are doing so well."

"I always feel that you have some purpose."

Wang Ran rubbed his waist.

Since the past two days and they have improved each other's strength, his waist seems to be much stronger.

It doesn't feel as sour as it did two days ago.

It's not impossible to give them some extra rewards occasionally...

Soon, Lin Momo finished Wang Ran's breakfast.

"Master, I'm going to wash the dishes."

Lin Momo got up and was about to leave, but Wang Ran grabbed her.


"Master, who are you?"

Lin Momo looked blank.

But soon, she understood.

The master is going to reward himself!

As soon as the plate was thrown and the quilt rolled up, Lin Momo got into the quilt directly.

Soon, Lin Momo's nightdress was thrown out of the bed.

This is followed by a large bra.

Then there is the fat times of a polka dot pattern.

Lin Momo in the quilt was cleaned up.

Lin Momo's face was so hot that he lay down on Wang Ran with his head down.

Stripped off as soon as it came up...it's too direct...


Lin Momo suddenly shuddered.

It hasn't even started yet...

Suddenly something stood up under her belly!

In the process of standing up, the pillar crossed Lin Momo's wet grass, causing Lin Momo to tremble.

"Master, this is too sudden..."

Lin Momo shrank down.

This time, the aggressive rubbing of sensitive parts is really terrible.

Today, Lin Momo didn't want to be stabbed and fainted like before.

Lin Momo shrank down like this, and the huge two lumps of meat were directly presented in front of Wang Ran.

Wang Ran stretched out a hand and squeezed one of the balls.

It feels so good!

Soft and elastic, the skin is smooth.

Wang Ran couldn't help rubbing it repeatedly.


"Master, take it easy..."

"Too sensitive to say..."

Lin Momo pleaded softly.

She's sensitive everywhere, it's terrible.

Wang Ran wouldn't feel sorry for Momo in this kind of thing. He directly added a hand, and the rain and dew were all wet, and neither side was spared.

The two groups of **** kept changing shape in Wang Ran's hands.

Sometimes stretched...

Sometimes squished...

Sometimes they get together to squeeze out a deep groove...

Lin Momo has bit his lip, otherwise, he will definitely scream.

Wang Ran saw that Lin Momo endured very hard work, so...

Two thumbs swipe directly on the two pink bumps~~~


Lin Momo finally couldn't hold back anymore, and raised his head to release all the emotions he had accumulated just now.

The two pink bumps, like Lin Momo, raised their heads shyly.

Lin Momo shrank down again.

This time, a sturdy pillar came directly between the two groups of big breasts.

Lin Momo was stunned for a while, this position...

She naturally held her soft **** and clamped the pillar!

Perfect package!

Wang Ran felt like he was soaking in a hot spring, warm and comfortable.

Lin Momo held his chest, gently wrapped the pillar and rubbed it up and down, and occasionally lowered his head to put the top of the pillar in his mouth.

Although Lin Momo's tongue is not as flexible as Su Xiaoyu's, with the cooperation of the two groups of big breasts, the impact is no less than Su Xiaoyu's tongue.

Especially the visual impact...

Lin Momo also liked this kind of operation.

After all, doing it yourself is pleasant and not too sensitive.

As Lin Momo kept swallowing the pillar in his mouth, the pillar became more and more slippery.

The pleasure brought by friction is also getting stronger and stronger.

Wang Ran's hand climbed onto Lin Momo's back and went downstream along the back.

Soon, Wang Ran's hand came to Lin Momo's buttocks.

Lin Momo's hips are as soft as his chest, but more elastic.

Wang Ran kneaded with both hands wantonly, and then broke both hands at the same time!

A wet door was opened!

Lin Momo's body softened instantly, and he swallowed the pillar directly!

At the same time, Wang Ran broke out!

A large amount of white liquid full of energy violently impacted Lin Momo's throat!

Like a high-pressure water gun, it was flushed in Lin Momo's esophagus!

Lin Momo wanted to cough but couldn't, so he could only hold his breath and wait for the shock to end.

A full ten seconds!

Lin Momo burst into tears.

A lot of milky white liquid leaked out and dripped onto Lin Momo's white and tender chest.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Master, you have filled me up!"

Lin Momo wiped away his tears and looked aggrieved.

At the same time, she did not forget to grab her chest and lick off the white liquid dripping on it.

This can't be wasted!

"The top is full, but the bottom is not yet."

Wang Ran smiled, grabbed Lin Momo's waist with both hands, lifted her up, and aimed the pillar at the hole...

"Master...so soon..."

"I'm not ready yet!"

"Why don't I rub your chest again... ah!!!!"


"do not!"

"Too deep... uh!"

"Master... ah!"




"Plus... ah! Speed ​​up!"


After the previous battle, Lin Momo's patience has improved a lot!

Wang Ran pushed to the womb every time, but Lin Momo persevered!

At the same time, Lin Momo unconsciously twisted his waist back and forth, cooperating with Wang Ran's impact.

The two groups of **** kept jumping with Wang Ran's impact.

Wang Ran's lower abdomen was completely wet with the liquid from Lin Momo, like a jar of water.

The sound of the impact was no longer crisp, but mixed with the sound of water.

Lin Momo's consciousness is getting weaker and weaker, and he has begun to roll his eyes.

Wang Ran knew that she was going.

Wang Ran sat up directly and took Lin Momo into his arms.

Lin Momo hooked Wang Ran's neck with both hands, and the two **** directly pressed against Wang Ran's chest muscles. She no longer knew what she was doing. Now she just wants Wang Ran to fill her body!

Wang Ran supported Lin Momo's soft buttocks with both hands, and suddenly started to accelerate!


Lin Momo raised his head sharply, and saliva couldn't stop flowing from the corner of his mouth.

She couldn't take it anymore and lost consciousness.

But Wang Ran's attack didn't stop.

Wang Ran attacked Lin Momo's hole as violently as his life.

With a violent convulsion, Wang Ran finally fired!

This time, the hot liquid poured directly into Lin Momo's body.

Her stomach bulged slightly.

Wang Ran was in no hurry to pull out the pillar.

This way the white liquid will flow out and it will be wasted.

Just keep this position and let Momo absorb it for a while.

Although Lin Momo lost consciousness, her hole and passage were constantly wriggling.

Wang Ran felt that her entire pillar was firmly sucked by her.

Soon, Wang Ran's pillar stood up again!

This time, it's harder and hotter than before!

Wang Ran started to attack again.

Lin Momo woke up not long after absorbing the energy of the white liquid.

The battle continues...

After cleaning up the zombies, Su Xiaoyu returned to the warehouse.


"You actually..."

Su Xiaoyu stood in front of the bed with her hips on her shoulders, looking unhappy.

You worked so hard to clean up the zombies, but you two are secretly hiding here...

This is ignoring your own schedule!

Too much!

"Sister Xiaoyu!"

"The master praised you just now and said he would reward you!"

Lin Momo held a pillow in front of him and jumped out of the bed.

"Reward me..."

"That must be rewarded."

When Su Xiaoyu heard Lin Momo's words, she was secretly happy, but her face was still sullen.

Girls, even if they become zombies, they still need to be coaxed.

"Okay, our family Xiaoyu is the best."

"Come in quickly, while it's hot."

Wang Ran waved to Su Xiaoyu.

After all the steps were given, Su Xiaoyu was no longer restrained, she tore off her clothes with both hands, and threw herself into the bed...

What an energetic... noon!

After the battle, Wang Ran rested comfortably on the cushion and enjoyed the lunch fed by Lin Momo.

After eating, exercising, eating after exercising...

Wang Ran's life is the same as that of breeding pigs.

Before long, Wu Jianguo and others appeared on the monitoring screen.

Here comes the business man.


Outside the warehouse.

Wu Jianguo got out of the car with his younger brothers.

"This is Huazi's car..."

"I couldn't see anyone when I woke up in the morning, and I came here secretly..."

"Those **** bastards!"

Wu Jianguo couldn't help cursing.

"Boss, do you think Hua Zi and the others succeeded?"

a younger brother asked.


"You don't even think about it, people who can occupy this place will be weak?"

"Don't talk about Huazi, all of us together, we may not be able to win this warehouse!"

"Although this world has collapsed, some rules still have to be observed."

"Huazi broke the rules, I don't even know if we can continue trading with them."

Wu Jianguo sighed.

Confused, the group walked forward with the collected diesel and gasoline barrels.

"Boss, why are there so many zombie corpses on the ground!"

"It wasn't so much when I came yesterday!"

"It looks fresh, just died not long ago!"

A little brother muttered.

"At least two hundred zombie corpses."

"If it were us, we wouldn't necessarily be able to finish it in one day!"

"Now, do you know their strength?"

"In the future, in the end times, don't arbitrarily hit other people's ideas."

Wu Jianguo warned.

The brothers all nodded.

They are not the same as Hua Zi, so the three views are fairly positive, and they can listen to Wu Jianguo's words.

"Boss, look..."

"Isn't this Gangzi's body!"

A little brother pointed to the upper half of his body on the ground and said.


"Break at the waist, and the incision is neat."

"It was cut in half by a knife."

"I remember the little brother here, with a Tang knife."

"You can see his power..."

Wu Jianguo was shocked after an analysis.

It's not bad for a normal person to chop off his head by swinging a knife.

cut in the middle...

What a force to do that.

The younger brothers next to him also sighed when they heard it.

Such a terrible guy, you can't mess with it.

While speaking, the warehouse door opened.

A young man in a nightgown walked out slowly, carrying a knife.

It was Wang Ran!

"Dude, I have to apologize to you first."

"I just found out that there are a few unreliable people under my command who came to you to do something last night."

"This is my mismanagement, and I apologize to you."

"As an apology..."

"Half of our oil today is free for you."

"hope you do not mind."

Wu Jianguo slapped his chest with one hand and apologized.

"Since you said so."

"Okay, just do what you want."

Wang Ran smiled and nodded.

He knew why Wu Jianguo became the strongest awakener and leader in N City.

The three views are positive, the character is good, and his own strength is also good.

Such people will naturally attract a large number of people to follow.

Soon, the two sides reached a deal.

"That's right buddy!"

"Last time you said you needed gold."

"Although I don't know what's the use of gold in this environment."

"However, I found a good place."

"It's a big bank with an underground vault in it."

"An aunt in our camp happens to be the vaulter of this bank and has the key there."

"If you're interested, we can go together."

"As for how to divide the gold obtained, you can mention it."

Wu Jianguo said aloud.
