
All That Was Left: Book III: Honor

The Siege of Ba Sing Se has ended. The remnants of Iron Fire desert, desperate to flee the Fire Nation as it heads down a dark path.

TheStormCommando · TV
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146 Chs


I had just been here a few days ago, but now, now it was for real. I was home. The escort had left me the moment they dropped me off at the docks, unlocking my cuffs, leaving me in the middle of the street, alone, free.

So this is my new home now?

I remembered where their house was. I'd only been here once before, and as off worldly, unreal the visit had felt, I remembered every detail of it.

I stumbled through the streets, all I had to my name being the clothes on my back.

It doesn't matter. I'm going home.

I left a lot of my stuff back at the Separatist camp. I had more clothes, a decorated dagger I stole from a merchant once, an old toy that survived my village being burnt to the ground.

It doesn't matter anymore. I'm going home.

I was right in front of the door to my house. The door had knockers. This is it.

I reached for the knockers, hitting it against the door three times, and waited, and waited, and it felt like an eternity had passed until the doors were opened. They're still here. They're still alive. It's real.

It was real now. They were here. I was here. I made it. At what cost? I betrayed my old family? I hurt those I cared about? I'm pretty sure I killed Pho. Tears were rising in my eyes. I couldn't tell if they were of joy, of sorrow, anger, I didn't know. I didn't know anything about how I felt anymore. How I felt towards the Separatists, the Fire Nation, Harzek, least of all-myself.

I did not even know who I was anymore, but I knew one thing. I was given an opportunity that few others got. I got back those I thought I'd lost so long ago. I got my family back. I don't care what I had to do to do it. I made it. I survived. I won.

I won.