
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance reincarnated into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth, sea, sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

Second Spirit

Not only his blood and meridian was strengthening and expanding but also his bones, skin and also internal organs was strengthening.

Asuras not only good at using blood but also their body was much stronger it was equal to those inner region spirits body.

And so jack didn't feel very intense pain in his bones, skin and internal organs as he felt in his blood.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his meridian +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his blood +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his meridian +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his blood +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his bones +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his skin +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his internet organs +1 heavenly point."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for strengthening his meridian +1 heavenly point."


Continues system messages fill jack mind and jack had to mute the system notifications with his mind.

And this intense pain lasted for hour before it finally started to go and soon it completely gone and illusionary figure in the sky started to vanish and soon everything return to normal.

And jack in the room was heavily breathing the pain was very intense even with his pervious life experiences he felt hard to bear this kind of pain.

Then system mechanical voice rang in his mind,

"Ding, Congratulations to the host for awakening second spirit in inner region of core level Asura."


"5,00 Heavenly points"

"1,000 martial arts side panel points"

System open main panel, jack said in his mind.

"Ding, Main panel"

Host: Jack


Body: none

Bloodline: Asura

Side panel: martial arts[show more]


Treasure: Nine Tower

Heavenly points:_ _ _

Can be used:3,893

Main points:11,600

Then jack goes to martial arts side panel.

"Ding, Martial art side panel"


Branch of world tree[show more] Asura[show more]

Technique: blood refiner

Combat skill: none

Spirit ability:

Healing[branch of world tree]

Blood clone[Asura]

Martial arts side panel points:1,000

Then jack go to spirit Asura show more option with his mind and new screen appears before him jack clearly remembers that before there wasn't spirit panel then jack thought it must because that time he only has one spirit so maybe that why it didn't show this option before then jack snap out of his thoughts and look at the new screen appears before him.


Spirit : Asura

Technique: Blood refiner

Bloodline : Asura

Body: none

Combat skill: none

 Ability: Blood clone

Seeing the screen in front of him and reading all the information it contains a smile appear on jack face in his previous life middle region of middle level was the highest spirit that person had awaken who body he had taken after and that all thanks to his father resources if not he might not be able to awaken even a middle region of low level.

And this was jack most regret in his previous life for not able to taken that person body before he awaken his spirit he even wanted to take the body before he started awakening his first spirit.

But now this jack body was perfect even though he already had awaken his first spirit however he still has many levels where he can awaken spirits and secondly that spirit was branch of world tree extremely powerful and unique tree whose even single leaf was extremely precious let alone all branch.

Then jack check his blood and saw it was normal in colour just as before when jack had get asura bloodline he also learn that asura bloodline divided into ten levels as :

Slave : Red

Soldier : Bronze

General : yellow

Commander : orange

Noble : blue

Lord : green

King : purple

Emperor : Sliver

Demi god : cyan

God level : golden

And in each level there was three levels fade colour which was lowest level and normal colour which was middle level and dark colour which was highest level.

In reach level asuras have to turn their blood completely into that colour first there normal blood starting from one percent to hundred percent and then blood essence which was hardest so most asura bloodline have low or middle level blood essence because of difficult of transforming the blood essence.

As jack was thinking about all of this voice came from outside the room little lord are you okay. It was supreme elder voice.

Jack reply, supreme elder I am okay and I have get rid of poison however I can't came out of cultivation right now but can you arrange a bath for me.

Jack whole body was covered in some black liquid that was all impurities in his body specially from his blood and meridian because of strengthening his meridian and getting his bloodline.

He really feel uncomfortable with this black liquid on his body however he can't come out of his cultivation yet because he wanted to go to spirit universe again right now.

Because he knew if he delay it asura king and that beast in cage might set trap for him so he decided to go now and see if he goes to same place he will try to take that beast in cage as his spirit however if he can't take that beast as his spirit then he will run away from asura clan.

If it before jack might not have confidence in fighting asura king head on with such huge strength gap between them however after taking asura prince as his second spirit and with his enhance physics he guess he might not be able to fight head on with asura king but at least he be able to run away from asura king.

And jack had guess if spirits in inner region of core level can use powers then he might also be able to use his spirit in that area and if that's the case then with his spirit of branch of world tree killing him won't be easy and with the enhancement of asura spirit it won't be that difficult for him to escape from asura king.