
CHAPTER 33 - To the next level (1)

I was worried for a while, but in the end, Ho-young's talent was 'the versatility of the commander in the Jungwon.'

'Tactics' and 'foots' are also coveted, but they are talents from other players.

'I don't know exactly what talent it is, but it's a great way to maximize playmaking with versatility.'

Ho Young wanted to be a game-driven attacker, not just a goalkeeper.

That's why I chose the commander's versatility.

"Thank you for advice."

"Did you help me?"

"That's it!"

"haha. I feel good. "

There wasn't an end there, but Balak told many stories after that.

What you need to know about the process of becoming a professional player and your life.

And again.

"I will give you a personal guidance when you come to Munich."

"I am going to learn German today!"


In addition, Balak informed me by e-mail if you have any questions.

It was a perfect, last night in Germany.

January 25, 2004.

Sao Paulo FC U13 manager Carlos has visited the manager of the Bahabun Training Center.

It was because of Victor's call.

"Come on."

After greeting, Victor entered the main body.

"I want you to take Giovanni's place."

"You mean U15?"

Italian-Brazilian Giovanni was a youth director for Sao Paulo FC, currently holding the U15 baton, but this time he left for Milan, Italy.

"He's going to move to AC Milan."

Sao Paulo FC, which has long had a satellite team agreement with AC Milan, has exchanged with them.

The lease and recruitment of athletes, as well as the exchange of manpower between coaches and managers, were also active.

That's why Giovanni is going.

"I'm asking you to take a vacant seat?"


It's a mean word.

Promoted by good words.

But Carlos didn't want to leave U13.

If U13 is a mine for digging ore, U15 is a processing company for digging ore.

He wasn't in charge of U13 just because his former suited his aptitude.

Rather the opposite.

Carlos was a big boss in the youth league, and no one could easily catch it.

"Then my successor is Andersson's head coach?"

"right. It's never going to be parallel so I only take U15. "

Victor was straightforward.

And Carlos accepted.

'If the situation is correct, I can't help it.'

Above all, Carlos was working for the club.

"Then I'll take some U13 players up. Including Kasemiruru and Douglas. "

"haha. I should. U15 will be fun this year. "

The U15 League is the second most popular after the Pro League.

This is because the stones polished in U13 are shining themselves.

In that sense, this year's U15 league was awesome.

"I'm going to hit and hit you. I don't know which team will win. "

It's a very fun game.

I once did it.

The U15 national league just seven to eight years ago.

Ronaldinho, Kaka, Adriano, Robin, Fred, Cesar, etc.

The days when the celebrity-leading superstars played together.

I think I could see the thrilling league back then.

Victor's voice was excited if he was excited.

"You heard? Neymar. I am going to promote to U15 of Santos FC. "

"I didn't watch one or two games, but it was shocking. As much as when I first saw Ronaldinho. "

Carlos jaws.

If local rival Santos FC recruited a super prospect, it couldn't stand still.

"Then I should think about it."


"I'm thinking about taking him."

"Ah ~ Woo Ho-young that friend? I saw you in the finals too. It's a little flawed that I'm not a Brazilian, but it's great. Do you mind if you have age differences? "

"You don't have to be satisfied with your physical condition. Medical test as soon as we return in March?



What Carlos ate was a cell phone that vibrated in his pocket.


Carlos answered the phone with the excuse.

"It's Carlos. Uh, hoyoung? What? Are you coming? already?"

After a while.

After a short phone call, Carlos scratched his forehead halfway.

"What conversion?"

"haha. He's coming in tomorrow. "

"Why? The kids are back in February? "

"When I came to train, I asked if I could use a training ground."

next day.

Upon arrival at Sao Paulo Airport, Ho-young picked up Choi Maria and returned home.

It's an old house that creaks every time I walk, but it's nice to see it after a long time.


"Ho Young!"

It was nice to see Monica getting older.

'A woman's transformation is innocent.'

There have been many changes to her.

Especially talented.

[Monica Stalkie]


Gymnastics Youngjae (B +)

Born language sense (B)

-Balanced body balance (B +)

Soft flexibility (C + 3)

-Brilliant Dance Step Combination (C +)

Compliant Jump Force (C)

-Turn the rhythmical club windmill (C)

(If you meet the conditions, you can find one talent.)

(Condition 1: 6000 minutes in a foreign language)

(Condition 2: Passing the Brazilian International Language Certificate of Self-Fibras or higher)

(Condition 3: stretching together for more than 300 minutes)

'Language sense remains B grade.'

Instead, the condition was the same.

Condition 1 and Condition 3 were already satisfied, and only one was Condition 2 remaining.

I hoped that if I study hard, I can get an advanced certificate this year.

'Let's get the sense of language first and then the body balance.'

Then Monica lifted her right arm over her head.

"I'll have to look up at you more."

"Why are you disappointed?"

"I can't stroke my head!"

"Then I can pet you."

"Huh? Ugh ~ "

I was so embarrassed that Monica turned.

By the end of that month, a blazing heat began to rise.

February 17.

Good news came to Ho-young who was doing school class and soccer training.

[Explore the commander of the commander of the versatile (U).]

[The bowl of talent is extended.]

[Reduces time spent on talent.]

[It takes (60 days) → (30 days) to fully bring talent. You cannot explore other talents for 30 days.]

"··· Hoo!"

Isn't this an unexpected gift?

Versatile Commander Ballack's Versatile.

'You were a talent that affected other talents!'

Balak's good face came to mind.

Who dared to call him Kongrak?

The only runner-up was Ballack, nicknamed Kongrak, but it was number one for Ho Young.

I had a good feeling.

And that feeling soon came to reality.

Three weeks have passed since the pace of talent growth training.

'Is it the effect of a soccer genius?'

Ho Young realized that her talent growth was much faster than before.

In particular, C-level talent has achieved a stormy growth.

Woo Woo Young


Football genius (A)

Commander of the Commander, Versatile (U)

Beat the run of the chaminator (U)

Lamborghini Shaggy Fast Legs (A + 2)

Space penetration (A +)

Strong Body (B + 2)

-Ball cutting (B +)

Wide open growth board (B +)

Very heavy medium-range shots (C + 3)

Rhythmic flexibility (C + 3)

Pretty brilliant footwork (C + 3)

Healthman's solid muscle (C + 3)

Compliant Heading (C + 3)

Very sharp 2 on 1 pass (C + 3)

Pommie Cobalt Free kick (C + 3)

Knife-like ball distribution (C + 2)

Compliant Ball Block (C + 2)

Delicate ball touch sensation (C +)

The three most noticeable talents have grown.

Lamborghini Shaking Fast Legs (A + 2).

Strong Body (B + 2)

And Hellman's solid muscle (C + 3).

'All of them have something in common with physical. It means that they influence each other's growth. '

Just like a normal math person is good at science.

So-called interaction!

In other words, the stronger the body, the stronger the muscles, and the faster the legs.

'This is good physical, and I think the U13 league is cold.'

Expected season.

If not, U13 will be called up soon.

It was time to get the best conditions and accelerate the league.

And it was now that the welcome voice came from the entrance of the training ground.


"Oh. Bishop! "

Carlos visits the training ground.

He asked Hoyoung.

"Do you have a school schedule tomorrow?"

"I plan to come out here and train."

"Then come to the body measurement room until 2:20 pm."

The next afternoon.

Medical tests were conducted as scheduled.

In addition to Ho-young, there were a lot of players including Kasemir and Douglas, but everyone was nervous.

Everyone was doing the test with all their strength.

'Because they are old. I'll have to cross the threshold today to go up to U15. '

Today's test will shape their future.

Ho-young is the same.

I was looking forward to it, but it didn't seem easy.


Just scoring a lot doesn't mean you can go to the top team.

I didn't expect much.

The tests that started sooner were more complicated than they did when they entered U13 last year.

Cardiac function / cardiopulmonary endurance / blood / protein / 25m sprint

Various tests were added, including musculoskeletal system / isokinetic strength / body fat.

And at 4:10 pm at the end of the test.

The medical team doctor, who came to Carlos for an interim report, looked subtle.

"haha···. This is true. I can't believe it. "

"What do you mean?"

"Oriental boy broke four seconds of hippo."


The medical doctor said the test results.

"25 meters of power. Look here."

"······ 3 seconds 97?"

"Of course, it's a figure that includes a shot response."

"What is this. Obviously last year ...

"Yeah. You jumped. "

They both looked unbelievable.

"Wait. At that time, there would be a record of Hicarod. Oh, three seconds, 78. "

At the age of 12, Kaka recorded three seconds 78.

Ho-young's record was 3 seconds 97.

The 25-meter distance measurement differs greatly depending on the method, but it was the best of the best in terms of São Paulo.

"It's enough to be physically involved. Perhaps even if compared to the gifted in Korea, I think it would be within ten fingers. "

The actual 100m world record for elementary school students was in the early 11s.

This is similar to Chadu-ri, the fastest in Korea.

In other words, the current speed of Ho Young is faster than any other adult footballer.

"It's faster than Patur and Douglas."

"You're ridiculous."

Carlos could not hide his embarrassment.

This is because I have never seen this rapid growth.

"So what is the result?"

"It's a pass. I have 31 games this season. The threshold is well over. "


Carlos laughed.

'What happened during that time?'

Whatever it was, it was clear.

'You did it hard.'

I could only think so.