
All rounder samurai

This is a story that take place in the year 20XX where technology reached it peaked where anything was possible and the growth of technology stagerd for several decades. One day all human woke up to find every single of their technology gone and monster began running ramped. The horror didn't end there beacuse when every human killed their first monster one of 50 weapon appeared and the more they fight back against the monster killing them the stronger the swords get. After a couple of years human finally killed all the monster in the world and even building 10 empire but when thing seemed to be getting back to normal the world was under attack again by the same type of beast but this time they were stronger and able to activate some skill. 10 devil came to earth and each of went in one of the empire the huamn population drop again by 40% but in about 2 years they were all kill ecpect 1, it's name was the immortal beast and they were force to used some types of dark magic to seal the beast in a 1 day old baby and the only one they could find in time was a kid name Marcus. Treated like an outsider for having a beast that killed millions of human and surprising when he turned 15 years old he was banned from the village and had a only dead bounty on his head that was 200,000 Yan coin. Let's follow the story of a young kid that dreamt of becoming the samurai king, being betrayed then a year later the third wave of monster arrived.

Oshane_WALKER · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 3

The outside of the academy looked average as stone pillars stretch several meters in the air while the floor was made of wood.

It took Marcus 48 minutes to reach the room 5,000 Marcus looked at the door and it said to slide the paper under the door so he did what was instructed to him and an old man open the door seeing that Marcus was shocked but before he could think any further the man handed him a key and walk out. Marcus go to sit on the bed then he instantly passed out drew to exhaustion.

All of a sudden someone started knocking on Marcus's room door he quickly jump up and open it to see a man with black hair and stood at 6 FT ''here put on this'' the guy said as he hand Marcus a set of uniforms that he quickly put on and goes outside to see the man and the man said its time to do the ranking test.

Marcus was confused until 48 minutes later when he saw a giant door that the man quickly opened and to Marcus' was surprised he saw 1,250 blue arua shooting in the sky and only one of them had 3 girls standing next to it and they didn't have a happy expression on their face but the man didn't seem bothered as he said follow me as he steps in the blue aura thing that was shooting in the sky.

Seeing that everyone follow behind and the next thing they realize was that they were in a type of gym my name is Jack the man said I will be your instructor and you guys will also be given a rank you can upgrade by completing missions and doing something honourable the man sad before pointing at a power machine.