
all realms traveler

I got the power to open portals to other people dreams but why can t i returen , the worlds and realms clashs and i will conquer the existence of space time and the multiverse

NovelsWorld · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Fury Unleashed

The Dreamwalkers' hard-won victory over the Shadow Nexus had brought a fleeting sense of peace to the dream realms, but it was not long before new challenges began to emerge. The ripples of their battle had disturbed the balance of power across the dimensions, and dark forces were already moving to exploit the chaos.

Leo and his companions had barely had time to recuperate when a new threat loomed on the horizon. Rumors began to spread of a powerful being named Malakar, who sought to harness the residual energy of the Shadow Nexus to gain dominion over all dream realms. His malevolence was said to be unparalleled, his rage a force of nature.

As the Dreamwalkers prepared to confront this new menace, a deep-seated anger began to simmer within them. They had fought so hard to protect the dream realms, only to face yet another threat. The injustice of it all gnawed at their hearts, fueling their determination to put an end to Malakar's ambitions.


The skies above the Abyss of Despair, now a place of healing and renewal, darkened once more as storm clouds gathered. The air was charged with tension, as if the very fabric of the dream realms was bracing itself for the coming storm. Leo stood on the edge of a cliff, gazing out at the roiling clouds, his jaw clenched in anger.

"How many more times do we have to do this?" he muttered, his fists tightening at his sides. "How many more threats do we have to face before we can finally have peace?"

Beside him, Kael's eyes blazed with fury. "I'm sick of it too, Leo. We fight, we win, and then something else comes along to tear everything apart. It's like we're caught in an endless cycle of battles."

Liora, her fiery spirit unquenched, nodded in agreement. "We can't keep living like this. We deserve more than just constant fighting. We deserve a chance to live without fear."

Elysia's golden eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "But we can't abandon our duty. The dream realms depend on us. We have to stop Malakar, no matter the cost."

Leo's anger flared, his vision tinged with red. "And we will. But this time, we won't just defeat him. We'll make sure he never threatens anyone again."

Their discussion was interrupted by a flash of light as Eldarion appeared before them. His expression was grim, his eyes reflecting the stormy skies above.

"Dreamwalkers," he said, his voice heavy with urgency, "Malakar is more dangerous than any foe you have faced before. His power is fueled by rage and vengeance, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."

Leo's eyes narrowed. "Then we'll stop at nothing to stop him."

Eldarion nodded. "There is a way to defeat him, but it will require all of your strength and unity. You must journey to the Heart of Fury, a place where anger and rage are magnified. There, you will find the means to confront Malakar and end his threat once and for all."

The Dreamwalkers exchanged determined looks. They knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but their anger had given them a new resolve. They would not rest until Malakar was defeated.


The journey to the Heart of Fury was arduous and filled with peril. The landscape around them became increasingly hostile, with jagged rocks and chasms that seemed to pulse with dark energy. The air grew thick with the oppressive weight of anger and hatred, seeping into their very souls.

As they traveled, Leo felt his anger intensify. Memories of every battle they had fought, every loss they had endured, surged through his mind. The injustice of it all burned within him, fueling his determination to see Malakar brought to justice.

One night, as they camped near a raging river of molten lava, Leo found himself unable to sleep. He paced restlessly, his thoughts consumed by anger. He thought of the countless lives that had been affected by the forces of darkness, the friends they had lost, the endless battles they had fought.

Elysia approached him, her eyes filled with concern. "Leo, you need to rest. We have a long journey ahead of us."

"I can't," he snapped, his voice harsher than he intended. "I can't just sit here while Malakar is out there, planning his next move. We have to stop him."

Elysia's gaze softened, but there was a steely resolve in her eyes. "I understand your anger, Leo. We all feel it. But we have to stay focused. If we let our anger consume us, we'll be no better than Malakar."

Leo took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within him. "You're right. But it's just so hard. We've sacrificed so much, and it feels like it never ends."

Elysia placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "We'll get through this. Together. And we'll make sure that Malakar pays for everything he's done."


As they continued their journey, the landscape grew even more hostile. They traversed through volcanic plains where geysers of molten rock erupted without warning, and through forests of twisted, thorny trees that seemed to grasp at them with every step.

At last, they reached the Heart of Fury—a colossal volcano that towered above them, its peak shrouded in dark clouds that crackled with lightning. The ground trembled with the force of the volcano's fury, and the air was filled with the deafening roar of molten rock.

Leo and his companions stood at the base of the volcano, their anger reaching a boiling point. The sheer intensity of the place magnified their emotions, pushing them to the brink.

"This is it," Kael said, his voice trembling with rage. "This is where we'll find the power to defeat Malakar."

Liora's eyes blazed with determination. "Let's end this. Once and for all."

They began their ascent, each step filled with the weight of their anger and resolve. As they climbed higher, the air grew hotter, and the ground beneath them shook with increasing intensity.

At the summit, they found a massive chamber filled with swirling magma. In the center stood Malakar, his form wreathed in dark flames. His eyes burned with an unholy light, and his voice was a thunderous growl.

"Welcome, Dreamwalkers," Malakar sneered. "I have been expecting you. Your anger has brought you here, and it will be your undoing."

Leo stepped forward, his fury radiating from him in waves. "Your reign of terror ends here, Malakar. We're not afraid of you."

Malakar's laughter echoed through the chamber, a sound filled with malice. "You should be. My power is beyond anything you can comprehend. Your anger will only make me stronger."

With a roar, Malakar unleashed a torrent of dark energy, aiming to overwhelm the Dreamwalkers. But they were ready. Drawing on the power of their anger, they countered with a combined attack of elemental fury.

Kael summoned a tidal wave of water, crashing it against Malakar's flames. Liora unleashed a storm of fire, clashing with the dark energy in a blaze of light. Elysia's healing powers created a shield of radiant energy, protecting her friends from the worst of the assault.

Leo, his anger focused into a razor-sharp blade of light, charged at Malakar. The two clashed in a blinding explosion of energy, their powers pushing each other to the limit. The chamber shook with the force of their battle, molten rock spilling over the edges and creating rivers of lava.

As the battle raged on, Leo felt his anger reach a fever pitch. Memories of every injustice, every loss, every battle fought surged through him, fueling his resolve. He would not allow Malakar to win. He would not let his anger be his undoing.

With a final, desperate surge of power, Leo unleashed a beam of pure light, striking Malakar with the full force of his fury. The dark flames around Malakar flickered and dimmed, his form wavering.

"No!" Malakar roared, his voice filled with rage and desperation. "This cannot be!"

But it was too late. The combined power of the Dreamwalkers overwhelmed him, and with a blinding flash, Malakar was consumed by the light, his form disintegrating into nothingness.

The chamber fell silent, the air heavy with the aftermath of the battle. The Dreamwalkers stood, panting and exhausted, but victorious. The volcano began to calm, the molten rock cooling and solidifying.

Leo looked at his friends, his anger slowly ebbing away. "We did it. We stopped him."

Kael, Liora, and Elysia nodded, their expressions a mixture of relief and exhaustion. They had faced their greatest challenge yet and emerged victorious.

As they made their way down the volcano, Leo couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of anger. The dream realms were safe for now, but he knew that new threats would always arise. The cycle of battles and sacrifices would continue.

But he also knew that they would face those challenges together, their bond unbreakable. And as long as they stood united, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

The dream realms had been saved once again, but the Dreamwalkers knew that their journey was far from over. They would face whatever came next with courage and determination, ready to protect the dream realms from any threat that dared to arise.