
all realms traveler

I got the power to open portals to other people dreams but why can t i returen , the worlds and realms clashs and i will conquer the existence of space time and the multiverse

NovelsWorld · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Four: The Gathering Storm

Leo's days were now a blur of waking life and dream missions. By day, he continued his mundane existence, but by night, he was a guardian, venturing into the dream realms to protect the innocent and maintain the delicate balance of dreams. Each mission brought new challenges and deeper insights into the complexities of the dreamscape. Yet, a looming sense of unease grew within him, a whisper that the peace he fought to maintain was under threat.

One evening, as Leo prepared for another journey, he felt a strange energy in the air. The blue flames of his candles flickered erratically, and the shadows in his room seemed to stretch and writhe. He dismissed it as nerves and lay down, clutching the journal that had once guided him. With a deep breath, he chanted the incantation and let the dream realm engulf him.

He emerged in a dreamscape that was immediately unsettling. The sky was a deep crimson, and the landscape was barren, filled with jagged rocks and twisted trees. A cold wind howled, carrying with it a sense of impending doom. Leo took a cautious step forward, his senses on high alert.

"Leo," a familiar voice called out. He turned to see Elysia standing behind him, her golden eyes filled with concern. "We have urgent news. The balance of the dream realms is under threat."

Leo's heart pounded in his chest. "What happened?"

Elysia gestured to the desolate landscape around them. "A powerful entity has emerged, one that seeks to corrupt and dominate the dream realms. It calls itself the Nightbringer, and it has the ability to warp dreams into nightmares, feeding on the fear and despair it creates."

"The Nightbringer," Leo repeated, the name sending chills down his spine. "What can we do to stop it?"

"We must gather the Dreamweavers and prepare for a coordinated effort," Elysia said. "But first, you need to understand the true nature of this threat. The Nightbringer is unlike anything we've faced before. It has the power to merge dreams, creating vast, interconnected nightmares that can trap entire groups of dreamers."

Leo felt a surge of determination. "Then we need to act fast. Tell me what I need to do."

Elysia nodded. "Follow me. We must convene with the Council of Dreamweavers."

She led him through the barren landscape, the wind howling louder as they went. They soon arrived at a hidden portal, a shimmering veil of light that seemed to pulse with energy. Elysia touched the portal, and it opened, revealing a grand hall much like the one where Leo had been initiated.

Inside, the Council of Dreamweavers had already gathered. Their faces were grave, their eyes reflecting the urgency of the situation. At the head of the council stood Eldarion, the eldest of the Dreamweavers, his presence commanding and wise.

"Elysia, Leo, thank you for coming so quickly," Eldarion said, his voice resonating through the hall. "We face a dire threat. The Nightbringer has already begun its assault on the dream realms. Reports of merging nightmares are increasing, and many dreamers are trapped in a state of perpetual fear."

Leo stepped forward, his voice firm. "What can we do to stop it?"

Eldarion's gaze met his, a mixture of hope and concern in his eyes. "We need to find the source of the Nightbringer's power. It is said to reside in the Shadow Nexus, a place where the darkest dreams converge. If we can reach the Nexus and destroy the Nightbringer's core, we can weaken it enough to banish it from the dream realms."

Elysia placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Leo, you have proven yourself to be a capable guardian. We need you to lead this mission. But know that it will be incredibly dangerous. The Shadow Nexus is a place of pure darkness, and the Nightbringer will stop at nothing to protect its core."

Leo nodded, his resolve unwavering. "I will do whatever it takes to protect the dream realms. Tell me what I need to do."

Eldarion raised his hand, and a map appeared in the air, glowing with an ethereal light. "This map will guide you to the Shadow Nexus. You will not go alone. Elysia and two other Dreamweavers, Kael and Liora, will accompany you. Together, you must navigate the treacherous path and confront the Nightbringer."

Kael, a tall Dreamweaver with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, stepped forward, his expression serious. "We will face many challenges, but together, we can overcome them."

Liora, a Dreamweaver with fiery red hair and a fierce determination in her eyes, joined them. "We will stand by your side, Leo. The dream realms depend on us."

With the map in hand and his companions by his side, Leo felt a surge of confidence. "We will succeed," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "For the sake of all dreamers, we will defeat the Nightbringer."

The Council of Dreamweavers gave their blessings, and with that, Leo, Elysia, Kael, and Liora set off on their perilous journey. The path to the Shadow Nexus was fraught with dangers, but they pressed on, guided by their determination and the map's glowing light.

As they traveled deeper into the dark dreamscape, the air grew colder, and the shadows lengthened. Leo could feel the malevolent presence of the Nightbringer growing stronger with each step. They encountered twisted creatures born of nightmares, their forms grotesque and terrifying. But with the combined power of the Dreamweavers, they fought their way through, their resolve unshaken.

Finally, they reached the entrance to the Shadow Nexus, a towering structure made of obsidian and shadow. The air crackled with dark energy, and Leo could feel the Nightbringer's presence pulsing from within.

"This is it," Elysia said, her voice steady. "We must be prepared for anything."

Leo took a deep breath, his hand tightening around the hilt of his dream-forged blade. "Let's end this."

They entered the Shadow Nexus, the darkness swallowing them whole. Inside, the air was thick with malevolence, and the walls seemed to pulse with a sinister rhythm. As they ventured deeper, they encountered more twisted creatures, each one more dangerous than the last. But they fought on, their determination unwavering.

At the heart of the Shadow Nexus, they found the Nightbringer. It was a towering, amorphous entity of pure darkness, its eyes glowing with a malevolent red light. It radiated power and malice, and Leo could feel the weight of its presence bearing down on him.

"You dare to challenge me?" the Nightbringer hissed, its voice a cacophony of whispers. "You are but insects before my power."

"We will not let you corrupt the dream realms," Leo declared, his voice strong and defiant. "We will defeat you."

The battle that ensued was fierce and relentless. The Nightbringer unleashed waves of dark energy, but the Dreamweavers countered with their own powers, their combined strength creating a dazzling display of light and energy. Leo fought with all his might, his dream-forged blade cutting through the darkness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the Nightbringer's core. It pulsed with a dark, malevolent energy, the source of its power. With a final, desperate effort, Leo plunged his blade into the core, channeling all his strength and will into the strike.

The core shattered, and the Nightbringer let out a deafening roar of agony. Its form began to disintegrate, the darkness unraveling and dissipating. The ground shook, and the walls of the Shadow Nexus began to collapse.

"We need to get out of here!" Kael shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony.

They raced back through the collapsing structure, the ground crumbling beneath their feet. Just as they reached the entrance, the Shadow Nexus imploded, the dark energy imploding into nothingness.

Outside, the air was clear, and the oppressive weight of the Nightbringer's presence was gone. The sky above was a peaceful blue, and the dreamscape was once again serene.

"We did it," Liora said, her voice filled with relief and triumph. "The Nightbringer is defeated."

Leo nodded, his heart swelling with pride. "We did it together. The dream realms are safe, for now."

Elysia placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with gratitude. "You have proven yourself to be a true guardian, Leo. The dream realms owe you a great debt."

As they made their way back to the Council of Dreamweavers, Leo felt a deep sense of fulfillment. He had faced the darkness and emerged victorious, not alone, but with the strength and support of his companions.

But he also knew that this was just one battle in an ongoing war. The dream realms would always need protection, and he was ready to continue his role as a guardian, facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

For in the world of dreams, the line between reality and illusion is always shifting, and the true strength lies not in the power to conquer, but in the courage to protect and preserve the delicate balance of dreams.