
All People: Divine Kingdom

In a world where myth and mysticism have surged, the balance shifts. A century ago, Qi and Aura's return empowered animals and plants. Their hatred destroyed human civilization. Facing extinction, humans embraced professions: warriors, mages, knights, meat shields, assassins, pastors. Nations adopted unique roles rooted in culture. China had Taoists and swordsmen; the Norse drew from Thor and Odin. Humanity fought back, establishing small camps. Mysterious dungeons spawned elves, dwarves, orcs, ogres, demons, vampires. Clearing dungeons became crucial, but mysteries remained, with only five years since their emergence. Our protagonist, from Earth, transmigrated to Blue Star. Seeing the tragic situation of humans in this world, he was frightened as he didn't have anything. But as a transmigration gift, he gets a devil fruit: Krono Krono no Mi: Eternity. He began a journey of self-improvement. His goal: claim the realm's throne and make it his kingdom. Mysteries unfolded, challenges intensified. The timid protagonist had to evolve into a formidable leader to create his kingdom in this enigmatic land.

Anonymous_User_9473 · Urban
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4 Chs

Gamble against death

When Arnold opens his eyes, he feels terrible pain coming from his hands and legs as when he sees himself, he finds that blood is dripping from his both hands and legs as his hands and legs are chopped off and a beast the size of 5 meter with a bull head and horn is eating his hands and legs. Seeing this, he subconsciously wants to vomit but then shuts up as he didn't want the beast to notice him. 

Bearing the terrible pain, he shut his mouth as suddenly the bull beast turned its head to look towards Arnold as it got up and approached Arnold. Arnold cowards in his fear as he coukdn't even beg the beast to let him go. "You wanna live?" asked the monster as Arnold quickly nodded trembling and surprised as it is the first time that he found out that beasts can talk human language as the bull again said "Surprised huh! Well your limbs were pretty tasty though they weren't much and if it wasn't for the damn rules of this world, I would have already killed you and don't think that I can't kill you. I just don't want to suffer for a five minute pleasure." Arnold suddenly threw his thoughts as he was thinking the same.

"Well, I would let you live but only if you surrender to the dark lord. And boy don't play tricks with me as I can easily read minds and if you don't truly side with dark lord, you will get killed from the collision." said the bull monster and picked a strange fruit and threw to the ground and said by releasing his fearsome aura "Eat or Die" Faced with the life and death crisis, Arnold quickly turned towards the fruit and was surprised as it is the same as the devil fruit he knew from one piece in Earth. Eating devil fruit gives powers and he will naturally get power of at least go to dungeon. 

Seeing the glimmer of hope, he crawls his body towards fruit and opens his mouth to eat the fruit as suddenly a hand lifts him up by hair as Arnold trembles as the beast picks up the fruit and says "Devil Fruit huh and you can gain power eating it. Well the dark lord indeed said that it was strange and even couldn't recognize it. And I felt something off about you and it seems you aren't from here. Well I would love to conduct experiment on you." Arnold trembled as his glimmer of hope lost and even his life could now be torture. 

Humans at time of desperation tries desperate means as same did Arnold as his last hope for life and a chance to get a better life, he hits with his head a gem on the forehead of the bull as the beast screams and let go of Arnold and the fruit and with his both hand press the forehead as it truly seems to be its weak point. Arnold noticed this gem at the beginning and his last hope for life turned out to be lucky.

Without wasting any time, Arnold neared the fruit as the bull saw it and ran towards it as it was a bit late, Arnold already took the whole fruit in his mouth, crushed for one time and gulped the fruit as a whole as suddenly a terrible explosion came when the beast claw was one inch far from his neck as his eye turned white and last thing he saw was the beast getting erased and a strange andriod sound saying "Congratulations...."