
All People's Island: My Island is the Willow God!

Story of: All People's Island: My Island is the Willow God! endless sea. Start an island. At the beginning, you can only survive by fishing for items in the sea. Chen Ge's island is different. It was actually transformed by Liu Shen. At the beginning, he obtained the ability to fish the heavens, and automatically bound the characters and items that he fished. The first time fishing: Zong about Ma Xiaoling (Majia Shenlong fishing!) Fishing for the second time: Queen Medusa (the sea clan temple produces marine specialties!) 3rd Fishing: Olympus Eros (Recharge!) Fourth fishing: Zhen Ji (treasure hunt!) Fifth Fishing: The Ancient Giant Queen (Premium Milk Source!) Sixth fishing: Fishing for the nth time: Zuwu Houtu (infinite resurrection!) The n+1th fishing: Saint Nuwa (unlimited population!) When other island owners struggled to survive in the endless sea, Su Chen had already lived the life he longed for, fighting the great sea route, until one day he knew that the island Liushen turned out to be...! Feilu Novel.com's exclusive contracted novel: "All People's Island: My Island is the Willow God! "; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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Chapter 59

[Chen Changsheng! ] ]

[You must want to be crooked again!] ]

[Humph! The Lord of Eternal Darkness is to take a bath with the horn of Poseidon, do you think of other places? Scold! You must be trying to be crooked! ]

[Don't blow the horn of Poseidon, you are drinking the bathwater of the Lord of Eternal Darkness when you blow the horn! ] Although the Lord of Eternal Darkness is a great beauty... Well? I accidentally revealed the true gender of the Lord of Eternal Darkness? ]

[I don't want to mess with you!] ]

[What conditions will you return my nightdress and the crystal shoes of the Fallen Empress!] ]

The Lord of the Night sent continuous private messages.

"I just want you. ]

Chen Ge replied with four words.

The other party was silent for a moment.

Chen Ge smiled.

Judging by the information obtained so far.

There are seven demon kings in the abyss.

The strongest of the Seven Demon Kings is Uncle Lucifer.

Above the Seven Demon Kings are the three Creators.

Lord of the Night, Queen of the Fallen, and Lord of Eternal Darkness.

And the three creators of the abyss are all women.

Night and the Empress are best friends.

Judging by the private messages sent in the night.

The Lord of the Night and the Empress of the Fall may not have such a good relationship with the Lord of Eternal Darkness.

[Ding! ]

[The Lord of the Night has blackened you! ] ]

[The Lord of the Night deleted your friends!] ]


The prompt sounds.


Chen Ge was slightly stunned, then shrugged, there was no need to worry at all, the Lord of the Night would definitely add it back by himself.


It's all a tug between a man and a woman!

Whoever compromises loses!


At night.

Inside the demigod battleship Empress of Desire.

"Brother island owner, do you like this kind of dress? Come on island lord brother, I want the island lord brother's ten thousand times crit! "

The star red goddess put on a bunny girl costume, and the little tail used for decoration swayed, and at this moment, her eyes couldn't wait to eat Chen Ge.

Chen Ge didn't move.

Silently sweep the bunny girl outfit with real eyes.

[Bunny Girl Set: The hidden effect has been turned on, which can maximize your attack speed, not only can increase your attack speed, but also all the islanders on your island, as well as warships, arrow towers and other items, have also received hidden effect bonuses! ] ]


This set is not simple!

Bought back from World Channel at that time!

It's really not for personal preference!

Instead, I saw that this set of equipment has a hidden effect!

Come on!


Test it!

How much attack speed can this set of equipment add!

Chen Ge moved!

The crit goddess game begins!


Distance from the ninth round of fishing.

One more day to go.

The Ma family Shenlong has not returned from digging treasures.

This time, the Ma Family Shenlong seemed to have dug up more than the treasures hidden in Zhen Ji's treasure map.

Chen Ge's island, escorted by two demigod warships and eleven legendary warships, shuttles through the fog of the Endless Sea, and is about to arrive at the Strait of Tribulation.

"Who remembers that the first time fishing said that Chen Changsheng who caught a Ma Xiaoling at the beginning, this guy has hysteria and has only spoken once on the world channel, is this goods dead?"

World Channel.

Tian Boguang suddenly said.

"Chen Changsheng? What a stinky fish and shrimp! Why mention him! "

"We, the island owners, are like in a big class, the island owner points are exam points, Miss Tang Zichen, Philip, Hugo, Fujiwara Hikari, Kidd, Nangong Saitama, etc., are properly honor students! Chen Changsheng is the kind of student who is unknown, who will pay attention to an unknown person! "

"Well, don't talk about this Chen Changsheng, it's a waste of time, in the end, is there an island owner who has obtained the talent to catch the sea?" If you squeak or not, you can't do it! "

"Talent for catching the sea? It shouldn't exist! "

"Just flip a pebble to get king crab? Just dig up a piece of sand to get the king of clams? I don't believe in such talent! "

There was a lot of discussion.

Many people mentioned the talent of catching the sea.

"Weak raise your hand, I started the game by catching the sea talent... My name is An Lan. "

This time!

Someone actually responded!

A new face speaks on the World Channel!


Talent for catching the sea?

Chen Ge was also a little curious.

"There really is! I Cao! An Lan? You should be a female island owner, right? Miss An Lan, can you describe the effect of catching the sea talent in detail! "

"An Lan? The top of the fairy? Proud of the world? With you is heaven? "

"What the hell! Miss An Lan must be a big beauty! Miss An Lan, add a personal friend, I would like to ask some questions about catching the sea! "

"Miss An Lan, what is the diameter of your island, how many people do you have, how many island owner points do you have, do you have a boyfriend?"

"I definitely don't have a boyfriend! Miss An Lan, I sent my handsome photos on the world channel, what do you think! "

World Channel.

The owners of the major islands are also extremely curious.

"The talent for catching the sea is actually not so powerful, my island resources are not much, of course, casually turning over pebbles can indeed get food such as fish, shrimp and crabs."

In addition to food, I dig through pebbles or dig up sand to pick up characters like sea elves, like fat ding, like meow... I don't have a few humanoid islanders, mainly Fat Ding, Meow, Duck, Charizard Islander.

The current population of my island is 15, and my island owner points are 70,000. It's a little strange, I have a population of 15, I don't get a population point reward once every three days, and I'm curious who the owner of the island with the largest population is. "

An Lan responded.

"15 population!"

"I Cao! I don't have a population! My island is just me! I'm a Light Pole Commander! "

"I, Nangong Saitama, even if I have become a disciple of Master Xuandu, I am currently only one population, and Miss An Lan actually has a population of 15! Miss An Lan, you actually said that the talent for catching the sea is not powerful, and it is too Versailles! "

"15 people can't get population points rewards? So which is the first population at present? X Island owner? Or some bigwig who never spoke? "

"The owner of the island with the largest population makes a speech!"

World Channel!

Another heated discussion!

Chen Ge smiled lightly!

Secret Dao An Lan's talent for catching the sea does have something!


No need to care!


I have reached the Strait of Tribulation!





A huge strait!

Straits left and right!

There are two giant sculptures thousands of meters high!


Through the Straits of Tribulation!

You can enter the next sea!

The next sea!

Sea of Plenty!