
All People's Deity: I Bestow Attributes on All Things

In the world where all people can become deities, one can obtain supreme authority after passing the tests. Chen Lie crossed over to this world and gained the ability to assign attributes to all things after entering the deity world. He assigned attributes such as 【Technology】【Iron Casting】【Intelligent Development】【Prosthetic Limbs】【Mechanic】 to the human race, enabling them to load mechas, travel through the starry sky, and achieve mechanical ascension. He assigned attributes like 【Spiritual Energy Recovery】【Enlightenment】【Cultivation】【Transcending Tribulation】【Dragon Gate】 to the fish race, helping them leap through the dragon gate to become dragons, ride the clouds and fog, and obtain the creation of ascending to the heavens. He assigned attributes like 【Crazy】【Descent of Evil Gods】【Terroristic Mutation】【Vague Calling】【Whispering in the Darkness】 to the insect race, causing them to mutate crazily, transform into evil gods, and the old dominators reappear in the gray fog. Time and space shifted for ten thousand years, and the gods turned into bones. The world collapsed, the deities perished, and evil demons from outside the domain invaded. "My little world..." "Countless star-destroying mechas!" "Hundreds of millions of divine dragons!" "Innumerable evil gods!" "Can you hold back?!"

Daoist4KlNKB · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

World Invasion

Someone is invading?!

As soon as the system gave the prompt, Chen Lie immediately became vigilant. This is a class examination for thirty-five people.

That is to say, the invader is very likely to be one of his classmates. Everyone has just awakened their worlds.

Except for Chen Lie who can use the attribute system to improve, others only have the pitiful resources brought by the world itself, and there is basically no room for development.

Therefore, to gain the upper hand in the class examination, one is to obtain a powerful race at the beginning. The only other two means are to invade other worlds.

Use the resources of other worlds for your own world to enhance your strength.

"But at the beginning of the game, how could someone attack without developing their strength first?" Chen Lie couldn't figure it out.

Unless this person is extremely confident in the creatures of his world. It's dangerous.

If he has awakened a powerful race such as orcs or something. His group of only 31 people is not enough to handle it.

Just at this moment, the options of the system appeared before him.

[You have been invaded by another world. Please make a choice!]

[One, choose to surrender. This world will merge with the invading world, and this world will cease to exist. You lose your deity status!]

[Two, choose to fight. If you win the battle, you will forcibly annex the opponent's world. If you lose, you will be devoured by the opponent!]

[Three, submit to slavery. Choose to be enslaved by the invading world. You need to provide corresponding resources or creatures according to the conditions proposed by the other party.]

A series of prompt sounds rang out.

Chen Lie's heart grew heavier and heavier.

His Human Race now only has 31 people, and many of them are still children...

How to fight?

If he had known earlier, he would have enhanced the combat power of the group no matter what. Otherwise, he wouldn't be facing such a difficult choice now.

In his opinion, the first and third options are basically the same. Surrendering will result in losing the deity status.

If you choose to submit to slavery, then you have to offer a large amount of resources and will definitely be at the bottom of the class assessment. After the assessment is over, you will no longer be a deity and thus become a mortal.

Unless you spend several million to buy a seed of a small world again, but he simply can't afford it. "No way, no way. Even if I have to fight to the death, I will never submit!"

"Damn the submission!"

Chen Lie decisively chose the second option - fight.

As the option disappeared, he was still extremely uneasy in his heart, but the following situation was beyond his expectation.

[The creatures of your world, inspired by the deity, participate in the battle.]

[The leader of the Human Race, Yan, led 30 people, holding the just-broken branches, roaring and charging into another world, intending to take the initiative.]

[In front of them is a meadow, with green grass, intense light above, and flowing water under the sunlight. It is a peaceful and serene scene.]

[The Human Race was confused. They didn't see the enemy.]

[A human was thirsty and lay down in the river to drink water. He eliminated an enemy.]

[In the water, there is a paramecium about 2 millimeters long, spitting bubbles innocently.]


How did an enemy get eliminated?

Chen Lie was very confused.

Could it be that the so-called enemy is that group of large paramecia?


Compared to the usually 80 to 300 microns paramecia, these bugs are considered large. Just then, the voice of the system came from his ear.

It was a beautiful girl in the class, Zhao Yuwei, who sent him a communication invitation. Could it be that she is invading me?

Although they didn't have much contact, Chen Lie did have an impression of this person. There was no other reason but that she was too beautiful.

And she has a curvaceous figure that attracts attention. It's impossible not to notice. But in the deity world, strength is still supreme.

Therefore, everyone was busy reading and didn't communicate much with each other. After thinking for a while, Chen Lie still chose to accept the invitation.

This Zhao Yuwei gave him the impression of being kind, simple, and without much thought. She speaks softly.

Doesn't seem like the type who would actively invade? Just then.

Zhao Yuwei's voice came. "Chen, Chen Lie."

"I never expected that the first person I encountered is you." After hearing her explanation.

Chen Lie clearly understood the ins and outs.

It turned out.

The first race that appeared in Zhao Yuwei's world was the paramecium! There is no combat power at all! Her awakened talent is to be able to view the general situation of nearby planets.

Therefore, she learned that the classmate Wang Meng awakened the [Barbarians] race and was leading the group to fight everywhere. Several classmates' small worlds were thus annexed.

Zhao Yuwei suddenly became panicked.

She only has these paramecia. How could they have any combat power? It's only a matter of time before being annexed.

Zhao Yuwei didn't have a good impression of Wang Meng either. She thought that instead of benefiting him, it's better to randomly choose a world to start a war and hand over the resources to that world.

But actually, she also had a little thought...

"Just in case, I mean just in case, if my paramecia can defeat the creatures of other worlds?" In the communication channel.

Zhao Yuwei said somewhat unwillingly.

"But it seems it didn't work now."

Chen Lie chuckled.

Is there anything weaker than paramecia?

The virtual image of Zhao Yuwei on the opposite side lowered her head slightly, and her eyes were obviously dim. The luck is really bad.

It's unlikely to become a true deity in the future. With her family situation, she can't afford to buy a world seed either.

She can only be a mortal living in constant fear. Maybe one day she will be killed by evil demons. Sighed gently, feeling desperate in her heart. She was about to close the communication channel and enter the real world. But unexpectedly, Chen Lie's voice came from her ear.

"Classmate Zhao, your world is developing very well. You said, if I merge this world, is there a chance to be in the top three?"

Zhao Yuwei was stunned for a moment, feeling like she was being mocked, but still counted with her fingers and said.

"I know Wang Meng is the [Barbarians] race. You are no match for him. And Chu Xueying is the [Cat People] race. They are definitely in the top two."

"If you want to fight for it... "

Zhao Yuwei quickly glanced at Chen Lie's world, as well as Yan and the group of Human Race. Her voice paused for a moment and said, "There is still a chance to be in the top three."

Chen Lie nodded and said with a smile.

"If I can be in the top three and rank in the deity examination in January, can I become a formal deity?"


"When the time comes, recruit you to be my divine favorite?" "Oh... eh?" Zhao Yuwei was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Chen Lie incredulously.

A formal deity has [Divine Favorites], which actually means followers or confidants, and there is a quota limit.

After becoming a divine favorite, you can be protected by the deity and be protected from evil demons.

Chen Lie's intention is obvious. If he can become a deity, he will repay the favor and protect Zhao Yuwei's safety. But generally, female divine favorites are either relatives of the deity or have that kind of relationship with the deity. Many divine favorites will have descendants for the deity.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuwei blushed slightly, murmured "Yes" in a low voice. Chen Lie almost didn't hear it, and then she quickly hung up the communication channel.

"If Chen Lie can really become a formal deity, that would be great."

"Unfortunately... "

"How difficult is that." After quitting the class examination, Zhao Yuwei's mind emerged with Chen Lie's face and couldn't help being lost for a moment.


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