
All People’s Island: Opening Contract with Queen Medusa!

All People’s Island This is a world of islands for all people! Those who have reached the age of eighteen and qualified can enter their own island world. As long as you can build and defend your own island, you can get rich resources! Lin Yang had just entered his own island, but he encountered the seriously injured Queen Medusa! Choose a pot of snake meat or a beautiful snake girl? He decisively chose the latter! With the help of Queen Medusa he built a huge town on his island! Not only that! Lin Yang also found that there are still ancestors of vampires, elemental elves, abyss succubus and so on in his island! They are clever and capable, and they will be the help for Lin Yang to rule the island! Serve him! Build a home for Lin Yang on the island!  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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246 Chs

Chapter 225

Chapter 225 Activate Mechanical Girl C39! Existence in the Deep! (Order)

[Get Special: The Power of Death![The power of death; favored by the goddess of death! Your attack will be accompanied by the breath of death!]

"Attack with the breath of death? So fierce?"

Lin Yang saw the newly acquired special of the mechanical girl C39.

Immediately shocked!

What is the concept of the breath of death?

That is a substance that even the upper gods are afraid of!

And now!

After the mechanical girl devoured the seed of death!

Not only did it directly increase the combat power assessment of 50 million!

Even got the breath of death!

This is simply a huge gain!

"Since the seed of death can increase the combat power by 50 million!"

Lin Yang's eyes narrowed slightly!

The current mechanical girl C39 combat power is only 450 million.

Five hundred and fifty million away from one billion.

Only eleven seeds of death!

"It seems that this trip to the forbidden land of death will be able to wake her up!"

Lin Yang was secretly delighted.

This trip to the forbidden land of death can not only complete the entrustment of the sun god to him.

You can even activate the mechanical girl C39!

It's a real profit!

Although he also lost a elf bracelet!


Wait a while to get out!

Lin Yang must make the god of suffering pay the price!


Lin Yang muttered to himself.

He continued on to the Seed of Death in other areas.

This wave!

He's going to make a lot of money!

[Absorb the Seed of Death!]

[Combat assessment + 50 million!]

[Absorb the Seed of Death)

After about ten hours.

Lin Yang has collected more than two dozen seeds of death!

That's right!

With the help of the mechanical girl C39, he wildly harvested the seed of death.

There is a map to guide, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

The only thing that needs to be paid is the time required for the journey.

And after harvesting more than twenty seeds of death.

Eleven of them were swallowed by Mechanical Girl C39.

Her fighting power has also reached its peak!



A happy smile crossed the corner of Lin Yang's mouth.


The repair power is enough!


Just activate the mechanical girl C39!


Lin Yang immediately paid one billion evolutionary energy to activate the mechanical girl C39!

Evolution [Energy – One Billion!]

is [activating]

In an instant!

One billion evolutionary energy pours into the body of the mechanical girl!

Her body was instantly wrapped in a layer of blue fluorescence!

can even see it!

Electricity lingered around the body of Mechanical Girl C39.

Continue to enrich the body of the mechanical girl C39.

Awake "Go! Work for me!

Lin Yang excitedly looked at the mechanical girl C39 in the storage space!

Once she is activated!

Then she will become Lin Yang's most powerful fighting force!

A billion-dollar combat assessment!

That is the existence chasing after the higher gods!

woo woo woo woo!


A cry came from the depths of the forbidden area of death.


Lin Yang frowned.

Look in the direction of the sound.

The sound made his scalp go numb.

It's as if a monster that has been sleeping has been awakened!

And what woke it up was the movement caused by Lin Yang!


Lin Yang felt the crisis.

but now!

Mechanical girl C39 has not completed the final activation!

He needs a little more time!

Let's go to "the edge of the forbidden area of death first!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and prepared to go to the edge of the forbidden area of death first.

If the monsters in the forbidden area of death are killed.

Then Lin Yang can easily escape from the forbidden area of death.

on the fringes.

…for flowers...

The God of Suffering will not rush in.

Can provide a period of time required for the activation of the mechanical girl C39!

Just when Lin Yang turned around and was about to leave!

His limbs are in this instant!

Trapped by the black breath!

"Damn it!

Lin Yang's expression froze!

He never imagined it!

The breath of death floating around is actually able to materialize!

Bind his body!

"You have to run away!"

Lin Yang struggled to escape!

But it can't be done at all!

Because this black breath completely bound his limbs.


No matter how hard he tries!

Can't break free from this damn bondage!

Can only be dragged into the deepest part of the forbidden area of death!

I don't know how much time has passed.

Shortly after Lin Yang was bound by the breath of death again, he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was still bound.

But the location has changed!

He found himself tied to a large black net!

That's right!

Similar to a spider web!

And what constitutes these spider webs is the breath of death!


Lin Yang looked around suspiciously.

He wants to know where this place is.

Why was he brought here?

But before that!

Something makes him even better!

"how come?"

Lin Yang was surprised to find out!

My own diamond body has been eliminated!

Now facing the breath of death!

It's his own body!


Even weirder!

Even though Lin Yang recovered his human body, he was not eroded by the breath of death.

Are the breaths of death that the gods feared all false?

Just when Lin Yang was puzzled.

A voice appeared behind him.

"I haven't seen a living creature for thousands of years, human beings, just stay and accompany the deity!"