
All People’s Island: Opening Contract with Queen Medusa!

All People’s Island This is a world of islands for all people! Those who have reached the age of eighteen and qualified can enter their own island world. As long as you can build and defend your own island, you can get rich resources! Lin Yang had just entered his own island, but he encountered the seriously injured Queen Medusa! Choose a pot of snake meat or a beautiful snake girl? He decisively chose the latter! With the help of Queen Medusa he built a huge town on his island! Not only that! Lin Yang also found that there are still ancestors of vampires, elemental elves, abyss succubus and so on in his island! They are clever and capable, and they will be the help for Lin Yang to rule the island! Serve him! Build a home for Lin Yang on the island!  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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246 Chs

Chapter 208

Chapter 208 The mother-in-law's approval! Please give me more advice in the future! (Please order)

"I want you to promise!

Lin Yang said firmly to Ye Chen and Ye Ying.

Hear what Lin Yang said.

Ye Ying also showed a gratified smile.

She is glad that her daughter can find such a good husband, at least much better than her husband!

"Then! When it's almost time, come back for a wedding, okay?

Ye Ying asked Lin Yang with a smile.


Lin Yang nodded.

This thing is completely done!

"Thank you! Mom!"

Ye Linxue hugged Ye Ying happily.

She is now able to live the life she wants on the island with Lin Yang!

Isn't it necessary to make Lin Yang pay for food once a day?

"As long as you like it!"

Ye Ying said fondly.

But look at Lin Yang.

He whispered softly, "Come with me alone!"


Lin Yang was pulled over by Ye Ying alone.

This makes Lin Yang very curious, what does Ye Ying have to do with herself?

"It's hard to say in front of Lin Xue, but now I want to ask you something."

Ye Ying asked Lin Yang seriously.

"What's up?"

"You give me a clue, how many women are there?"

Ye Ying questioned Lin Yang.

She wants to be clear!

How many competitors will his daughter have.

between words.

She also looked at Queen Medusa.

I felt a little pity for Ye Linxue in my heart.

in front of a woman of this level.

Ye Linxue's cuteness is worthless!

Unless Lin Yang has a different hobby.

"Cough cough! That's the problem!

Lin Yang was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ying asked herself this question.

"Not much, you can rest assured."

Lin Yang's eyes rolled in a big circle, and he said without wavering.

Not much really!

Only five or six!

so far…

"I don't believe you! Liar, stinky man!"

Ye Ying gave Lin Yang a white look.

Then sighed.

Reached out and touched Lin Yang's head.

This scene made Lin Yang a little weird.

After all, he used to touch other people's heads.

But he wasn't too unnatural.

After all, now, to him, Ye Ying is an elder.

Take care of "my daughter, she is fragile and needs your patience and care". "

Ye Ying asked Lin Yang for it.

"Hmm! I will."

Lin Yang nodded.

It is inevitable!

"One last thing!

Ye Ying leaned into Lin Yang's ear.

In a very soft voice, he said a word to Lin Yang.

"you sure?"

This is one place!

Immediately, Lin Yang was shocked!

"Yeah! This is the secret technique of our cherry family!! Lin Xue didn't even know about it!"

Ye Ying nodded in response.

"Cough! Okay! Didn't expect such a miraculous thing?"

Lin Yang said with a little joy.

I didn't expect the cherry family to have such a magical physique!

"It's almost time. If you don't want to stay here for dinner, then take Lin Xue and leave. She doesn't like staying here either."

Ye Ying finally said to Lin Yang.


Lin Yang replied.

Now that the matter is completed, he should leave with Ye Linxue.

Lin Yang returned to Ye Linxue's side again.

"What did you tell my mom?"

Ye Linxue asked curiously.

"About you."

Lin Yang replied with a smile.

"my business?"

This made Ye Linxue very curious.

What's with her?

"Okay! Stop thinking about it! We should go back!"

Lin Yang patted Ye Linxue's head and said.


Ye Linxue smiled and nodded.

She can finally live by Lin Yang's side forever!

compared to her own island.

She prefers to live on Lin Yang's island!

Especially that hot spring!

Simply heaven!


And little mushrooms!

One of Ye Linxue's few friends!

"Mom, Dad! I'm leaving!

Ye Linxue finally said to Ye Ying and Ye Chen.

Don't worry, stay by Lin Yang's side! I will take care of your island for you!

Ye Ying smiled and replied to Ye Lin.

"Thank you mom! I love you forever!"

Ye Linxue felt the full maternal love.

"Then let's go!"

Lin Yang said to Queen Medusa and Ye Linxue.


White light flashed!

The three instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

And Ye Linxue left.

Ye Ying showed a bitter smile at this.

It seems that it is not yet time to accept all of this.


All this has happened!


Unlike Ye Sakura!

This guy Ye Chen actually cried!

"What are you crying for?"

Ye Ying immediately frowned and asked Ye Chen.

Daughter "I was arched by a pig! Can I stop crying? Uhhhhh!

"Shut up! It's ugly!"

"What a joke!"

the other side!

Lin Yang has returned to his island with Ye Linxue!

The moment you set foot on Lin Yang Island.

Ye Linxue was still a little hesitant.

About a few seconds later, he stepped into Lin Yang's island.

After stepping on Lin Yang's island, Ye Linxue's mouth showed a faint smile.

She is now completely saying goodbye to her old self!

her now!

Identity has been transformed!

No longer an ordinary island owner.

but a wife.

Lin Yang's good helper!

"Welcome to the island again, beautiful girl!"

The Elf Queen is leading people to welcome Ye Linxue's arrival!

They will all be family from now on!

All will serve Lin Yang!

"No, in the future, please give me more advice!"

Ye Linxue's face turned slightly red.

There was a hint of shyness in the words.

Because she is not very good at communicating with people.



(of money) She is trying to change.

As a member of the island, blend in here!

What a "cute kid!"

The Elf Queen smiled softly.

Those tender eyes made Ye Linxue's heart beat faster.

She always felt that there were many rules on Lin Yang's island!

after all!

Living with Lin Yang is the queen of every race!

What does the queen stand for?

That's the rules and constraints!

She didn't know if she could fit in well!

Of course, the people around Lin Yang are not all queens.

Like little mushrooms.

Just a girl just like her.

She was still able to find people with common topics.

"That's right! Where's the little mushroom? Where's White Fang?


Ye Linxue found that she did not see the figure of the little mushroom.

This made her a little curious.

"They? At the evolutionary god level! It takes a little time!

Evolve the "God Level?" Rule,