
All People’s Island: Opening Contract with Queen Medusa!

All People’s Island This is a world of islands for all people! Those who have reached the age of eighteen and qualified can enter their own island world. As long as you can build and defend your own island, you can get rich resources! Lin Yang had just entered his own island, but he encountered the seriously injured Queen Medusa! Choose a pot of snake meat or a beautiful snake girl? He decisively chose the latter! With the help of Queen Medusa he built a huge town on his island! Not only that! Lin Yang also found that there are still ancestors of vampires, elemental elves, abyss succubus and so on in his island! They are clever and capable, and they will be the help for Lin Yang to rule the island! Serve him! Build a home for Lin Yang on the island!  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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246 Chs

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Ye Linxue! Let me keep your body healthy! Information about the son! (Please order)

For the next few days, Lin Yang chose to rest.

Play this coral world with Queen Medusa and the others.

Because there is no treasure worthy of his shot, and he has to beware of the son.

They will attack the whale king at any time.

Since he agreed to the commission of the Sea God.

Naturally, it is necessary to protect the whale king.

As for the movements of the young master and the others, it is up to Ye Linxue.

Although Ye Linxue has few friends.

But this guy always gets a lot of useful information.

After all, she is clearly the daughter of Ye Chen, the person in power of the super chaebol group.

So there are many privileges.

Having said that, Lin Yang seems to have not seen Ye Chen and Ye Ying for several days.

This couple is really insane.

They don't even care about their daughter.

"Lin Yang Lin Yang!

Ye Linxue jumped and rushed to Lin Yang's room.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yang is having tea with Queen Medusa.

"There is news! The son is going to act!"

Ye Linxue said to Lin Yang.


Lin Yang narrowed his eyes when he heard Ye Linxue's words.

Are you guys finally going to act?

"Don't worry, come here and talk while drinking tea."

Queen Medusa invited Ye Linxue.

"Cough cough."

Ye Linxue nodded her little head.

Since she has seen the strength of Queen Medusa, she is also the same as the Night Fury Tiger.

Some are afraid of Queen Medusa.

Ye Linxue sat beside the two of them.

Queen Medusa brought her a cup of tea.

Because it is a special tea from the Coral Sea, the color is a little weird.

It's pink!

"Can this be drunk?"

Ye Linxue asked suspiciously.

"Of course I can drink it. It tastes very good. I also bought a dozen kilograms to take back."

Lin Yang replied with a smile.


Ye Linxue raised the teacup with her small hand questioningly.

Then take a sip.



Gold stars popped out of her eyes!

The scent of the tea burst out in her mouth in an instant.

Surprise her!

"Drink it well!"

Ye Linxue said incredulously, "Where did you buy it?"

"Uh, it's in that bar."

Lin Yang replied.

He often goes to the bar for a drink with Queen Medusa these days.

Come back half drunk and do something meaningful.

Simply merry don't want it.

"Why do bars sell tea?

Ye Linxue raised her eyebrows.

Some are incomprehensible.

"Who knows, let's get down to business first."

Lin Yang shrugged.

This tea was recommended to Lin Yang by a pretty female island owner.

I heard it has magical effects.

Although he still doesn't know what this magical effect is.


Ye Linxue nodded.

Then he said: "I got the news that tomorrow the son and his people will attack the whale king! And there are people from the Liu family chaebol group!"

"Two super chaebols?

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

However, the cooperation between super chaebols does not seem to be a strange thing.

"Yes, as for the flying mantis whose main combat power must be the son!"

Ye Linxue then added.

"If it's just a ten-star flying mantis, it's not difficult to deal with."

Lin Yang said flatly.

And if he guessed correctly, the so-called evil god's power is that flying mantis, right?

After all, before this, he had never seen that black mantis appear beside the son.

Moreover, the number of ten-star island creatures that appeared in the world of the island master was no more than one-handed.

Although "That's what I said, but we still have to be careful, what if that guy has other trump cards?"

Ye Linxue said cautiously to Lin Yang.

"Indeed, it depends on who has more cards."

Lin Yang smiled and shrugged.

than hole cards?

Try it though!

"It feels like I can't help you at all,

Ye Linxue pouted and said.

Her Night Fury Tiger, in Lin Yang's group of island creatures, seems to have no place at all.

Even the three elves can easily kill it.

"You've helped me a lot."

Lin Yang replied with a smile: "Without you, I wouldn't know the movements of the young master and the others, thank you.

"Hehe! After all, we are good brothers, I will definitely help you!"

Ye Linxue patted Lin Yang's shoulder happily.

Although a little out of reach.

"By the way, I have a question I've always wanted to ask you."

Suddenly, Lin Yang looked at Ye Linxue curiously.

"Well? What's the problem?"

Ye Linxue looked at Lin Yang suspiciously, not knowing what questions this guy had to ask herself.


Lin Yang brought his face close to Ye Linxue.

This caught Ye Linxue a little off guard.

Crazy thoughts in my head.

His face turned red in an instant.


"Are you really a cherry? I'm a little curious, can you show me your body?"

Lin Yang asked Ye Linxue curiously.

Although we know that plants can also give birth to conscious life.

Like a flower demon, a tree demon and the like.

But this is the first time I heard that a small cherry can give birth to a conscious life.

In front of him is the individual born between humans and cherries.

This makes Lin Yang even more curious!

"Ah? You want to know what my body looks like?"

Ye Linxue felt a little lost for some reason.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang asked her this question!

"En! Just to fulfill my little wish, can you show me your body?"

Lin Yang asked Ye Linxue excitedly.

"No! I won't let you see my body! Stop dreaming!"

Ye Linxue immediately rejected Lin Yang.

A small face as red as a ripe 753 cherry.

Red in white.

"Don't be so ruthless, let me be healthy."

Lin Yang asked Ye Linxue with a smile.

"Pervert! Stay away from me! Pervert!"

"Be obedient! Let me be healthy!

"No!! You go away!"

the other side.

The son is discussing tomorrow's countermeasures with his people.

"Are you all ready?"

The son asked Steward Li.

"It's all set! This time it can't go wrong!"

Butler Li replied.

"Humph! Last time I lost 500 million because of you rubbish! If something goes wrong this time! You know what happens to you!"

The son rebuked the housekeeper Li!

"There will be no problem this time! I promise!"

Butler Li replied tremblingly.

"This is your last chance.

The son narrowed his eyes and said ruthlessly.

"Don't worry! Son!"

Butler Li said confidently: "This time is absolutely foolproof! All the hands have been placed near that guy! After you have dealt with the whale king, you can immediately attack the island master!"

"I don't believe it! That guy can deal with thousands of powerful island creatures! Even if he brought all nine-star island creatures, there is no possibility of surviving!!

"That's good!"

When the son heard this, a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

"I must make that guy regret it! Let him know the fate of being my enemy!"