
All People’s Island: Opening Contract with Queen Medusa!

All People’s Island This is a world of islands for all people! Those who have reached the age of eighteen and qualified can enter their own island world. As long as you can build and defend your own island, you can get rich resources! Lin Yang had just entered his own island, but he encountered the seriously injured Queen Medusa! Choose a pot of snake meat or a beautiful snake girl? He decisively chose the latter! With the help of Queen Medusa he built a huge town on his island! Not only that! Lin Yang also found that there are still ancestors of vampires, elemental elves, abyss succubus and so on in his island! They are clever and capable, and they will be the help for Lin Yang to rule the island! Serve him! Build a home for Lin Yang on the island!  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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246 Chs

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Are you a profiteer? Are you Ye Linxue?! Ape dung! (Please order)

"Not human?"

Lin Yang looked suspiciously at the girl with pink double ponytails.

Is she not human?

This made Lin Yang a little unbelievable.

As for the sight of Lin Yang and others, the girl seemed to be aware of it.

But she couldn't hear what Lin Yang and the others were saying.

So I still bury my head there and eat wildly.

"are you sure?

Lin Yang asked Queen Medusa softly.


Queen Medusa nodded.

"This guy should have only half of the human physique, probably an individual born between humans and island creatures."

"Individuals born of humans and island creatures?"

Lin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, after thinking for a while.

Said to Queen Medusa: "Let's not talk about it, we won't have much contact with her."

Lin Yang chose not to discuss this matter anymore, after all, what kind of people were born, and they have no connection with them.

"Okay, master.

Queen Medusa nodded.

Then he sat dignifiedly in his seat.


The water elements brought delicious food to them.

Fill an entire table.

"Wow! Looks delicious! I'm going to start!"

Nadia raised her chopsticks excitedly.

Others have also started to start with the dishes on the table.

Lin Yang picked up a transparent strip of food that looked like noodles.

put in mouth.

That thing melted in an instant.

Also has a wonderful taste.

It made him feel incredible.


There are also many foods that Lin Yang has never seen before.

Some kind of pink shell!

The meat inside tasted like a sweet pastry.

There was also a half-person-sized fish that tasted like super premium beef.

This is something Lin Yang has never seen before.


Everyone ate happily!

Almost forgot there was a stranger among them.



Hemi accidentally overturned the juice at hand, soiling the girl's clothes.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to!!"

Hemi immediately took out a clean towel and wanted to wipe the girl's soiled clothes.

The girl said, "It's fine, I'll just wipe it myself."

Saying that, she took the towel and wiped the soiled part.

But I found that this strange juice could not be scrubbed off.

"Foam, can you use magic to remove juice from clothes?"

Hemi asked the water elf Shuirong.

"There is this kind of magic, but the raw material of this fruit is a bit strange, you have to think about it, we are at the bottom of the sea now, but we can drink juice…

Shui Tu said with some embarrassment.

Obviously, they are not drinking ordinary juice,

"I'm very sorry, let me pay you for this dress."

Lin Yang said to the girl.

Take responsibility for Hermi's mistakes.

"No need, this dress of mine is worth a few thousand crystals."

The girl replied with a smile.

"Thousands of crystals… so be it.

Lin Yang took out a red energy crystal from the storage space.

"This thing should be regarded as an apology, okay? I hope you can accept it."

"This… well!

The girl nodded.

Received the energy crystal.

"Thanks, then I'll leave first.

The girl said and turned to leave.

She shouted to the water element outside: "Excuse me, have you packed the food for the Night Fury Tiger?

"Night Demon Tiger?"

Lin Yang was stunned when he heard the name.

Isn't this the island creature of Ye Linxue's fellow?

"Wait, could you be Ye Linxue?"

Lin Yang asked the pink-haired girl.


The pink-haired girl turned her head instantly and looked at Lin Yang.

Her two big eyes were filled with incredible writing.

Then weakly asked Lin Yang: "Are you a profiteer?"

"Ahem! My name is Lin Yang, and I'm not a profiteer."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"You! You! You! Lin Yang! To meet you in this place! What a fate!"

Ye Linxue said incredulously.

She never imagined that she would encounter Lin Yang in such a place!

"I didn't even think about it.

Lin Yang also smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

He didn't even think that there would be such a huge gap between Ye Linxue and what he imagined.

This guy turned out to be a girl who looked a little weird.

This height…maybe only about one meter five.

They are on a par with the little mushrooms, and even a little shorter.

The most important thing is that when Ye Linxue was chatting in the island world, Ye Linxue was the same.

But what about now?

Ye Linxue seemed very quiet, and even a little… compliant.

Master ", do you know each other?"

Queen Medusa asked curiously.


Lin Yang nodded.

He touched his nose and replied, "Is it a trading partner? Do you remember the Night Fury Tiger from last time? It's hers."

"So that fierce kitten is her pet!"

Queen Medusa still has an impression of the Night Fury Tiger.

After all, the Night Fury Tiger was taken lightly by Queen Medusa!

"Very fierce kitty…

Ye Linxue was stunned.

Her Night Demon Tiger is also a nine-star monster.

As a result, in the mouth of this woman who looks older than her, it is a very fierce kitten…


She also found out early.

The group of people with Lin Yang are not ordinary human beings.

All creatures from the island!

This is something she never expected!

And they all look so beautiful!

Except for Naya, who is younger than her, without exception, she is much older than her.

, a little interesting, is a cute little girl. "

The ancestor of the vampire came to Ye Linxue with a smile.

Said to her: "Since it is the master's friend, it is also my friend, hello, my name is Daisy Liss, the ancestor of vampires!"

"The ancestor of vampires???"

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the vampire, the whole person was stunned.

Vampire ancestors?

Lin Yang actually conquered the ancestor of the vampire?

"Hello! My name is Medusa, and I am the patriarch of the snake people."

Queen Medusa also introduced herself.

"The Patriarch of the Snake People…"

Ye Linxue opened her eyes in disbelief again.

What is this all about!

(Zhao's) "Hello! My name is Naya! I'm the master's little angel!!"

The little angel Nadia pointed to the top of her head with a smile.

A small circle of light appeared above her head.

Every day "make?

The identity of an angel makes Ye Linxue feel incredible!

Does this really exist?


This is a creature that has never appeared in the main world of the island!


The three elves introduced themselves to Ye Linxue.

"My name is Tira!



We "are members of the elves, and together with the queen of elves, we are loyal to the master!"


Compared with the special status of the previous ones!

The three elves seem to be the most common.

But it made Ye Linxue put on an unbelievable expression!

Could it be that Lin Yang said to fight with elves before..

With the three of them?

and three sprites that big!???
