
41. Chapter 41

Nicole woke the next morning feeling a bit sore, but the best kind of sore as she remembered how her, and Waverly made love several times both in human and wolf forms. As she stretched her arms and legs in their bed, Nicole felt the bed begin to move near her feet. Raising her head, Nicole caught sight of the tops of red hair before she was pounced upon by Nicolas and Alberto.

“Um, Good morning my Boo and Bubba.” Nicole says as she wraps her arms around both of her sons, while she notices that they both were wearing her old Police caps on their heads.

“Morning. Ma says you’ve been Bad Mummy. So, stick them up.” Nicolas says as he points his pretend gun at Nicole, while Alberto holds out a set of plastic handcuffs. Nicole smirks as Alberto works at trying to put his handcuffs on his Mummy’s outstretched hands.

“How have I been a Bad Mummy?” Nicole asks as Nicolas lowers his gun and Alberto gently tugs on the handcuffs, making sure that they were shut properly.

“Ma said you stay away for two nights. Ma missed her .. um…Alberto, what did Ma call it?” Nicolas asks his brother.

“Bonus blanket and Winona didn’t sleep; she cried all night.” Alberto pulled on his Mummy’s hands as he wanted to take Nicole out to their Ma and show her that they had captured their bandit. Nicole laughed as she let Alberto and Nicolas pull her out of the bed and out into the living room.

Walden was sitting in his bouncer, happily kicking his feet and sucking on his bottle, Bach and Winona on the other hand were not so happy. Nicole heard their cries before she saw Waverly trying to pacify their cries by bouncing them on both of her hips. The red head felt for her wife, who looked tired and in need of a good day’s rest from crying pups. As Nicolas and Alberto led their captive criminal towards Waverly, Nicole tried to reach out and take Bach from Waverly, but Nicolas said, “No you Bad Mummy and you have to sit in the cell.” Alberto was standing next to a large cardboard box (which prior housed antique items for the Wyatt Earp Museum) and was now next to the sofa, Nicolas pointed into the box and then Alberto said, “Inside.”

Nicole crouched down and crawled into the box, she noticed that someone had drawn on the front flaps some black bars. As Nicole sat on the bottom of the makeshift cell, she tried hiding the look of pride on her face, knowing that her toddler sons wanted to take after their Mummy.

Waverly swayed while she tried to distract her crying babies, so she said, “Look at Mummy, she’s all locked up in Nicolas and Alberto’s jail cell. Doesn’t Mummy look funny!”

At the sight of their Mummy sitting in a box in handcuffs, with one of the flaps closed, was enough to make Bach and Winona to stop their crying and start giggling and flapping their arms. Alberto then walked over to Waverly and said, “We have Bad Mummy in jail. She yours to punish, Ma. Here’s the keys to the cell.” Nicolas stood on the other side of Waverly and grinned up at his Ma, who looked down at Nicole with a devilish grin.

All Waverly wanted to do was take Nicole back into their bedroom and punish her in the only way she knew that would teach Nicole a lesson. One which involved the teasing of the Alpha until both her mind and hard cock could no longer tolerate, causing Nicole to beg Waverly to allow her to bend her over and fuck her so hard, that Waverly would be feeling Nicole’s hot cum, swilling around inside for the next week. Waverly had to control herself, which meant having to remind Nicole that she would receive her punishment later that night, but for now, Nicole was to promise not to stay away for so long ever again.

“Well I think Bad Mummy’s punishment will have to wait till tonight. For now, Bad Mummy, will you promise ME, that you will not stay away for 2 days and nights ever again?” Waverly says as she reached into the cardboard box and uncuffed Nicole and placing a kiss on her cheek.

“I promise and I am soooo looking forward to my punishment.” Nicole grins back at Waverly.

Waverly and Nicole sat and talked over breakfast, as the triplets slept in the nursery and the twins were busy playing with Max and Calamity Jane in their room. Nicole shared with Waverly her worries about having an Alpha Werewolf out there in Purgatory killing innocent victims and that there seemed to be a link to this killing and those that Sam was working on solving.

“Baby, can you come in later today and have a look at the files, that Sam sent through the other day. I think with your researching skills, you will be able to help us to find the link between this victim and Sam’s cases.” Nicole lays her hand over Waverly’s and gives it a squeeze.

“I’m very happy to help my Haught baby. Maybe if you play your cards right, I might hold off on your punishment.” Waverly wiggles her eyebrows at Nicole, who swallows hard at the thought of being punished by her wife.

Later that day while Nicole was in the lunchroom fixing herself another coffee, she was reading another case file that Sam had sent through to her that morning, regarding another body that had been found, with similar wounds to the wounds on Kiersten. Before Nicole saw her family, she was able to hear them coming through the front doors of the station, as the giggling of her toddler sons reached her ears, causing a smile to appear on her face.

Walking back into the bull pen, Nicole saw the cutest sight, Waverly was wearing on of her old ‘Shorty’ tee shirts that revealed a low cleavage and her tightest pair of blue jeans. Waverly was sitting on the side of Nicole’s old deputy desk and pushing back and forth the stroller, making sure that their sleeping triplets remained asleep for the time being. Nicole noticed that her sleeping babies were dressed in matching light blue shirts and dark blue pants, which Waverly had sown on a couple of Nicole’s old Deputy Sheriff patches. Causing Nicole and the other Deputies to smile at their latest recruits.

“Waverly, do you want to work on those files in my office or over in the Black Badge office?” Nicole asks.

“I’ll take them over to Black Badge, that way I can spread out the files on the bigger table and Nicolas and Alberto can play with their cars and stay out from under your feet.” Waverly picks up the files from Nicole’s desk and starts walking over towards the door to Black Badge. Nicole pushed the stroller with the sleeping pups into her office, that way she can keep an eye on them.

Waverly ploughed through the files that Nicole had given her and within a short span of time, came up with information which connected all the different victims together. All the victims had been reported as missing from all over Canada and they all were aged between 20 to 30. From digging further into Kiersten’s past, Waverly discovered that Kiersten had a troubled past, which included a drug habit that she supported by stripping for money.

Nicole was standing at the front counter talking with a local citizen, when their conversation was interrupted by Bach’s cries and then an aroma filled the station. “I had better attend to this, my son Bach is very particular about having a dirty bottom. He will scream even louder, if I don’t attend to him. I’ll have one of my Deputies come out and have a look, Ma’am.” Nicole turned and motioned for the newest Deputy to take down the citizens inquires, before rushing into her office.

“Oh, there you are my little Monkey. Its ok Mummy has you now and she is going to get you all clean. Shhh, we don’t want to wake up your brother and sister now, do we?” Nicole says as she lifts Bach out of his seat and picks up the change bag. Reaching into the bag, she pulls out the change mat and places it onto her couch, before laying down Bach. As Nicole changes her son, Waverly walks into the office and says, “I heard Bach crying and thought I’d come and change him, but you’ve beaten me to it.”

“Did you have any luck with the files?” Nicole says as she cleans Bach and puts on a new diaper and redresses her son. Bach clings his little arms around his Mummy’s neck before snuggling his face into the crook of her neck.

“All the victims were reported missing from all over Canada. Kiersten had a drug habit, which she financed by working as a striper. She worked at Pussy Willows before meeting her untimely death.” Waverly walks over and tickles Bach’s exposed belly, causing her son to giggle. Upon hearing their Ma and Mummy’s voices, cause the two other pups to stir from their slumber.

“I also have found out that all the victims, at some stage worked at Pussy Willows. Here’s the list of all their names and when they last worked at the strip club.” Waverly hands to Nicole a sheet of paper.

“As much as I would like to send a couple of my Deputies to follow up on this, it’s just that we are too short staff as it is. Do you think Black Badge might be interested in following up on your research? I could go but I know how jealous you get, even when I have to help another female.” Nicole says as she looks down at the list, knowing that Waverly would be staring at her with a stern and angry look.

“Why don’t you ask Dolls yourself.” Waverly said with a huff before turning to leave the office angry, but she was stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her middle. Nicole pulled her wife against her own body and lay her chin on one of Waverly’s shoulder, then lent in and pecked the side of Waverly’s cheek. Nicole was still holding Bach with one arm, which the little boy reached out to grab hold of Ma, before letting out a small giggle.

“Now baby, you own the only naked body I wish to look at and touch. Waves, there is no need for you to get angry.” Nicole says as Waverly turns to face her. Waverly kisses Nicole until they both had to come up for air.

“I’ll have a word with Dolls and see what we can do?” Nicole replies while letting go of Waverly, so that she can attend to Walden and Winona.

The next day Nicole approached Dolls and Wynonna about sending someone into Pussy Willows to find out more information about the several women, who had worked there before being killed. Wynonna smirked as she said, “What’s holding you back from going yourself Haught sauce? Don’t tell me that my baby sister is still angry about the last time you and I went to the Pussy?”

Nicole had enough of being made fun of by her sister-in-law, when it came to Waverly being the boss in their marriage. She knew that she would do what ever Waverly asked to do without a concern, but when it came to Wynonna, Nicole knew that the older Earp was going to keep teasing her about it.

“Waverly does not control what I do when it comes to conducting Police work. I just thought that with me being the Sheriff, people at the Pussy would not be so forth coming with information, that’s all.” Nicole replied.

“Wynonna and Nicole, why don’t you go to the Pussy Willow, and while there plant several listening devices, in locations where people are most likely discussing things openly. Hopefully we will be able to find out more information to go on and put away this killer.” Dolls says as he looks at all the photos of the victims before looking over at Jeremy, who was sitting at the table in the Black Badge office, feeding their baby daughter.

Waverly was back at the house, when Nicole arrived home, later that afternoon. Knowing that Nicole was not due to be home so early, Waverly dropped the building plans in her hands before rushing out the front door. Thinking that Nicole had been injured, Waverly was filled with panic, as she thought the worst had happened. Waverly reached the spot where Nicole was standing next to her truck and was greeted with the most tender of kisses to her lips.

“Nicole, you’re not hurt?” Waverly questions as she frisked Nicole, searching for any signs or hint of a wound.

“No Waves, it’s just that I have to go out tonight to follow up on the information that you found about the young women that worked at Puss..” Nicole could not finish her sentence as Waverly hit her in the chest, causing Nicole to take a couple of steps back from her wife.

“Don’t you say your going to that strip club. Nicole Earp-Haught if you know what’s best for you, I recommend that you change your mind, or you’ll be sleeping on the sofa for the week.” Waverly stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest and tapping her foot, while she looked at Nicole with a stern stare.

Nicole couldn’t look Waverly in the eye, instead she stared at her feet and ran her hand through her red hair. It seemed like hours as the pair stood in silence, before Nicole broke the thickness of the air by saying, “I’m not going alone, Wynonna is coming with me. We will only be there long enough to plant listening devices, so that Dolls can record any conversations which can help catch this killer.”

As Waverly heard Nicole’s explanation for her need to visit the Pussy Willow, her anger grew, mainly because she wanted to join Nicole and not be stuck at home looking after their pups. Waverly loves her children and would do anything to protect them, but she also wanted to do more than just research, she desired being more involved with the investigation. “Well then go and have fun with your other wife, Wynonna. I hope your other wife, Wynonna keeps you warm tonight as you sleep on the sofa.” Waverly said as she stormed off back into the house. Nicole watched as the front door was slammed shut with such force that the horses in Doc’s paddock were spooked.

Nicole sent Waverly a message via her thoughts, ‘Baby, when you fell in love with me, you didn’t just get me, but also my job. Your married to a cop, and it’s my job to go where the danger is. I love you Waverly Earp-Haught and I always will be in love with you.’

Nicole walked into the house, expecting to see Waverly, but she was greeted with the door to the study being shut and no sign of any of their pups in the house. Nicole knew that Waverly was angry and needed time alone, so Nicole headed into her bedroom to change out of her uniform. Once she was dressed and was confident that anyone that saw her at the Pussy Willow, wouldn’t think more about her being there. Nicole started to head out of the house, but stopped outside the door to the study, where she knocked on the door. There was no answer, so Nicole slipped a note under the door, before heading out to meet up with Wynonna.

The journey to the Pussy Willow was a painful trek for Nicole, as she was saddened by the fact that she and Waverly had fought and not made up, and Wynonna was giving her heaps over Waverly being the boss. As far as Nicole was concerned, Waverly and she were equal partners in their marriage, and it didn’t worry her that Waverly would be concerned about her job as the Sheriff. It meant that Waverly loves her and wants to keep her from being hurt, just the same as Nicole felt about Waverly and their pups.

Wynonna pulled up outside the Pussy Willow, before they exited the truck, Nicole and Wynonna went through the different locations in the club, where they would plant the listening devices. “Now Haughtie, we’ve got to make it look like we are here for a good time. That means we must have a couple of drinks, OK.” Wynonna says as Nicole stares out of the window before nodding her head. They both climb out of the cab of the truck and make their way into the Pussy Willow.

Inside the music was pumping and the lights of the club were down low, as the stripper performed her routine, as men sat on chairs which lined around the edge of the stage. Nicole took one look at the stripper and closed her eyes as she shook her head, while Wynonna made a bee line for the bar. Nicole found them a table to sit at, not too close to the action, but close enough to be able to hear any conversations or comments. Wynonna returned carrying a tray with two beers and two whiskeys, as she said, “Drink up, Haught.”