
All of Society Is Bad! – The Story of a Man Summoned as a Savior.

Summoned as a hero in a fantasy world, I inadvertently caused a disaster for mankind. Strangely, the number of my fiancés keeps increasing. *** The protagonist, Yuki Midou, was summoned to a world as a hero. He is the son of a father who was descended from the bloodline of the so-called “Gods,” and is actually considered to be close to the “Savior” known as the “End Child”. He is also a reincarnation of a hero from the great divine era. However, due to his father’s failed upbringing, he grew up to be an incredibly troublesome monster. He has learned only vulgar abilities, and his fiancées, who possess terrible abilities, continue to gather around him. Not only is the world he was summoned to being destroyed, but also the world he originally belonged to. Despite the fact that the “Final Time,” which is the merging of the world he was summoned to as a hero and the world he originally belonged to, has begun, he remains unchanged and continues to cause trouble and run away. After all, he is only human, and he yells that it’s all society’s fault…

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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85 Chs


Volume 9, Chapter 4: Birds of Prey

Three women are walking through the streets of Patrida.

They are Princess Kyoka, the fourth princess, Princess Yuina, the ninth princess, and Aoi's sister, Mio.

All three of them are dressed in simple yet elegant travel attire.

"I really didn't think you would come along," Mio, who has a slightly boyish appearance resembling Aoi, said while looking at Kyoka.

"There's no helping it. We can't back down now," Kyoka, the fourth princess with a boyish haircut, replied.

"Love is a serious game," Yuina, the ninth princess with semi-long hair, chimed in enthusiastically.

"So, what's the plan from here? If we meet Kazanzaki-san's grandfather, he might find out we're here," Mio asked Kyoka and Yuina.

"Well, Aoi will be on guard, I'm sure," Yuina muttered.

"But seriously, it's terrible. Miyabi just snatched us away and casually devoured us," Kyoka complained.

"Yeah, for real," Mio frowned.

"On the bright side, isn't this an opportunity? I thought he was the type who wouldn't eat us, but if he does it properly, that's a good thing," Yuina laughed.

Yuina seemed to have a positive outlook.

"We haven't heard any seductive stories like this before," Kyoka sighed.

"But the cityscape is beautiful. It's certainly a tourist destination," Mio commented.

"When I came here with Onee-chan before, it was a historic city, but it wasn't this beautiful," Yuina added.

"Then, it must be thanks to Yuuki-sama after all. I regret it. I should have targeted him when I was holed up in the palace," Kyoka said.

"I was planning to target him, but I got sick at the time and couldn't go," Kyoka looked a bit disappointed.

The three of them continued walking a bit away from the city.

"So, what are you?" Kyoka asked.

A Kemonomimi woman wearing a mask emerged from the shadows.

"I see, you noticed, huh?" But before she could finish her sentence, Yuina used her skill, Spider Thread, to bind the Kemonomimi woman in a cocoon of thread, suspending her upside down.

"W-Wait a moment! Can we talk before all this?" The Kemonomimi woman panicked.

"Of course not! Anyone wearing a mask is up to no good! What's with you, letting Red Comet escape because of you!" Mio shouted as if venting her frustration.

"Um, what's the Red Comet?" The Kemonomimi woman asked curiously.

"Shut up!" Mio kicked the upside-down Kemonomimi woman.

"W-Wait! I'll give you information about the man you're after! And we're willing to cooperate!" The Kemonomimi woman pleaded desperately.

"You seem shady," Kyoka regarded the Kemonomimi woman suspiciously.

"Don't worry. It's a genuinely safe offer," the Kemonomimi woman replied with a smile.

"Then, go ahead and tell us. We'll listen," Yuina stared intently at the Kemonomimi woman.

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