
All of Society Is Bad! – The Story of a Man Summoned as a Savior.

Summoned as a hero in a fantasy world, I inadvertently caused a disaster for mankind. Strangely, the number of my fiancés keeps increasing. *** The protagonist, Yuki Midou, was summoned to a world as a hero. He is the son of a father who was descended from the bloodline of the so-called “Gods,” and is actually considered to be close to the “Savior” known as the “End Child”. He is also a reincarnation of a hero from the great divine era. However, due to his father’s failed upbringing, he grew up to be an incredibly troublesome monster. He has learned only vulgar abilities, and his fiancées, who possess terrible abilities, continue to gather around him. Not only is the world he was summoned to being destroyed, but also the world he originally belonged to. Despite the fact that the “Final Time,” which is the merging of the world he was summoned to as a hero and the world he originally belonged to, has begun, he remains unchanged and continues to cause trouble and run away. After all, he is only human, and he yells that it’s all society’s fault…

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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85 Chs


Volume 7, Chapter 8: The Encounter with Cocodurilo

A fleet appears in front of the luxurious high-speed sailing ship we were on, encircling us.

Leading the fleet is Cocodurilo, commanded by King Carlos I of Eterno, bearing the flag of a crocodile.

"Well, well, even though we had a two-day head start, they manage to catch up," I said in a slightly exasperated tone.

I exclaimed in astonishment.

"Those skilled helmsmen at the bow are responsible for skillful maneuvering. While the high-speed movement of Phauros's skill navigation might be rare, there are still a few who possess it," Mitsuki observed sharply while looking at the fleet of Cocodurilo.

"Brothers, the warships are spreading out nicely. It seems like they're wary of Gouten," Apolito remarked while closely watching Cocodurilo's fleet.

"In terms of scouting?" I asked.

"About a hundred Sky Mantas are flying high in the rear. Additionally, beneath the scattered Cocodurilo ships on the seabed, there's one crocodile monster per ship," I explained.

"All of the ships?" I asked, somewhat astonished.


"Well, if it gets tough, I'll lend a hand," Jurojin said.

"No need, we have insurance, and we'll manage somehow," I replied with a smile.

"Once again, you're thinking of something tricky," Colonel Kunito quipped from the side.

"Anyone who attacks civilian ships with warships can't expect a good outcome," I answered with a chuckle.

"Both of you, how are things?" I asked Aoi and Mitsuki.

"Crocodiles are tough. It seems like they have some sort of protection," Mitsuki replied.

"There is a protective measure, but these crocodiles were created specially through unique crossbreeding. We can manage to hold them off to some extent, but it's beyond that which poses a challenge," Aoi provided a more detailed explanation.

"And the Sky Mantas?" I inquired.

"We believe we can handle them," Aoi and Mitsuki answered in unison.

"It's quite audacious to bring monsters along, isn't it?" I chuckled.

Ship bells from the Cocodurilo ships began ringing one after another.

Probably signaling the beginning of the battle.

"Shall we send out the Sky Mantas then?" I proposed.

"Yes," Aoi and Mitsuki replied.

One after another, the enemy Sky Mantas from the Cocodurilo ships at the rear charged toward us.

Even amidst such circumstances, Cocodurilo lived up to its reputation of strength. Even when unexpectedly attacked by our supposed allies' Sky Mantas, they defended themselves resolutely.

Admittedly, a few ships sank, but their morale remained high.

Amidst this, what appeared to be Cocodurilo's flagship approached us.

At the bow stood a tall, blond, blue-eyed man dressed in attire reminiscent of Greek mythology, his chest bared.

"That's Carlos I of Eterno," Princess Miyabi, who seemed to know him, pointed out.

Wow, this is Carlos I, huh? He's certainly quite handsome, but his appearance leans towards the aesthete side.

Definitely doesn't match my style.

Beside Carlos I stood Phauros, who we encountered earlier.

The flagship of Cocodurilo came to a halt about two hundred meters away.

"So, are you the supposed savior?" Carlos I inquired, seemingly appraising us from a distance.

As I attempted to bring out Colonel Kunito, he hid behind me.

"I don't consider myself a savior, to be honest," I reluctantly replied.

"I've observed your way of fighting today. I see, in the end, you're a monster handler. I'll give credit where it's due for controlling our Sky Mantas," he said, looking down at us.

Talk about condescension. Well, I might just be an ordinary merchant, after all.

"Well then, how about this?" Carlos I produced a gem from his pocket.

"This is the King's Beast Gem, capable of stopping the movements of all monsters!" Jurojin suddenly appeared and shouted from the side.

Huh? What's with that cheat ability?

"Based on your battle history, it's clear that without monsters, you're quite powerless. So, I've prepared this. With this, our monsters won't work either, and neither will yours," Carlos I said with a playful smile.

Seems like he's enjoying this.

A bit of a dilemma, isn't it?

"This could be an opportunity," Jurojin looked at me from the side.

"An opportunity?" I asked, glancing at Jurojin.

"Now's your chance to attack their wicked hearts," Jurojin said with a serious expression, leaving me without a suitable retort like "with money?" or something.

"So, what should I do?" I asked.

"Focus your thoughts strongly. Hold out your hand towards them and attack their hearts with your intention!" Jurojin urged me intently.

"Understood. I'll give it a try," I said, raising my hand towards Carlos I and Phauros.

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