
All my toys

A pervert father that tries to hold back his nature.. A bitchy devout wife that treats him like a servant. A father in law that collects most of his earnings. This is Carl’s life. Now Carl decides that it is time to put everything behind him and start anew, but an incredible discovery about his father in law makes him decide that it is time to teach him a lesson… of course in his own, pervert way... This is my first attempt at writing. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Also, I am not a native english speaker so do expect grammar errors to pop up. -The tags clearly indicate that this novel is not something that everyone can stomach. If you can't handle it, then don't read it. leaving a review that only says "this is disgusting" just exposes your bigotism. -All character and situations are pure producs of my imagination. Any resemblance to actual people or events is completeley coincidental. DON'T TRY TO REPRODUCE THE ACTS DEPICTED IN THIS BOOK IN REAL LIFE! NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, IT IS CRUEL AND ILLEGAL!!!

PinkCulture · Realistic
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176 Chs

A quick word from the author (not a chapter)

Hello my dear daddies and daughters, I thought that you might be worried about my lack of posting on the last few days, so I decided to shed some light on the matter.

First of all, no, I am not on Hiatus.

The thing is, I usually use a simple spell check for my work, but an author colleague of mine kept pestering me on trying Grammarly. So I did, mostly to make him shut up and...


Having seen the ungodly mess that is my text, and lacking a capable editor, I decided to give it a go and correct everything... what I didn't expect is that the number of corrections reaches more than 16.000 just for the free version!

So I am plugging along correcting the whole book, which takes more time than I thought it would at first. I will hopefully be done by tomorrow or the next day, but I will try to post at least a shortie tomorrow just to give you your fix. Since you lovelies keep supporting me, at the end of the month I will turn to Grammarly premium, so you will probably see a huge improvement in the flow of the story.

That's all,

Stay tuned, and keep your daughters close...

