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/" I am calling Henry . /" Ben said walking away . /"Henry is Ben's friend . He is a lawyer he will help you get through this . Since you can't even trust the person who you are leaving with . It’s better to hire someone you don't know who understands your situation /" I started thanking her over and over again . She only cursed and rolled her eyes . Sia wasn't one of the people who might melt and hug you . But she was my cousin sister who I had chosen to ignore ever since she told me how my mother was the bad woman .

She was true . My mother had to come to tell me about how Nolan would come to me soon . But I knew it . Better than anyone that Father himself had sent her to me . To warn me . To tell me that Nolan wasn't ever giving up on taking that land . As the doorbell rand Ben walked up . /"Ummm ...Ambriose /" He called and I walked towards him . The person standing at the door was Zanthus .