
All Lies Invade Every Normal Story

Ray seemed like a normal woman. She grew up in a small town in Kansas. Her mother worked full time as a nurse and her father had health issues so he stayed home. Ray had developed a lot of her father's health issues when she turned 22. This caused her body to shut down. Her father died shortly after she turned 25, that was when Ray's health fell. She died a year later only to wake up in the future as a little girl!

Poetsoul61521 · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Brain or Brawn

RaiLeah kept to her plan and enjoyed her second childhood. She practiced her handwriting, sewing (which was harder than it sounds because sewing wasn't really a thing in this time, not by hand at least), and she even got her father to teach her some fighting. Her dad being a big time comander he showed her how to shoot a gun, use a sword, use a knife, and martial arts that even involved using her tail. She loved learning and got to the point she could almost disarm a soldier. At 10 she was a weapon all her own. She got average grades and still only hung out with her dad, Simon, Zen and Ian. Simon did better in school than Ray did, some because Ray didn't really put focus on school work as she wanted to enjoy her childhood, mostly because Simon was actually really smart.

Ray actually thought maybe Simon was another Transmigrated person but he never acted any different and he treated her like his big sister.

RaiLeah slowly introduced her family and friends to OCD and dresses, lots of pretty dresses. Ray had everyone call her Ray after she entered elementary school to make it easier.

Zen hated girly things but being the only female friend she was dragged through all the girl stuff. Zen did join Ray for training, Zen also had a tail but a much thicker less limber tail. She took Ray's advice on beauty stuff but still didn't do anymore than the basics to look good.

Ian took to learning sneaking maneuvers and lock picking that he taught himself. He also upgraded to mild hacking. At 11 he could get into anything non-military/government. Ian had the best grades and made a pretty good spy.

RaiLeah thought she had a pretty cool team, two really good female fighters and two really smart guys.


Jump forward another couple years.

At twelve, Ray had developed small horns on her head, still covered by her long black hair. Her tail grew long and slender but strong. She also got use to wearing pants and boots for fighting better. She felt more powerful in her little twelve year old body that she had in the entire 26 years of her past life.

Zen had also grown starting horns, Zen's came out of her forehead near her temples pointing up. Her tail also began to look like a dragon's, thick and scaled. Zen had broad sholders, red hair, black eyes, a sharp pointed nose, and a thin wide mouth full of sharp teeth. Zen was a dragon like creature called a Zmaj (pronounced Mai). Actually, a closely related species to the Kissan.

Ian still looked like a normal human boy. Ray learned that Ian actually was human, one of two on the entire ship, his mom and himself. He still had his thick glasses, but his blond hair was cut into a short spikey style. Being 13 he became elegable for eye surgery to correct his vision. He refused, telling everyone that having glasses made him feel confident. Ray still thought they made him look nerdy but she never told him that.

Simon now 10 looked like a mini version of his father. Buzzed black hair, pale blue eyes, a small round nose, round mouth, and tall. Already Simon stood over Ray's head. Simon also did better in school and jumped a grade.

Edgar had started graying at the temples but still looked attractive. His wife Andora came to visit less and less as the years passed. Three times a year, Ray and Simon's birthdays and her anniversary. Edgar often felt lonely but tried to not let his children see. Andora had an important job on planet and he had an important job in space.

He trained soldiers and once his children turned 15 they got to choose. Go to the surface planet to live with their mother and learn how to govern, stay on the ship and finish schooling to take a trade, or join him on his next journey as a soldier. Once Simon turned 15 Edgar would have to return to the front lines. He got leave to raise his family. Simon would probably choose to go to his mother, intelligence made for strong leaders.

RaiLeah however, didn't do great in school nor did she do poorly. She didn't seem to care for politics and she seemed too soft to be a soldier. Even with her training she always aimed to disarm or subdue, never hurt or kill. In real battle her hesitation could mean death.

He didn't want both of his children to go to his wife, who really didn't want to be a mom. She didn't mind pregnancy but didn't want anything with the children after their birth. She surprised him in saying she wanted both a son and a daughter. Andora did love her children but she didn't like kids. They annoyed her. Edgar loved his children and loved being a father. He would have been happy to have more but Andora felt that two guaranteed her an heir so that must be enough.

Edgar deep in thought over what his children would do didn't see his daughter sneeking up on him. "Rawr!" Ray yelled jumping on his back. She missed her dad so much. Having a chance to be with a dad again, knowing how to appreciate him, felt good. Her dad grabbed her and tickled her. When he stopped, Ray smiled, "What has you so deep in thought?"

Edgar frowned, he didn't know how to tell his children about their choice or that in less than five years he would have to leave. "It isn't important, sweetheart. What is important is your thirteenth birthday coming up. What are we going to do with you growing up too fast?" Edgar laughed tickling her again.

"I can't help it!" She screamed through her giggles. She was glad for ageing fast but she also enjoyed time with her family and friends. Sometimes she forgot that she had another life. Her thirteenth birthday sounded exciting here. She wasn't excited for second puberty but she definitely was excited for dating again. She wondered how old she needed to be before it would be appropriate to date?

Ray is growing up fast! Next chapter will be around her thirteenth birthday! I am trying to age her up quickly but also give a good idea of how she gets where she is going.

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