
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 261

Chapter 261: Wiseman has this combat power???!!

After using several lethal skills in a row, Wiseman just wanted to take a breath, but he actually burst out so many ancient beasts?

This made him have to hurry up and continue fighting.

If only this group of ancient beasts were surrounded.

Just by virtue of their artifact trident, plus the skill "Imperial Sea Current Drill", they can stand strong in front of the sharp mouthpiece for a moment.

Wiseman didn't want to feel the lethality of the other mouthparts for himself.

And just now Wiseman felt the binding ability of the other party's tentacles, and several horned tentacles of an ancient beast can bind themselves to death.

Once several ancient beasts exert their strength together, they may even be directly divided into corpses.

Therefore, before being surrounded by the other party, you must first kill the killer.

At this moment, 293 did not expect the first reaction of this group of ancient alien beasts, and intended to eat the ancient alien beast that Wind Wiseman killed first.

An ancient beast was obviously not enough for them to eat, and in the blink of an eye, there was nothing left.

Even the blood-like mucus that spilled was not spared.

After dividing the food, this group of ancient alien beasts only gave birth to many new insect hands.

It represents that the strength of the other party has reached a higher level.

This means that after killing these ancient beasts, you must also dispose of their corpses as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will become the food of the evolution of other ancient alien beasts.

Moreover, who knows if some super perverted ancient beast will evolve in the end?

At this time, I saw that the number of ancient beasts was even increasing.

Wielding the artifact trident and constantly cutting off the tentacles, Wiseman only felt the pressure doubled.

Now he finally remembered Bai Ye, "Hey, what are you doing?" Don't hurry over and help? "

After turning back, Wiseman found that White Night was actually on the edge of the rear, observing a piece of nothingness behind him?

Even Bai Ye summoned a few Skeleton Kings and threw them directly into this void.


Seeing this scene, Wiseman almost scolded his mother directly.

You don't need to summon undead creatures, just come and help.

He was actually thrown into that piece of nothingness?

Are you playing here?

In fact, the reason why Bai Ye threw the Scorpion King into the void here, on the one hand, was that he definitely didn't believe that Wiseman only had this ability, and even these ancient beasts couldn't solve it.

On the other hand, of course, it's genuinely curious.

What is inside this gray piece of nothingness?

If you go in, will you get lost in it or hang it directly.

For unknown things, Bai Ye has always been very interested.

After throwing in two ancient calvary kings! Yuya also came to the conclusion.

Then the Skeleton King who went in directly disconnected from himself.

White Night can't feel its life and death, and its location.

However, in the "Domain of the Dead", no new ones were brushed, which meant that the Skeleton King was lost inside.

Does that mean that this is the place to really see the treasure?

But everything is unknown, so that Bai Ye cannot judge.

Leave it alone, Bai Ye decided to look at the "Domain of the Dead" if it was okay, and whether the two skeleton kings thrown in it would be re-brushed inside.

After making up his mind, Bai Ye turned around and looked at Wiseman.

Wiseman had begun to show his true ability to belong to the "Chosen One" at this time.

I saw that around Wiseman, a layer of armor composed of water currents was put on, and at the same time, the water flow moved at an extremely fast speed, like a chain, forming a series of defenses, accompanied by extremely high cutting power.

Close to Wiseman's horn tentacles, the whole pig will be thinned and chopped with water.

Bai Ye observed this scene, and I have to say that Wiseman's defensive ability has its own uniqueness.

When the speed of the water reaches a certain point, everything can be chopped up without hurting Wiseman himself.

And Wiseman's wielding of the artifact trident will not be affected in the slightest.

Looking at this situation, compared to Bai Ye's own "white bone armor", he has more ability to hurt the enemy.

No, because I didn't see Wiseman wrapped around his horned hand just now.

Faced with the forcible attack of a group of horned tentacles ignoring the loss, the speed of the water flow on Wiseman was forcibly reduced.

Once the speed does not rise, the lethality is dwarfed.

At this time, the tentacles seemed to turn into a large net and fell towards Wiseman.

Just when Bai Ye thought that Wiseman had this combat power, Wiseman was directly surrounded by horned insect hands, and drilled out like a muddy autumn.
