
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 24

Think for a moment

Bai Ye decided to go to the "LV30 Ant Emperor's Nest", which is known as the "Endless Ant Plague".

I heard that no one has ever completed the raid in this dungeon.

It is because the ant colony inside is said to be endless.

In a dungeon with a level limit, there are no professionals who can kill a vast array of ant colonies.

And Bai Ye is because he has a terrifying 800 undead on his hands, and he wants to see if the ant colony is enough to kill himself.

Of course,

There are several other reasons for this.

First of all, this dungeon has not been successfully raided, and the boss inside is still killed.

And the reward of the first kill, Bai Ye, has been seen, and it is definitely worth trying it yourself.

And that's why

The ant colony here does not need to look for monsters everywhere at all, and after the ant colony finds the target, it will launch a non-stop attack.

Absolute time and effort saving.

The butcher summoned by the white night is definitely a first-class good messenger in fighting positional warfare because of his ability to recover.

In addition, although the boss here has not been raided, the number of ant colonies inside has dissuaded 99% of the professionals.

This dungeon is rarely visited.

It is simply the perfect upgrade holy place in Bai Ye's heart.

After finding the right direction, Bai Ye set off.

And the killer behind him immediately realized Bai Ye's goal.

This direction is: " LV30 Ant Emperor's Lair"?

This kid wants to raid the 'Endless Ant Plague'?

I'm afraid you're making me laugh, right?

"Boss, could it be that he found us?"

"Found what? If he runs to those dungeons with many people, we may still be a little restrained, but running to the 'Endless Ant Plague', isn't this looking for death? "

"Hehe, the boss's analysis makes sense."

Or familiar with the process, after showing your own documents.

The uncle at the door also kindly reminded Xia Baiye, "Young man, check if your "repatriation scroll" is ready." "

Bai Ye replied casually, "Bring it, don't worry." "

In fact, Bai Ye had never bought the "Repatriation Scroll" at all.

The price of 30,000 spirit crystals was not affordable before, and now it is not used, so I did not think about this aspect.

But it also reminded Bai Ye that he should really buy a copy in the future and be fully prepared.


White light flashed, and White Night entered his target.

When entering this "LV30 ant emperor's nest", Bai Ye still meditated in his heart.

But don't change again.

It's not that I can't beat this dungeon, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to tell when I go out.

Again and again, not again and again.

Another abnormality, I'm afraid that I will really be pulled to tea.

Just drink tea, don't forbid yourself into the dungeon when the time comes.

Then you can't even upgrade yourself.

And the killer squad behind Bai Ye also hurried to follow.

"Quick, keep up, don't give him time to summon undead creatures."

The guards in charge of this dungeon, when they saw these people, the uncle who had just talked to Bai Ye also recognized them.

"These scum again? It won't be to deal with the newcomer who just entered, right? "

"Who are they?" I haven't seen them here." "

"They are the notorious low-level bounty killer group, so they will not come to raid the dungeon, they must have gone to the newcomer just now."

"They don't look strong, the equipment on their bodies looks very average, except for the necklace on the neck of the ice law, it is actually gold-level."

"Although they don't look strong and have average equipment, their combination is stupid and not here to brush the dungeon. The shield has a stun skill, the ice method has a break and limit skill, and the tamer has a powerful 'ground splitting rhinoceros', which also has control skills. Once connected by their control skills, few people of the same rank can carry it. "

"I'll go, this is the team formed for the sake of fighting."

"No, I have to inform the boss, such a young newcomer, and still have the courage to come here, it would be a pity if he was persecuted."

White Night Over Here,

Fortunately, the familiar red light did not appear this time, and Bai Ye also took a breath.

And immediately after, a white light lit up behind him again.

The squad that had been following finally appeared.

When they saw that Bai Ye had not had time to summon the undead creatures, a cruel smile appeared on their faces.

"Second brother, don't let him cast spells!"

"Hey, boy... I... I'm Cao !!! What is this? "

Usually the place where the dungeon first enters is relatively safe.

And the first thing Bai Ye came in was not to confirm that An was not safe, but to see that the dungeon would not change again, and at the same time to confirm whether there were other professionals around.

After seeing that there was no trace of anyone else inside.

Bai Ye was also ready to directly face these people with evil intentions behind.

And the other party's words and smile have verified Bai Ye's conjecture, since he came to find trouble, then stay.

Since White Night was a butcher directly summoned from the "Domain of the Dead", there was no spell casting action that few people expected.

The butcher who appeared in an instant directly startled several people.

The half-cut skeleton body nearly 20 meters tall towered on the ground.

Up close, several people even had a feeling of covering the sky.

And the butcher knife with a chain in his hand, which was full of rust, and even blew a strong smell of blood in his face, which made several people gag.

What is this mud horse???
