
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 224

Chapter 224 White Night Ran???!!

At this time, everyone was directly frightened and stupid.

Bai Ye really dared to make a move?

A flash deal that doesn't leave a trace of emotion at all?

This dead is not some passerby, but a giant of the Dragon Kingdom.

After answering Bai Ye's words, Chu Luo immediately guessed what Bai Ye was going to do.

It was he who promised White Night that he had the right to cut first and play later.

White night, this is the sword of the present dynasty, and the official of the previous dynasty.

Logically, there is nothing wrong with it, but there must be some handle.

If he killed this old man Ouyang for no reason, he would have to bear the responsibility.

And the handle of the Ouyang family, even the head of the general seat has not been caught.

At most, it is just to let him abdicate in the open and make way for the virtuous.

Chu Luo knew that this matter would definitely not be settled.

The people of the Ouyang 13 family will not give up.

And the other bigwigs around must also choose to fall into the well.

The death of Old Man Ouyang, for them, in fact, there is only benefit, there is no harm, several people are already thinking at this time, how to encroach on the Ouyang family's industry.

There was also the "golden spirit liquid" of the white night, and they did not forget it.

Several bigwigs looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

And the yin old man has a hint, the surrounding black-clothed people really can't help but do it now, after all, they are the highest "security department".

And Bai Ye killed the patriarch of the Ouyang family so casually in front of them.

This incident has definitely become an extremely bad incident in their opinion.

Seeing that the men in black all took out their weapons and quickly put on a combat formation

Chu Luo hurriedly started the circle, "Wait a minute, don't worry, this matter is a misunderstanding." It was I who had previously given White Night a position that was only half a level lower than me. "

"I think there must be some reason for killing Old Man Ouyang in the white night, let's wait for him to explain."

However, the people in black do not care about this, and if they let the white night go now, it will be their dereliction of duty.

Among them, as the captain of the man in black, he directly led the team forward, "Chu Guy, trouble you to get out of the way, no matter what the reason, Bai Ye killed the important person on the street after all." So Bai Ye must go back with us for investigation. "

"You'd better persuade Bai Ye to surrender now, otherwise we can only use force."

At this time, feeling the movement on this side, the black-clothed people in Lancheng and many people had gathered here.

The black-clothed man in Lancheng immediately guessed through his clothes that this group was the highest-level "security department" from the imperial capital.

"This group of men in black won't be our top bosses, right?"

"Not good, they want to catch Bai Ye?"

"What to do? The City Lord of Lancheng had just escaped from his serious injuries, and he couldn't catch up at all. "

Hearing that they were going to capture Bai Ye, all the people of Lancheng were anxious.

"What happened to White Night? Why catch White Night? "

"Hey, did you recognize the wrong person? Or is there some misunderstanding? "

"Look at the one on the ground, it won't be the patriarch of the Ouyang family, right? I seem to have seen him on TV before. "

"The Ouyang family seems to be in charge of the economy of dozens of cities below, an absolute super family."

"It's over, Bai Ye killed him, this is a catastrophe, what should I do?"

"What about him, can't let them take Bai Ye away, he has done so many things for us Lancheng before, it's just a mistake made by the young man, what does it matter."

Saying that, a group of professionals in Lancheng all stepped forward one after another, wanting to stop the man in black.

At this time, Bai Ye was now staring at the communication, and did not pay attention to them at all.

It turned out that the city lord of Lancheng, who had just woken up from a serious injury, finally received a message from Bai Ye.

According to the information of the Lancheng City Lord, at that time, when Sister Mengling and Sister Mighty were attacked, the Lancheng City Lord and Uncle Luo Hu immediately rushed to the scene.

Seeing that someone was going to take Sister Mengling and them, the two sides immediately fought together.

As a result, the city lord of Lancheng was injured and on the verge of death, and Uncle Luo Hu could only quietly follow the other party.

Now Bai Ye is waiting for Uncle Luo Hu to come and locate him, so that he can save Sister Mengling and them.

Finally, a coordinate appeared on the communicator of the white night.

And it was at this time that the people in black also directly gave an ultimatum, "Idle people and others immediately get out of the way, otherwise bring you all back to the imperial capital for interrogation." "

"Bai Ye, advise you not to resist, and immediately follow us back to be investigated."

After that, the people in black forcibly pushed away the surrounding professional 650 people, holding weapons and walking towards the white night.

However, at this moment, "roar!!! "

A huge "bone dragon" instantly appeared in front of everyone, with a huge body, almost as big as a tall building on the side.

And this is because the "bone dragon" did not stand up straight and spread its wings.

The terrifying deterrent immediately startled the people in black.


This is...

"Skeleton Dragon"?

Is there such a big "bone dragon"?

How can a normal "bone dragon" have such a strong aura? What is this for?

Wouldn't you really want to kill the ring, just like facing Ouyang Pengcheng and the Ouyang family patriarch just now, right?

If Bai Ye really does it, it seems that we won't have enough to stuff this "bone dragon" between our teeth.

What to do?

Just when the nerves of the men in black were tense, they were ready to face the attack of the white night.

The "bone dragon" flew away directly with Bai Ye.