
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 18

It turns out,

White Night raided the dungeon inside, and also suffered the "security department" guarded outside.

The crowd kept watch from day to night.

Staring at the closed dungeon entrance, afraid that a large number of monsters would gush out in the next second.

The prolonged mental tension caused everyone's eyes to be bloodshot.

"Who the hell is still inside?" If you want to come out, come out quickly! "

"I really served the old six inside, when will I hide, and I will die quickly."

"We're not going to wait until the earth is deserted, are we?"

"The boss has already gone to the association to verify the remaining list, and almost all of them are dead, and there is only one called White Night left, and there is a stinger that has not come out."

"Then they can really hide, Stinger I know, LV30 assassins, can hide for so long, can understand, what the hell is White Night?" The necromancer of LV15 still can't come out, and went with the undead py inside? "

Registered professionals can check the current status of the profession in the association.

Just like when a friend goes offline, the avatar will be grayed out.

Uncle Hu was high on the side, smoking.

White nights again?

It hasn't come out for so long, this kid won't directly attack this dungeon again, right?

Thinking of the results of the last time, Uncle Luo Hu was full of curiosity about the white night that was still alive.

If this kid really raids this dungeon again, he may be able to recommend him to participate in this "City Qualifying Tournament".

Even the eldest lady of the city lord's family and a few of them could not complete the thing.

If this kid is finished, then the "urban qualifying race" may be stable.

And aside,

The blond young man who learned that White Night and Stinger were still alive was full of doubts.

It's been so long,

Even the eldest lady and her team left the dungeon with serious injuries.

Why was White Night able to stay in it for so long?

As for White Night Raiders Dungeon?

The blond youth didn't believe it at all, even if it was LV45, he had not yet completed the second turn, and he could barely make it to the dungeon of LV30 alone.

White night in the single brush?

Forget it.

This product must have been hiding from the stinger inside, or it had been seriously injured by the stinger, and it was just surviving inside at this time.

As for how the Stinger didn't come out and stay in it for so long?

With his strength, is it good to single out and brush the dungeon? Forget it.

Think so,

The blond young man felt that the reason why the stinger had not yet come out must be chasing and killing Bai Ye.

And at this very moment,

"Jingle bell~"

Uncle Hu received a call.

"You are... Miss? "

"The dungeon is still in a state of blockade, and no one has attacked the dungeon, how do you have time to pay attention to this?"

"White nights? Do you know him? He is still alive, but I don't know the specific situation. "

"Okay, there is a new situation here, I will contact you."

Listen to Uncle Hu's words

The face of the blond young man on the side went from being happy to hear the eldest lady's call to asking Bai Ye, but it became more and more embarrassed.

How did the eldest lady know Bai Ye?

Oh, they seem to be classmates.

But looking at this meaning, the eldest lady seems to be very concerned about the appearance of the white night?

I chased you for so long, you don't ask me, you run to ask Bai Ye?

Thought about it again,

He was humiliated in public by the president's son, and the blond youth's face was gloomy and dripping.

It's another damn white night, I'd rather see how hard your life is."

With the LV30 Stinger in it, I don't believe you can come out alive.

Right now,

The dungeon, which was originally shining red, began to flicker.

"It's finally coming out, everyone get ready!"

"Assist, quickly add state!"

"I'm almost going to fall asleep, let's get started."

"My big knife is hungry and thirsty."

However, the red light quickly subsided.

The white light that heralded the success of the dungeon raiders appeared in everyone's eyes full of killing intent.

Everyone: "??? "

I lifted all the knives, and you told me not to fight?

Without eating or drinking, he was engrossed and waited for more than ten hours.

The pants are all off, you tell me it's over?

A group of people in black, blushing and looking at the exit with thick necks, couldn't wait to tear the people who succeeded in the raid.

Everyone was waiting for them, but no one appeared in the dungeon.

Right now,

A chaotic evil aura was cast from the void.

Uncle Hu, who originally saw that the strategy was successful, and his face was full of appreciation, suddenly became extremely serious.

The sudden eruption of terrifying aura around his body even startled the blond youth.

This dungeon was successfully raided?


Boss this... What kind of strength is this?

How do you feel that you are not much worse than the president?

But the guild leader is a level 75 person who is ready to make three turns, this

No wonder the old man had to ask me to enter the "security department", it turned out to be a secret.


What is really happening now? What is this terrifying evil aura?

"Boss? What is this situation? "

Uncle Luo Hu did not hide it, "This is a blessing from the demon god, but I don't know which demon god and which faction?" "

The blond young man immediately looked surprised, "What you said is... Is it a "heresy"? "
