
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: The Golden Spirit Liquid Is Not Valuable???!!

With the departure of the white night, there was a person who had been quietly hiding in the shadows after the appearance of the god of war in the Kimchi Country.

Seeing that Bai Ye had forgotten himself, he let out a sigh of relief.

Then quietly prepare to leave.

This person is the Archbishop of the Holy See of Light who was severely damaged by the joint efforts of Oyinglia and Rebecca.

And he didn't know at all, in fact, Bai Ye deliberately let him go.

Bai Ye guessed that since this archbishop was the one who deliberately wanted to provoke himself to fight with the God of War ~ of the Kimchi Country.

Even after he is seriously injured, he will most likely find an opportunity to return to the Kimchi Country.

Bai Ye can just go to the location of the Kimchi Country through him, thus locking the position of the Kimchi Country God of War.

This saves a lot of time.

And it doesn't matter if he wants to go to the Kimchi Country, or some other Light Holy See base.

Bai Ye will definitely not let him go.

As for the task of tracking him, it was naturally given to Aurelia.

And Aurelia, who has the ability of shadows, is an excellent scout.

Very good at lurking and tracking, and can easily do this.

After Bai Ye and the others broke away from the sight of the Archbishop of the Light Holy See and lowered his guard, Aurelia separated Bai Ye and quietly followed.

And with the white night who paid attention to Aurelia's things, he also showed a smile.

Because looking at the route of the archbishop's escape, it was towards the country of pickles, which was similar to what he guessed.

After using her thoughts to make Aurelia a little cautious, she returned to the white night of her residence, and first let Yama see how much "golden spirit liquid" had been refined from the corpses of those "giant peak dragons".

In the end, he actually got a full 9 drops of "Golden Spirit Liquid".

The mature "Giant Peak Dragon" provided 6 drops, and the broken dragon wing actually provided 3 drops.

You know, the "heavenly jealousy" and the Archbishop of the Light Church together surrounded and suppressed the hundred or so professionals of the White Night.

It even included two LV90 professionals, who had only refined a drop of "golden spirit liquid".

It seems that this thing of essence blood has to be the more advanced the bloodline, the more precious it is.

Bai Ye estimated that if the young ATM was used to refine the "Golden Spirit Liquid", it was estimated that more than 10 drops of the "Golden Spirit Liquid" could be obtained directly.

Although Bai Ye will not do this now, after all, there are feelings.

But it also firmly decided to recapture the "Crystal Spirit Dragon" as soon as possible.

Looking at the shining golden spirit liquid in his hand, Bai Ye had to sigh that he did not kill this "Giant Peak Dragon" in vain.

First gave Amma, Rebecca, Tektes, and Yarut a drop each, although the data did not add much to them.

But the added resistance, and the speed of that life recovery increased by 5 times, is still very good.

Especially Rebecca and Yarut, at this time, they don't even need to receive any treatment at all, and the recovery speed of blood volume every minute is as high as thousands of points of physical strength.

Give Aurelia, Sister Mengling and Sister Mighty one drop each.

In this case, there are two drops left.

Bai Ye directly contacted the richest man in Lancheng and wanted him to help estimate the value.

After all, the previous price was Bai Ye's own idea.

Exactly how much can be sold, you also need to ask professional people.

And after the richest man in Lancheng saw the "Golden Spirit Liquid" message sent by Bai Ye, his eyes were shining.

There is still a discrepancy with what Bai Ye guessed before.

"Golden Spirit Liquid" has a total of three characteristics.

One is the full attribute plus 500.

This point, Bai Ye thought that he would add it according to the attribute skill book he purchased.

Buy a skill book with a single attribute for yourself, the price is 3 billion.

Rise to normal full level LV10, when good is also add 500.

Therefore, White Night is directly counted as an attribute and is worth 12 billion.

As a result, the richest man in Lancheng directly called Bai Ye, "This increase of 500 attributes each, after all, for many professions, there is actually no high demand for certain attributes. "

"For example, for a mage, 500 points of spirit is indeed worth 3 billion."

"But for a mage, other attributes are definitely not worth 3 billion, so the value of attributes is only 7 to 8 billion."

Then, the richest man in Arashiro said the third characteristic, and the life recovery was increased by 5 times.

"This attribute, except for professionals with good physical strength, is not important to others at all."

"A crispy professional, even if he recovers 5 times more, he can't catch up with a "little red bottle" to return more."

"So the value is not high, which is also only worth 7 to 8 billion, and it has to be the people who need it."

At this time, Bai Ye's eyes are full of disbelief, is his market insight so poor?

Is this "golden spirit liquid" so worthless?

At the beginning, when I analyzed the "summoning of the Holy Spirit", I seemed to have completely misestimated the price.

And before analyzing this "golden spirit liquid", I thought it would be worth more than 100 billion, but the result was biased?

With a skeptical attitude, Bai Ye asked, "No, this is so worthless?" The richest uncle, you won't be fooling me, will you? "

On the opposite side of the white night, there was a voice suddenly raised by the richest man, "How can I fool you??? "

"Besides, who says this thing isn't worth much? Don't worry, I haven't finished analyzing it yet. "

"In fact, these three characteristics, the most valuable, is the second feature."

"This one with all resistance is the most valuable, and with this characteristic alone, it can be sold for hundreds of billions."

"Your random resistance, in battle, may be the key to life and death."

"Any diamond-level equipment with any 20% resistance can be sold for several times the original price."

"Not to mention your props that add all resistance and don't occupy the equipment slot."

"This is simply a miracle medicine, are you planning to sell it to me? But I really don't have that much money now, I can't afford it. "

"How about you keep it for me first?" Or do I exchange shares for you? "

Listening to the excited voice of the richest man in Lancheng, Bai Ye was full of black lines on his face.

You made it clear once, I thought this thing was worthless.

After listening to the analysis of the richest man in Lancheng, Bai Ye finally understood the true value of this "golden spirit liquid".

Directly replied, "I decided to sell both of these two drops as soon as possible, and I am in a hurry to use the spirit crystal now." "

And the richest man in Lancheng is anxious, this is a rare treasure, as a businessman, he knows very well the value of such a fetish, not only the price can be measured.

So he said anxiously, "Don't be white, or give me some time, I'll go and raise money right away?" "

As a result, Bai Ye's reply directly made the richest man in Lancheng dumbfounded, "Let's sell you next time, this time I will change the spirit crystal first." "

In a simple sentence, the richest man in Lancheng directly grasped the point,

"I'm Cao! This thing produces energy for you??? "