
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: Lalancheng Funeral???!!

The god of war of the pickle country finished speaking

He turned his head to look at Bai Ye again, "Boy, you must now give me an explanation to return my "Demon Breaking Shuttle", and cancel your contract and hand over the "Crystal Spirit Dragon". "

At this time, the god of war of the kimchi country probably guessed it

Bai Ye is not a "Crystal Spirit Dragon" controlled by the "Royal Beast Ring" at all, otherwise the "Demon Breaking Shuttle" may not be invalid at all.

See this scene

The people around were also angry.

"Does this product want to be faceless, if you want to compete, it is also his daughter who is compared, and it is also his daughter who engaged in a sneak attack, and now come to Xingshi to ask—sin?"

"If Bai Ye wasn't strong enough, they might have succeeded."

"Will bully the small with the big, Ken is really capable, Bai Ye is right, he should let his father come over."

"Yard, don't run if you have the ability, I don't believe that no one in the Dragon Kingdom can cure him."

"Unexpectedly beat the city lord like this, let's go directly together and take him this one!" The giant peak dragon was also destroyed. "

At this time

Seeing the seriously injured Bai Ye of the Lancheng City Lord, his face was finally no longer an indifferent expression

Only to hear Bai Ye whisper, "Then what if I don't give it?" "

As if White Night's words were funny

The war god of the kimchi country directly laughed angrily, "Hahaha, don't give?" If you don't give it to me, you will be bloodied. "

"The 'Jufeng Dragon' who dares to kill my daughter, slaughtering you in a city, is cheap for you."

And at this time snap

A round of applause sounded, everyone was stunned, what happened? Everyone looked at the source of the sound.


Unexpectedly, it was White Night who applauded.


After only listening to Bai Ye's applause, he also returned the words, "It's good to say that it depends on your words, you go now and kneel to the city lord of Lancheng to apologize until he wakes up, otherwise I will slaughter your entire kimchi country!" "


See here.


The God of War of the Kimchi Country laughed even louder, "Let me kneel for that waste? Do you want to destroy my kimchi country? "

"Just by you, it's not enough to plug my 'Giant Peak Dragon' between your teeth, hurry up and cancel the contract, do you hear?"

"Or do you want me to take you back and torture you until you break the contract?"

The reason why the God of War of Kimchi Country at this time did not directly take action

It is because of the existence of a contract.

If Bai Ye dies, under the constraints of the master-servant contract, the "Crystal Spirit Dragon" will also have to die.

Then the bamboo basket is empty.

The result was not waiting for Bai Ye to answer suddenly.


The sound of the heavens was heard

I saw a huge light blue fist appear in the air

Unexpectedly, the invincible "Giant Peak Dragon" flew into the air, and then looked to the side.

From the air

Everyone could even see that a few meter-long dragon teeth were directly shattered.


In the shocked eyes of everyone

This "giant peak dragon", which is larger than a small mountain, actually flew directly to the side and fell a dog to eat.

And looking at the appearance of the "Giant Peak Dragon", this punch went down, and it was directly beaten a little blindfolded.

I can't stand up for half a while.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what's the situation? Who is so powerful?

Even the God of War of the Kimchi Country himself was blindfolded, and said angrily, "Yes??? "

And in the air

An old but vigorous voice sounded.

"The defeated generals, why, I don't even know your father?"

Seeing the person coming, it was the famous Chu Lao.

Just now, it was his punch that knocked the "Giant Peak Dragon" and couldn't get up for a while.


The God of War of the Kimchi Country finally put away his invincibility, squinted his eyes and said, "Chu? Why, are you going to support this kid? "

To this

Chu Lao, who landed on the ground, shook his head, "What support, I just don't want your kimchi country to be slaughtered by the white night." "

Of course.

The god of war of the kimchi country must still slaughter the kimchi country without believing this?

Does White Night have this strength? Joke!

"Even if you come today, you can't keep this kid, rob my "Demon Breaking Shuttle", and kill my daughter's "Giant Peak Dragon", don't think about this matter so easily."

"Hand over the "Broken Devil Shuttle" and the "Crystal Spirit Dragon", don't think I'm laughing before you kill me, I can guarantee that at least half of the people in this Lancheng will be buried for me."

Although the god of war of the kimchi country said cruel words on his lips

However, he could only threaten the lives of other people in Arashi City.

In the final analysis, it shows that he is still very jealous of Chu Lao.

Just now, this punch, although there was no substantial damage to the "Giant Peak Dragon", lost a few teeth, it was harmless.

But he could also see that compared to the last time he lost to Chu Lao.

Chu Lao's strength has improved a lot.

Although I climbed into the Pickle Country Dai myself, I also made a lot of progress.

But who knows if there will be other strong people in the Dragon Kingdom? After all, this is people's territory

If the strongest one in the Dragon Kingdom came, then I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to go back alive today.

Therefore, this kimchi country war god made a threat.

If you want to do something to me, you have to measure the lives of onlookers in this vicinity.

Chu Luo didn't expect that this product was so determined to "Jingling Dragon", even if he deliberately warned him, this product was still holding on.

Didn't expect that

At this time, the white night interrupted the conversation between the two

The indifferent voice came again, "Don't say this nonsense, let me roll over and kneel down to apologize to the city lord of Lancheng, otherwise you don't want to leave alive today, as long as one more Lancheng person is injured here, I will slaughter you Kimchi Country." "

"I've always done what I say so far."
