
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: White Night Dangers Again???!!

Seeing that the white night is in a desperate situation.

Even if everyone wants to come forward to save them, they are powerless.

Not to mention, when they see that the tiger head is not aimed at themselves, most people's first impression is, whew~, fortunately not looking for me.

And the "Magic Spear Rider" subconsciously wanted to step forward, but found that it was too late to Mo Zhengyang on the side with a sneer, before seeing that the "Demon Lancer" was about to die under the axe of the tiger head, it was Bai Ye who saved the "Demon Lancer" again.

Therefore, at this time, in his eyes, for the death of Bai Ye, he just wanted to say that it was good to die.

And as long as Bai Ye dies, everyone left around will not escape death.

Because the summoner dies, it means that the summoner will no longer be controlled.

It would be good if they did not take the initiative to attack the people, and it was almost impossible to continue to help the people against the enemy.

In that case, all people, including the "Magic Lancer", will not escape death.

And his purpose was achieved.

Therefore, at this time, he has decided to summon his "two-legged wyvern" and is always ready to slip away.

And Sister Mengling, who was a hundred meters away, also noticed this scene at this time, but she only had time to shout 'don't ~', and her eyes were instantly soaked with tears.

But to no avail.

However, when everyone thought that Bai Ye was really doomed at this moment.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth smiled.

"Undead Displacement"!

I saw that the figure of Bai Ye was instantly replaced by Tictes.

And Tictes' chopping knife fell with unparalleled momentum at this time.

"Broken Mountain"!


At the moment when the weapons of the two sides collided, the epic battle axe of the tiger head man, because of the matchless strength of Tiktus, was directly dropped off his hand.

And the tiger-headed man, who was full of anger, was accidentally shot out by the chopping knife again.

And this time, Bai Ye was obviously angry and directly put a "legion aura" on Tictes.

And the tiger head people simply cannot withstand this "broken mountain".

A large amount of blood flowers were spilled in the air, and finally it landed like a rag, and it directly disappeared.

And the two "space assassin" puppets just left a few innocuous white marks behind Tiktus.

He hurriedly hid back into another space.

At this point, Tictus did not stop, but turned around and made another "broken mountain"!

With the blessing of the "Legion Aura", the power of breaking ten thousand directly squeezed the space in front of him into distortion and deformation.

This time, even the two "space assassins" who hid in another layer of space in time could not escape the sanctions.

Under the terrifying power, the two puppets were directly squeezed out of the other layer of space, like squeezing ointment.

The two of them who appeared again, with a strength of less than three turns, could not withstand the power of Tictus even if they were strengthened by the "Demon Puppeteer".

It was almost directly crushed into a puddle of mud.


Everyone's eyes widened, what happened?

White Night actually switched places with Tictes again? Wait!

Wonyma! What kind of stuff???

The tiger head people seem to be... Died directly?

Isn't this tiger head man healed from his injuries?

And it was obviously strengthened by blowing arrows, why was it directly chopped to death by a knife? And this assassin who suddenly appeared, what the hell is it?

Why is it that he obviously has a human face, but his arm is the horn of the devil? Just when everyone was shocked, a figure once again pounced on the white night in front of him.

It turned out that after White Night exchanged places with Tictes, he happened to come to the "Demon Puppeteer".

And the "demon puppeteer", who knew that the plan failed, although shocked by the terrifying summons of the white night.

But he didn't give up.

Because he knew that if he couldn't win the white night this time, there would be even less hope in the future.

I saw that the "Demon Puppeteer" actually directly hugged Bai Ye, and at the same time, terrifying energy fluctuations instantly surged around his body.

Everyone immediately thought of the skill "Bone Corpse Explosion" before White Night.

That's right, the "demon puppeteer" who came here this time is not his real body.

It is a puppet made with a person from the "mad slaughter" guild.

What is being cast now is the "puppet self-exposure"! It was almost instantaneous, plus everyone's attention was always on Tiktus's side.

So no one reacted at all.

Even if it was White Night, they were stunned for a moment, and there was no time to cast the almost instantaneous undead displacement 1.


I saw that the fire instantly drowned out everyone.

The terrifying explosion directly shook everyone except White Night out.

Even Sister Mengling and Sister Strong, who were more than a hundred meters away, were affected... It was almost thrown directly into the orc troops.

Fortunately, Aurelia pulled them both in time.

Wait for the fire to dissipate.

Except for Bai Ye, all those who flew out were extremely seriously injured.

Especially the one hiding at the back, was shot by Aurelia, two bloody professionals.

It was directly thrown into the army of orcs.

Then, it was torn to pieces by the orcs.

If it weren't for everyone, they would have been guarding against the raid of the tiger head and the cat woman sacrifice before.

It has always maintained a strong means of protection.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be as simple as a serious injury, a few relatively crispy professionals, even leaving the whole corpse difficult.

Fortunately, the damage of this self-detonation skill is mainly concentrated in the core.

Even so, everyone was still ashen and got up from the ground with difficulty.

Several of the mage-type professionals even directly lacked arms and legs.

There was no time for heartache, and everyone took out their treasured potions and swallowed them in one gulp.

After taking the potion and feeling the recovery of the state, everyone looked at the middle of the field.

I saw that at the center of the explosion at this time, there was still a terrifying flame.

Everyone can only vaguely see a figure in the middle.

At this time

Mo Zhengyang, who was lower in the crowd, was also one of the most seriously injured people after taking a potion he treasured with heartache, he looked in the direction of the self-explosion of the "Demon Puppet Master" just now, and subconsciously cursed in his heart, "This damn 'Demon Puppet Master' is really messy. "

"In the future, I will be more cautious about cooperating with him. But it is not a loss to solve the tricky guy of Bai Ye. "

However, just as he looked at the flames proudly, he saw Mo Zhengyang suddenly cover his mouth and said in disbelief, "I Cao!" To hell with broad daylight! "

The people around heard the movement and looked at the center of the flames.

The "Magic Lancer" rubbed his eyes harder, trying to make sure that he was not mistaken.


A professional drank half of the precious potion in his hand, fell directly to the ground, and shattered.

However, he did not react at all.

Until the surroundings, "Are you a human or a ghost?" "

This professional, only then looked at the potion on the ground and exclaimed bitterly, "I Cao! My potion! "