
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 101

Chapter One Hundred and One Necromancer? Are you sure it's not called Gatling?!!

For Bai Ye's mockery, this group of people were angry, but they did not dare to say more.

After all, the army of skeleton lords in the white night is still frantically harvesting the lives of orcs outside.

And in the process of escaping back before, with the raid of the Golden-winged Falcon, there was no night elf of the white night, and without the white night, they might have died a long time ago.

Therefore, everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

Only a few guild leaders said to Bai Ye, "Young man, speaking has to go through the brain. "

"Don't think that if you can summon a few undead creatures, you think you are invincible."

In this regard, Bai Ye just cut it, and then said to the city lord of Lancheng, "I want to go and destroy that 'totem pole', and I will leave it to you first." "

The city lord of Lancheng reacted to this, yes, since it is the ghost of the "totem pole", wouldn't it be good to destroy it?

So the lord of Lancheng City immediately said, "This method is good, then we will form a sharp knife team and destroy the "Totem Pole" in the past, so that we can wait for outside support." "

The City Lord of Lancheng City not only had to consider the safety of everyone, but also considered, in case, everyone really accounted for it here.

If so many orcs attacked Lancheng, it would definitely be a disaster.

After thinking for a while, the city lord of Arashi City said, "The number of people in the team cannot be too large, but it must not be too weak, everyone... Just sign up voluntarily. "

Afraid that everyone would hesitate, the city lord of Lancheng also directly threw out the benefits, "The share of the personnel participating in this operation has directly doubled. "

As soon as these words came out, the guild leaders who were still holding the mentality of watching the play immediately became interested.

After all, doubling the share of those who participated means that the share of those who did not participate will decrease a lot.

Now no matter which guild leader, you have to think about it.

Because this action to break the "totem pole", not to mention the face, it is necessary to rush through the orc army on this road.

After that, there were several "LV85 Beamon Behemoths" visible to the naked eye guarding the "Totem Pole".

And those who can command these "Beamon Behemoths" are likely to have more powerful other BOSS-level existences.

In the end, almost all the guild leaders of the A-level still chose to give up, and if they wanted the spirit crystal, they also had to have a life flower.

After all, it is the sharp knife team, and it is definitely necessary to choose the strongest person, and the A-level guild leader is the strongest of their respective guilds.

Between LV75 and LV80, they do not have this confidence to kill back and forth in so many orc armies.

In the A Level, only the leader of the "Berserk" guild chose to participate.

And several S-level guild leaders naturally chose to participate.

In their opinion, instead of waiting for death here, it is better to go to Bo.

And hearing this news, the "Demon Puppeteer" and Mo Zhengyang, who were mixed in the "Berserk" guild, naturally almost laughed.

One of them wants to find an opportunity to kill Bai Ye and become a puppet.

A man who wants to take the opportunity to kill the leader of the "Berserker" guild "Magic Lancer".

Mo Zhengyang also didn't mind taking the opportunity to kill Bai Ye.

The two of them have not had a good time so far, but now, isn't it the best opportunity?

So, the two volunteered and joined the team with a straight face.

And this, also praised by the "Magic Spear Rider", "It is worthy of being a man in my Lancheng, that is, it has blood." "

What the "Demon Puppeteer" relies on is naturally his own strength.

Mo Zhengyang, on the other hand, is a "two-legged flying dragon" that he has not summoned, and has the confidence to fly away at any time.

Although Bai Ye originally wanted to go by himself, the City Lord of Lancheng had made a promise to increase his share.

White nights are naturally not good to take the credit alone.

So everyone quickly assembled.

There were no more than twelve people in total, including White Night, Aurelia and a group of guild members.

The city lord of Lancheng originally wanted to go together, but was stopped by Bai Ye, "City lord, believe me, you are still here in the town, or you don't wait for you to return, this place may not be your decision." "

After speaking, Bai Ye also glanced at the deputy city lord of the magic capital on the side.

No ink.

Soldiers are fast! Everyone immediately prepared to go.

White Night and Aurelia rode directly on the Skeleton Lord's skeleton warhorse.

And the others also showed their own power, either summoning their own mounts or throwing out riding props.

After all, they are all leaders of a force above LV80, and there are still tools to rush.

With the idea of White Night, groups of skeleton lords, while parting a path, also appeared in the shape of sharp knives, and began to raid towards the "totem pole".

On the initial route, the ranks of orcs were not so concentrated.

The opening effect of the Skeleton Lord is still very good.

And everyone, after rushing two kilometers to the front, officially encountered the opponent's large army.

At this time, a huge number of skeleton lords encountered great resistance.

At this time, the Skeleton Lords will no longer rush to kill, which will make the Casualty Rate of the Skeleton Lords too high and not cost-effective.

So under the idea of White Night, the Skeleton Lords completely gave way to everyone.

And Bai Ye was not too selfish, putting on "white bone armor" for everyone, and even the mounts that led everyone wore hideous bone armor.

Then, Bai Ye went straight forward, towards the "totem pole" that was still a few kilometers away

Facing the group of grinning orcs in front of them, Bai Ye could even ask about the stench on each other's bodies.

For the pounced orcs, the "bone spear" in Bai Ye's hand, like a machine gun, began to strafe.

There was no spacing at all, like a Gatling, or the kind that would not overheat, pouring out towards the front.

Due to White Night's ability to return to blue, such an attack, White Night can keep releasing all the time.


The seemingly ordinary "bone spear", as long as it hits the opponent's point, is a second kill.

Even if it hits other parts, it will leave a blood hole.

Even because of the terrifying power, it can penetrate several enemies in a row, which loses its power.

When Bai Ye released the "White Bone Armor", he stunned everyone.

Everyone knew that the white bone armor just now was summoned by the white night? Being able to put such a powerful armor on 5,000 people in an instant, originally everyone thought that it was the effect of what props in Lancheng? I didn't expect it to be cast by Bai Ye.

You know, that's 5,000 people!

Normal professionals, generally release a hundred and ten good skills, there is no blue.

Even if Bai Ye alone can release so much, it is almost instantaneous to return the mud horse

Moreover, the defensive power of the white bone armor is even close to the diamond-level armor-level armor, which is too terrifying.

Not counting the vast number of Broad Spirit creatures he summoned before.

Is this really a necromancer?

Is Bai Ye really a newcomer? How much power does he really have?

I originally thought that Bai Ye was just good at summoning undead creatures, but I didn't expect to have such a powerful defense skill.

Without the cover of the Skeleton Lord, everyone showed their own might.

Swords, fireballs, wind blades, sword qi...

While killing the enemy, everyone must minimize consumption.

And now, I see the "bone spear" of the white night.


How could anyone release the "bone spear" like that? This attack speed, all mud horses are about to train into a line! That's how fast Gatling is, right?

The firepower of one person caught up with all the attacks of the crowd.

You told this Nima that she was a necromancer?

And at this moment, a row of rhinoceros men in heavy armor suddenly appeared in front.

Just looking at the tens of centimeters of heavy armor on the other party's body, as well as the tens of centimeters of deep pits left by the other party jumping on the ground, you can feel the horror of the opponent's defense.

What to do???

Once everyone stops, they will definitely face an endless siege around them.

It was only a matter of time before everyone died in battle.

How can this be good?