
All is Love

Mr Sam never knew that he would ever fall for someone that was his employee but he ended up doing so. Well, after taking his father's advice of marrying Given so that people would stop throwing shade at him saying he left his fiance ,the mother of his son to a kid, he just decided to marry him. But it was a contracted marriage meaning he was paying Given monthly for being his husband and just like he thought, people stopped talking about him. It's like the wedding was what they were looking for because they stopped talking but as for him, he began to feel a bit weird when he was around Given. He tried to stop it by sleeping around with anyone that aroused him but his eyes were already fixated on his fake husband. He didn't want to believe it even though his close friend kept on telling him that there was more to the story. In order to see if what he was feeling was real, he ended up making a move on Given which was the beginning of a new journey he never saw himself taking .

Semakaleng_Sehlola · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Scars Part 1


Viki- Hello, Given, are you there

Given- ( in a trembling voice) I'm hurt...I, c..ant get ...up...

Well, at this point he just gave in , he couldn't get up, at least he was able to get his phone out. Viki was shocked at this moment, she didn't know what she was supposed to do, she kept on talking but Given wasn't saying anything anymore. She had no idea but ended up doing something she never wanted to ever do. And that was to alert Given's family that something happened to him. She had promised him that she would never tell them about his whereabouts but as for now, she just had to do it. She called Given's older brother Kevin, he was the only one Given got along with so she knew that Gift wouldn't be that mad,she gave him a call and told him that Given got hurt and she didn't know where he was but she gave him the address where Given stayed. To be honest, finding him was not going to be easy because Kevin was miles away from Given, they were in two different provinces and getting to Given woukd take him ten whole hours of driving. So, he booked a plane ticket and off he went. He didn't inform his family just yet, he wanted to see his brother first before he told everyone because they were all worried about him.

Not all actually, but just a few, the others were just curious about his whereabouts ever since he just disappeared and never came back.

And the following day came, during the early hours of the day, many people began to overcrowd the streets and there, some saw Given who was between tall grass. If you didn't look carefully you wouldn't notice that there was a person there, but there was. Well, they immediately recognised him and before they could even help him, they took photos and videos of him captured " Towns boy murdered " They just confirmed his state without even checking him out, after that they called an ambulance which took years to even arrive. People just started to gather around him, some even got him out of the grass because they were afraid that he would get hurt even more .

Sam's POV

Well, tonight I actually woke up on a good state, I would say my mood was above the top. Maybe it's because the show was just in a few day and also, I was beginning to be in good terms with my assistant, who wouldn't want that. And also, I was pretty sure that May was finally out of my life and now I was ready to find a woman who I would make my wife , and the mother of my son, well my young and adorable prince who came without my consent. I still love him though, just not the mother. As I was in my car on my way to pick up Given, news kept on popping on my phone, since I knew that I was no longer the talk of the town, I decided to check but I wasn't expecting what I saw, there were captions saying my boy got murdered.

What were the people up to now because they didn't get what they wanted. Which boy were they talking about. Since I ended up getting in to a traffic, I decided to check the videos and I couldn't believe it, Given had been attacked, I swear it was him. There's no way I would fail to recognise someone I've been spending time with for days. Since I was stuck in traffic,and nobody was helping him, I gave Harry a call and asked him to rush to the spot he first saw Given. I asked him to get him there , he was hurt and he seemed attacked, I asked him to rush him to the hospital so thy I could meet them there and he did as I've asked.

I was very sure that he would get there in time because he didn't stay far from Given's apartment,and as the cars began to move, I began to race on the road. And that's when I realised that what ever that was happing to Given was done for a reason and I had to come up with a way to stop it. Since nobody believes my statement when I openely told them that I wasn't in any relations with Given, I just had to tell them that there were relations between us. Maybe in that way they would stop what ever they were doing because they were hurting him for no reason, why would they want to kill someone just because there were rumours that he was in a relationship with me. And again, May did this.

So, I decided to give her a call, the call she was never waiting for.

At that moment

May- Oh, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting your call. How is my son,?

Sam- Which one, the one you left and lied to the media saying I stole from you,

May- I didn't say you stole him, I said you took him, let's leave that , how is he though?

Sam- May, why are you like this?

May- What are you talking about?

Sam- So, you are a murder now huh, out of all the things you could do, you just decided that you wanted to get Given killed!

May- I don't know what you are talking about but , I would never do such a thing, Sam how do you take me,

Sam- How do I take you, you even have the nerve to ask me that, listen you gready thing, I am never sending you any penny again starting from now... .

May- No!! You can't do that, I'm the mother of your child Sam,

Sam- Where is that child, is he not with me, you are supposed to be the one paying me now, just pray that we don't meet because Iyou will regret what I will do to you!!!

May- Are you trying to scare me,.....(Sam hangs up).

I was already pissed at this moment, who the hell did she think she was, how many times was I supposed to tell her that I saw her as a friend and nothing more. She is nothing but a greedy woman, who would want to associate themselves with such people . If only I knew that before meeting her.

After my very long drive, I finally arrived at the hospital, it's the same one I went to the other time I was not okay, well,I was taken there so, I wouldn't make it sound like I took myself there. When I got there I found Harry but he was in a rush, he told me that he had to get his husband to Campus because he was writing exams, I totally understood, Mark was doing his final year and he was also writing his final year examinations so, I couldn't complain. He then left and I went to sit at the benches, as I was sitting, I saw this young man walk in. Well, he was well dressed, I don't even know why I am completing him, but he seemed lost. He walked past me and he went to the receptionists and as for me, I saw my favourite doctor coming and I walked up to her and asked how Given was.

Even though I wasn't the one who brought him there, she already knew who I was so she led me to the wardroom he was in and when I got there, he was awake. But he had a broken leg and a broken arm. I really felt bad for him to be honest, remembering how he cried thinking I was dying, I went to sit near his bed and asked him how he was feeling and he said he was very cold. He wasn't lying, he was shivering even though it was very hot in the room. I turned on the heater for him and he got better, I didn't want to ask him what happened just yet because I knew that he was not in a good state, maybe a few days after. As I was just staring at him thinking of what to ask him a nurse walked in, followed by that sane gentleman I saw while I was in the waiting room.

At that moment

The nurse- I'm, sir, this is the room ,( And she left)

Sam- Which room are you looking for sir?

Kevin-This one sir, My name is Kevin by the way, nice to meet you.

Sam- Oh, okay, do I know you?(Given turned his head to look at them)

Kevin- No, but he does,

Said Kevin as he went to Given, he gave him a light hug on the bed and Sam was still confused and asked Kevin who he was and how he knew Given.

At that moment

Kevin- he is my baby brother, I've been looking for him for a long time, just saw videos about him on the internet this morning when I arrived here,

Sam- Oh, that must've been very sad,

Kevin- It was, I'm just glad he is okay,

Given- Why are you here though? (in a sleepy voice)

Kevin- You must be glad that I'm here, Viki told me you were attacked and she didn't know where you were,

Given- I'm supposed to be glad that you are here now,

Kevin- Of course, do you think anyone would've wanted to come if she told them? No, they wouldn't

Sam- Kevin, or whoever you are, that's a patient you are talking to, can you show some respect,

Kevin- He is my brother, I don't know why you care, it's your fault he is like this, I've read your stories and they are disgusting!

Sam- Out of the room this exact minute!!

Kevin- I'll just leave with my brother,if that's fine with you Sir(he said in a mocking tone).

Sam- Don't annoy me ....

Given- Kev, please go home, I don't need you, I can take care of myself, just go back. I don't need you, you should've known that before you wasted your time coming here,.

Kevin- So, you are choosing to stay with this man, Given you have more than he dies, why are you associating yourself with such people, just come home,

Given- I don't want to,!

Kevin- Mother misses you,

Given- But father doesn't, so please leave me alone.

Kevin- I will not accept for an heir to be treated like this so please, just come home and we will talk,

Given- I don't want to come home, Sam please, Mahe him leave,

Said Given as he was already in tears, it was as if talking about his family was pouring salt to a fresh cut wound. He didn't want to hear anything about his family or his so called position, he was over those things and he just wanted a new start. A normal life is all he wanted. Before he could get kicked out, Kevin left the room and that's when Sam asked Given idmf he needed a hug so that he could calm down. Even if he didn't respond, Sam still gave him one and then he told him that they had to get out of the hospital even though the doctors didn't say Given cound go. Sam hated the hospital and he just wanted to be out of it, he called that favourite doctor of his and asked her if Given could come home with him and the nurse told him that going home was not a problem but he needed extra care, but Sam assured her that he would do all he could to make sure that he was well taken care of.

So the he got Given on a wheel chair and off to his car he went. He got Given in his car and then he drove him to his place. After two hours of smoothy driving, they finally arrived and when they got there,Sam helped Given get on a wheelchair and he took him inside. Well, he wasn't going to work this time. He took him to the dining room and there he asked Given what happened.

At that moment

Given- Well, you dropped me off yesterday,

Sam- Yes I did,and?

Given- Turns out there were people waiting for me there,

Sam- It's my fault,

Given- No it's not,

Sam- They are hurting you because of me,

Given- But there is nothing we can do about it, so it can't be your fault,

Sam - There is actually,

Given -Really, what's that?

Sam- I could marry you....