

When you think everything ended, you realize it's only started. Asher thought his life was taking a new turn when he met Taylor. But a single lie they told to each other put their entire life into a mess. Now the question would they survive this or not?

blue_butterfly_14 · Urban
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"What you want to eat?" I asked Sophie the twentieth time.

" I still can't decide. There are so many options," she said, running her fingers over the glass.

It's been 1 hour we came here. I had done my breakfast and a drink from here. Sophie didn't even have chosen what to eat till now! She loves the pastries of here they offer. After all, Paisley's is the best place ever. It's just her mind goes confused whenever she comes here.

" Listen, go there, and sit. I will bring something to you. Okay. I can't waste any time," I said to her while pushing her to our seat.

"Okay. Take the best one. And one thing. Bring something to drink, too." Then she went.

I sighed. Looked through the various pastries. No wonder she got confused. Paisley's is one of the best coffee shops, Downtown. Even at night, this place is full of customers. They offer the best of the best things in New York. Sophie and I come here from our high school time. It's been our hangout place too. And I love this place.

"Do you have any idea which one would be better?" someone asked me from behind. I turned to see a girl of my age (I guess) looking through the glasses just like Sophie.

"I don't know. Everything is good. You have to choose it. Am too searching something for my friend," I said and joined with her in the search.


"Vanilla and icing?" I asked her.

"Too much of sugar," she said.


"Mm... Let me think. I will choose something for your friend, and you choose something for my friend. If you don't mind. 'cause both of us are out of options." She grinned at me.

I give a thumbs up for that. After the search, I took a chocolate-vanilla frost for her, and she took a strawberry vanilla frost for me. It looked great because of all its cherry decorations. Mine looks like it's was burned. Ha, haha.

Nevertheless, she didn't complain. We paid and moved to our seats. Then I saw Sophie wasn't alone in our place. There was a guy with her. Who the hell is he? And why is he sitting on my chair?

"Ha. You came back. Thank you." Sophie took her pastry.

"And this is my friend, Taylor. Taylor, this is Asher and his friend Eva" Sophie introduced me to her new friends.

"Hey," the guy said.

"We just met right now; nice to meet you, Taylor," the girl at the counter said.

"Uh… What's going on?" I asked out of the blue.

"It's nothing, man…. we were talking. That's all," she said, shrugged casually.

I whispered to her ears, " Are you nuts? You were talking to a stranger?"

"Chillax. I said there is nothing to worry about!" she said, tapping my shoulder.

"Any problem?" the guy asked.

"Nope. She just asked if I wanted anything else." She winked her eyes.

Fuck! I cursed under my breathe! This girl has no idea who to talk with—talking with a virtual stranger casually. I mean, who does that?

"So, what are you doing?" the girl asked. Shit, I forgot her name, I guess.

"Uh... I am studying. Biomedicine" better I don't use names.

"Wow. That's great. I don't know about it. But it will be a good one, I guess."


Really Innocent.

Or what should I say here? She's trying to get me into a talk and miserably failing.

"Yeah!" I thought I stop this attitude thing. What's wrong with her that I can't talk?

"So what are you doing? Studying, I suppose?" an obvious question. Of course, she will be.

"Nope. I am a graduate. I work in the Ember & Keaton's, as an accounts manager." She said

Uh… Accounts manager, huh? At the Ember & Keaton's company! Seriously you got to be kidding me. She must be earning fucking millions in seconds. And here I thought she was...

"Uh? Taylor? Are you there?" she asked, waving her hand in front of me.

"Yeah.. umm… sorry I forgot your name. what was it?" I asked her.

"My name Eva Rose," she said, smiling.

"Hmm.." I said, taking my coffee. Then we got into a talk about her job there AND her friend's position. Maybe that intrigued me to know more about his career. She said he too was a graduate and recently passed out from his college. She showed one of his graduation pictures. I think the two of them were studied at a similar school, And we continued talking about business. Mostly his.