
ALL I WANT IS YOU - A short story of Riya Sinha

Riya Sinha is an indian girl.Ready to pursue higher studies in USA at any cost.She is very attractive at inside and outside. She loves arts so much,mainly about fairy tales,and she believes in them.What happens when she meets a handsome and kind man , who is known to be a famous person. These two people are from different countries,cultures,rituals. Will they fall in love each other? If so, will their love story be a fairytale? How this story will end up? I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY WORK TO BE COPY, REPOSTED OR TRANSLATED ON HERE OR ANY OTHER WEBSITE/APP.

harshwrites_24 · Teen
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Wedding Preparations have begun. We thought to keep this ceremony as simple as possible. But the biggest problem is My parents, Do they agree with us?

After what happened with rishab?

I want to live with David but I can't reject him.

"Riya? Who should we call else?" David asked while writing some of the things in his diary.

"My parents..."

David sighed and got up from his chair and started to walk toward me, he kneeled in front of me and gently kissed my forehead.

"They are important ba---".

I chuckled "You can call me by that name. But don't call me like that in front of my parents, okay?"

"Yes ma'am"

We both giggled.

"YEAH, you were saying something!?"

"Yes, your parents are important! They have to be here and they are!"

"What?! are you serious?"


I stood up and asked him "Where are they? When they landed?"

"Just before 2 hours ago, sweety!" they heard a familiar voice which is coming from the entrance of the drawing room.

Arpita and Satyajit Sinha are standing, in front of them with a huge smiles on them.

"Mom!!!!!" Riya yelled at her mother.

They both hugged and cried a little.

"I hope, you are missing me!!" Satyajit Sinha said with a huge smirk on his face.

"YES, I DO!!!"

Both father and Daughter hugged each other for some time. She took blessings from both.

"How are you, mom?"

"I became very weak and not having sufficient energy and glucose levels after the road accident"

"I told her to not drive, but she didn't listen to me!" Satyajit raised her hands in defeat.

I looked at father and tears started to roll down.

"Sorry, DAD! I should have listened to you!"

"I KNOW, sweety! I know!! That's why I warned you about him because I know him!!!"

"So So Sorry, papa!" I hugged him.

He comforted me.

We got freshened up and discussed a lot of things that happened a few days ago, some were funny and emotional!! And more importantly, we discussed our wedding, since our both cultures are different!!