
All I want is to explore nature... But in a fantasy world of course!

REWRITING!!!!! AND READ THIS BC IT'S IMPORTANT!!!!(I'm rewriting this after I upload 'Minecrafter Got Transmigrated To The World Of Genshin Impact!' and I'm still stacking chapters all the way to 10+ or 15+ chapters before I finally upload it. And yes, I'm lazy af so it will probably take 2-4 months because of FREAKING school before I do make it public and it will also be 4-5k words every chapters, so stay tune for the future since I know damn well some y'all like long chapters so be sure to comment on the latest chapter or in my review of this novel because I'll comment to your comments so I can remind all of you so you guys can read it first after I release it.)

DittleLick20 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Where am... I?

"Haha... I can't believe this how I die... Pathetic." A girl murmured to herself who was laying on the ground with a bloodied head due to a bus hitting her sending her up in the air as she rolled to the ground moments earlier.

While all of her memories are flashing right before her eyes. The people who saw what happened immediately went to check on her and asked her if she was okay. 'Do I look okay to you people...?' While the others called an ambulance.

'Ah, I'm sorry mom, dad and little sister... I really wish I could say goodbye to you all before this happened, I love you all so much..." She inwardly said to herself, tears going down her face before she takes her last breath, her eyes losing the shine when she was alive as her body became pale and cold while the ambulance had finally arrived and immediately went to her and put her in a stretcher and did immediate emergency medical service but it was to late. The girl had died before they could even do anything.


First Person Pov

I thought I died but here I am, seemingly was in a very dark place. Well maybe a better way to put it that it was like I was in the void...? I look around but saw nothing but endless darkness.

"Where am... I?" I said as my voice echoed through the seemingly endless void of darkness. I tried to think why I'm here and I thought maybe this was where dead people go too but I was the only one here so this thought was wrong, but my thoughts were soon cut off as a bright light suddenly appeared in front of me that even the endless darkness couldn't do anything while I place my hands in my eyes due to how bright it was.

"Holy... What the hell was that?" I said in a rather loud voice as I made a hole between my fingers to see what it was and I saw a being, a huge one at that, I was only the size of it's fingers or more like it's pinky finger.

"Who are you...?" I asked the being of pure light, who looked at me with gentle eyes even though I can't see it but I just felt it. I can feel it or sense it in my entire being that it's looking at me with a warm gaze.

"Hello my child, and as for who I am. I'm the one your family always prayed too including you." The being spoke for the first time, and it's sounds so fatherly and it fills my entire being with warmth when I visit my family before my eyes widened at the being's last sentence.

"God!? Heavenly father!?" I yelled, my voice containing excitement and nervousness to see God right before my eyes while God chuckles at her outburst.

"Yes, it is me child the one and only." Said God before I went to bow my head as a form of respect but God stops me. "No need to bow my child, it is not necessary." I nodded as I stop and looked at God who was looking down on me.

"T-Then heavenly father, why are you here?" I asked as I calmed down before God's voice turned solemn. "I'm sorry my child, you died which you already know and I'm here to take you to heaven, you're new home." My eyes widened again in shock as I stared awkwardly at God. "Umm, heaven sounds cool and all but I don't want too..." God raised his non-existent eyebrows at my words. "May I ask why my child?" I lowered my head in embarrassment as God asked as to why I didn't want to go to heaven.

"W-Well you see heavenly father, I-I always wanted to get reincarnated in a fantasy world to explore nature freely without worrying about anything and be powerful so I can't be hurt when I encounter dangerous situation..." I finally explained as to why I don't want to go to heaven as an awkward silence followed by before God chuckled at my explanation.

"I see, then my child I'll grant you three wishes at anything you desire since I can see that you truly want to explore the world." God said to me as my brown eyes shined excitedly before I composed myself. "T-Then I would gladly take your offer heavenly father, for my first wish I want to have Satoru Gojo's power but a thousand fold stronger and without the eyes weakness, and for my second wish is that i want to have Ryomen Sukuna's power and a thousand times stronger as well. And for my foremost and last wish is that I want a multiversal travel system that can travel to any fictional world or the real world..." I said what three wishes I want as my face turned slightly red at my wishes, yes I have an otaku's brain but who can blame me? Who wouldn't want the powers of anime characters? Me of course I want powers of anime characters! But my thoughts were cut off as I heard God's next word.

"Granted, then child, I hope your next life is fill with nothing but happiness..." God said but I wanted God to hear my request. "Heavenly father, can I make a request? You see, I want to construct a new body since I'm going to a new world... If that's okay with you." I asked as my voice got lower and lower like a mosquito passing by before God chuckles gently at my request. "Of course, that's an easy thing to do, here you go my child. Construct your new body I will wait until your done." God replied as he pats my head with his big finger as I burst into a fit of giggles before snapping his finger and right before my eyes an avatar appears in front of me with tons of panels like in a game where you could select how your character wants to look like. "Thank you heavenly father." I said before I excitedly constructed my new body as God watched from the side.

1 hour and a half later

"Done!" I exclaimed as I wipe my non-existent sweat on my forehead as I huff proudly at my new body. I look up and down at my new body with a very I mean VERY beautiful face, black hair that shines when hit by the moonlight, long black eyelashes, deep cerulean violet eyes, perfect nose, milky white skin, big bust and breast that fits perfectly on my hourglass body, thick thighs, sweet delicious looking lips and of course a very soothing voice that would put any singing celebrities to shame.

"It looks like you have finished my child, then are you ready to be reincarnate?" God asked as I smiled happily. "Yes, I'm very ready!" I replied with a lot of enthusiasm. "Good for you, and there will a gift that will be waiting for you after you reincarnate. Then my child, goodbye and be sure to enjoy your new life!" My face turned confused by what God meant by the word 'gift' and was about to ask what it was but my consciousness was strip away as I felt my world view turned black.


Third person POV

In the middle of a forest with big trees almost the size of redwood trees filled with greenery and flowers with different colors that creates a very peaceful atmosphere, there was a gorgeous girl laying down on the soft grass, and she seems to be sleeping rather peacefully as if she wasn't in the middle of a forest.

But soon the gorgeous girl opens her eyes revealing her deep cerulean violet eyes that if you stare at them you'll get lost of how beautiful her eyes was before she sat up with confused eyes gazing at her surroundings.

"Beautiful." Is what the first word came out as she looks side to side seemingly lost of how beautiful it was but soon a floating blue screen appeared in front of her.

[Ding! Multiverse travel system being connected to the host!] She heard a feminine cute voice like a little girl inside her head.

[Hello host! I am the system that you wished! I came make you travel to any world you want! Just name the world then I'll list it until you are ready to travel to that world where you want to go!] A very excited little girl's voice sounded inside her head again making her chuckle slightly.

"Well hello system, that sounds great but do you have any other functions?" She asked softly.

[Of course! You can check your status, a shop where you can buy anything from earth but need coins to buy the things that you want and the shop updates when a new item is release on earth, and there's also two more categories and that is your skills and powers where will tell you how they worked!]

"Then open my status." She said, her eyes brimming with excitement.

[Right away host!] The system replied before a blue transparent screen appears in front of her showing her status.


Physique: Transcendent Physique

Name: Velorouse Yves

Gender: Female

Race: High human

Luck: Ex+++

Agility: Ex+++

Charm: Ex+++

Speed: Ex+++

Stamina: Ex+++

Defense: Ex+++

Strength: Ex+++

Dexterity: Ex+++

Durability: Ex+++

Endurance: Ex+++

Intelligence: Ex+++


Curse Energy Manipulation, Immeasurable Cursed Energy, Limitless, Six Eyes, Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue, Cursed Technique Reversal: Red, Imaginary Technique Hollow: Purple, Unlimited Void, Infinity, Six eyes, Curtain, Black Flash, Dismantle, Cleave, Spiderweb, Fire, Malevolent Shrine.


Curse Energy Manipulation:

Can manipulate curse energy.

Immeasurable Cursed Energy:

Nigh-infinite cursed energy.

Black Flash:

A phenomenon that occurs when the user applies cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, creating a spatial distortion that causes their cursed energy to flash black and amplifies the destructive power of the strike to the power of one thousand fold.


At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique which is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the manipulation of space as just the base level of the technique, Limitless has three standard and one "non-standard" form beyond this.

Six eyes:

Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop anything and everything (Made it that it doesn't slow things when getting closer but actually stops)

Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue

Creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. He can also move the point of gravity at will, augmenting its destructive capabilities greatly.

Cursed Technique Reversal: Red

An extremely powerful repulsive force, repelling all matter in its vicinity. Being an ability that is powered by positive cursed energy and formed as a reverse curse technique, the ability has two times the destructive ability of Blue

Imaginary Technique: Hollow: Purple

An advanced technique that collides the Lapse and Reversal of the Limitless, resulting in an imaginary mass that is launched at the target.

Unlimited void:

It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions.

Reverse Cursed Technique:

Can heal wounds to it's perfect state, can also regenerate lost limbs and can revive or heal others.


Can create a veil/barrier where no one can pass through nor can they see what's happening inside. It is also very hard that even nukes won't do anything to it.


Creates a slash attack that adjust to the toughness of the person so it can cut them in one fell swoop.


A slash attack that is used inanimate objects and it can also be used against cursed spirits and people.


Can utilize the Cleave technique in the shape of a spider's web by touching the ground. As a variation of Cleave, Spiderweb adjusts itself to the surroundings' toughness, collapsing the ground in one fell swoop.


Can create and manipulate flames for long-range attacks by forming an arrow, and it can melt anything even the toughest material in the world.

Malevolent Shrine:

Creates a Buddhist shrine decorated with skulls. Malevolent Shrine has a unique trait; it doesn't create a separate space using a barrier. By allowing an escape route, a binding vow is formed which vastly increases the guaranteed hit's effective area with a maximum radius of 10000 meters and the host can adjust it so that no one you don't want to get caught be safe.

Skills: Painting mastery, Chemistry mastery, Alchemy mastery, Medical mastery, Potion mastery, Music mastery, Hairdressing mastery, Bondage mastery, Archery mastery, Labor mastery, Cooking mastery, Martial arts mastery, Weapon mastery, Blacksmith mastery, Calm mind, Serene mind, Sun breathing, Cold heart, Problem solving, Danger intuition, Sixth sense, Danger instinct, High perception.

Unique skills: Appraisal, Analysis, Photographic memory, Instant learning, Cursed energy intent.

"Holy, so this what God meant when he said there was a gift that he gave me..." She said to herself in a low voice.

[Host, that isn't the one that God gave you as a gift. It's this!] The system said as a katana appeared in front of her.

"A katana?" She said confused as to why God gifted her a katana.

[It's not just any katana, use your appraisal host then you'll see how much valuable this katana is.]

She did what the system said and used Appraisal on the katana.


Name: [Pls name the katana]

Durability: ♾️

Damage: 10,000,000,000

Critical Damage: 100%

Abilities: Dimensional slash, Pierce, One-million cuts, blitz, etc. (I don't have any more ideas so help me on this one.)

"Oh..." That was all she could say after seeing the stats on her katana and seeing it doesn't have a name she started to thinking one.

"Let's go with Aire." She nodded to herself seemingly proud what name she thought about then suddenly she heard her system's voice.

[Host! What about me!? I want to have a name! Give me one! Give me one!] The system started throwing a tantrum as a panel appeared in front of her showcasing the loli body of her system who was throwing a tantrum with her rolling on the ground, her cute hands rolled up into a fist as she punches the ground with puff cheeks.

"Calm down or I won't give you one." She threatened before the system immediately stops throwing a tantrum as the system sat on her knees.

[Yes...] She murmured with her head down.

"Don't be sad now, I'm not angry with you I just said that so you stop throwing a tantrum." She sighed before a warm smile appears on her face.

"I'll name you Aerola" She said as Aerola sad mood brightens up as she jump off the ground with an innocent excited expression

[Yay! I got a name!]

"Yes Aerola, you got a name." She chuckles at Aerola jumping around while running in circles.

[Thank you ho-]

"Call me by my name" She replied.

[Thank you Velorouse!]

"Vel is fine too since Velorouse is quite long"

[Got it, Velo- I mean Vel!]

"That's better, then should we go an adventure?" She asked gently.

[Is that even a question!? Of course yes!]

Thus she stood up from the ground and started walking ready to go to an adventure and finding ruin ancient buildings and artifacts and the most important... EXPLORING NATURE!!

"New world here I come!" She yells her voice echoing throughout the forest before she started running excitedly with immense speed with a big smile plastered on her face.

To be continued...