
All I want is Praise

Since I was born I was unwanted and unappreciated. When ever I finally thought someone wanted me they turned out to not. They just wanted to use me. The story starts when I was very young. I couldn't speak for myself. I couldn't tell people what I needed. What I didn't know was life was going to get so much harder.

Rebecca_Seaton · History
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9 Chs

The Big 5 year old

My Mother told me that we were moving from my first home because I was a girl and my brother was a boy. So we were going to move to a four bedroom owned by my Step father's family. I was promised my own room which even though I was sad about leaving I was excited to not hear my colicky brother crying in the same room as me.

As soon as we moved in I wanted the master bedroom because it had an attached bathroom. Mom shot me down saying the biggest room is for the adults. Of course my mind went to since I am the next oldest that means I get the next biggest right? My favorite parts were the two car garage and the back yard.

Then I saw the dog house outside. That reminded me that Sassy my Mom's golden retriever wasn't with us. I loved her so much. When I was 3 she would let me use her as a pillow. I cried because at home she was the one I turned to for comfort. Shortly after the move Sassy ran away. My Step Father wouldn't let us have a new dog either.

I started Kindergarten at Yoshikai Elementary School. I was happy to see a dolphin as the mascot. I wanted to paint constantly. There was a teacher that came along and gave me a lot of attention though that year. Stern attention but attention that I needed. She also introduced me to the counselor.

Then I met a boy in my class. He was only half day where I was full day. I really liked him but he didn't like me he thought I was annoying. I had a lot of trouble paying attention to school work. and the teacher thought it was because I had a crush on that boy.

After school I would go to a babysitter's house. I remember she wouldn't let me watch TV unless it was Madeline. She would always get on me for like everything while ignoring me too. I couldn't sing, draw or do anything that bothered her. Meanwhile on the way home one day in her van she was smoking and makes a comment to me to not tell my mom because my mom would stop letting her babysit.

I came home coughing one day. Mom thought I had a cold and asked stepdad to keep me home and let me play video games. That day I made mention that the babysitter had been smoking in her van with us in the van the night before on the way home.

Mom mad as hell that the woman would do such a thing and tell me not to tell her stopped the babysitting immediately. I was happy that that wicked woman wasn't my babysitter anymore. But that left a pretty big problem for Mom seeing as she needed someone to care for her kids. My Stepdad at the time was doing an office job.

Mom then found out that the boy's Mom was a daycare provider. Mom had friends babysit for the rest of the year.

I was still seeing my dad every other weekend. I would go over to Grandma's house and drawing play games. Grandma would do my hair after I bath. She had me wear big pretty dresses from a princess dress store. Around this time Grandma was also still working as a dietitian at the hospital. I had gone off to explore and got locked in one of the bathrooms. I didn't know how to get out so I pulled the cord that was on the wall. I was met with security and a bunch of other staff opening the door. My Grandmother was embarrassed.

Grandma and I was sitting outside. She sighed and prayed, "God would you make Suku talk." I popped off, "1, 2, 3 how do you like that Grandma?" Grandma took me inside and asked me everyone's names. I got them all correct. Grandma then asked, "Why didn't you talk before?" I told her, "Because I didn't have anything to say."

To be continued...