

The air this morning is colder than usual. It seems like it is going to rain. I sat on my seat which is close to the window and with my head rest on the wall, I looked out the window. Staring at everyone coming into the school building, at the trees receiving the harsh slap from the wind. The cloud has turn gray. I knew it was going to rain, thank God I came out with my hoodie or I will end up falling really sick. I came really early today, and neither the twins nor Daniel was in the school yet which I am not surprised by because those three are late comers. As I kept staring out, I heard someone say hey to me I knew that it was Clay and I chose to ignore it. Then he proceeded to knock on the desk which I chose to ignore still. Thinking about it now I do not know why I became friends with him in the first place because the guy is not just not it. I have been here for six months and what I have seen the guy do far has literarily made me throw up, twice.

"you really have changed Alice. What happened to you?" I still chose to ignore the dude. I have tried so hard to draw the line between the both of us and he keeps crossing it. If this is his way of trying to make amends, he is doing a shitty job.

"Come on dude you've been trying to get her attention isn't it time for you to let go, she isn't even that pretty" one of his friends said what's his name again I think it I Drew. What kind of a person bears the name Drew? What does it even mean? Stupid people bear stupid names. I chose to ignore his statement because is an irrelevant person in my story and the guy has been trying to get to me behind Clays back even calls him all sort of unpleasant names. I may hate Clay but Drew is pure disgusting.

"You can't ignore me forever Alice" Clay said as he bent to look me in the eyes and as he did that, I closed my eyes not giving him a single chance. He still did not move because I can still hear him breathing loud and clear. This guy does not know how to take a hint.

"Hi my darling is this idiot still bothering you?" thank God! Jackie! She walked to my table to give me a hug which I returned happily. Jordan and Daniel entered ones we separated from the hug and think that was Clay's cue to leave I think he is scared of Daniel which I am not sure why and right behind Daniel stood Erwin, now I see why. The guy is intimidating to everybody except me and Jackie but his build is crazy and he is a crazy person.

"Morning Olivia" Erwin said as he handed me a bag from 'Slizzy' this place has one of the best burgers in Grayland. Just as he handed me the bag Daniel handed me another bag from the same place. What is happening?

"Umm guys what is going on" I asked them

"Just take it and don't ask questions" Erwin said as he gave me a wink and sat on the seat next to Jordan. I looked at Jackie to see her laughing while running to her class. She definitely did something her entire laugh screams guilty.

"You better eat before it gets cold" I turned to Erwin to see all three of the boys looking at me. Creepy. I opened the bag Erwin gave to me, and right in it was a chicken burger, some fries and mango juice. I am not a big fan of fries so I gave them to Jordan which Erwin did not like and I do not care, it is better somebody ate it than I throw it away. I ate my burger with all joy because I was hungry, I failed to eat last night and this morning I did not have anything and I think Jackie must have told Daniel since I told her and I am pretty sure Erwin over heard them talking so he got his. I opened Daniels bag and it was spicy chicken wings, crispy chicken about eight pieces for each and another bottle of mango juice. Huh typical Daniel. I am saving these for lunch. Daniel was not surprised because I do it a lot.

Our first teacher came in and it was Modern History. It was taken by a cranky old man when I say he his very cranky the man gets pissed by every little thing; by a fly, the sound of a persons foot step, by the sound of his own pen when he is writing technically everything. But today he seems exceptionally calm which is very surprising we asked questions and he did not eat our heads up and he even told a joke. A joke! We all looked at him like he was crazy and it was very obvious and if he did not see it, he is either blind or he chose to ignore it. The class went on for an hour and surprisingly I did not want it to stop, but unfortunately it ended and we had math next and this lady is no different from the MH teacher but the problem I have with her is that she is a young person so why is she that cranky rather so un happy and why does she seem unhappy to see other people happy, because she walked up to me as I was on my own bringing out my note book from my locker.

"How does it feel Miss Walker?" she asked looking at me like I stole he doughnut

"How does what feel?" clearly confused

"To be sitting in the midst of Grayland's most popular boys" Is she for real? And is it just me or does she sound jealous but of what?

"Umm it feels great I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders. She did not like the answer she had a frown on her face. What is her problem?

"My problem is you Miss Walker" okay what?

"and how I'm I your problem?" this is getting way too dramatic. She said nothing to me and went back to teaching the class. Okay what was that? She is acting like I owe her which is bothering me big time. After her class we had P.E we all went to the school's indoor gym. Everybody was there including the principal. He came to tell us about an interschool sports competition we were going to have and we were the host that means other schools would be coming here. We all had to sign up for an activity we cold do.

"Hey I heard what happened in your math class" Jackie said beside me

"I don't know what her problem is, and I don't know if she knows me from anywhere but I definitely do have any sort of relation to her"

"that's wired then why is she acting like you stole from her" I wish I knew too Jackie. This is not the first time she is interrogating me but this is the first for her to do it in front of other people.

"So, what are you signing up for?" Jackie asked me

"1500m. What about you?"

"uhhh fast legs. I'm going for Archery" I am not surprised because she is really good at and I'm pretty sure that Jordan would go for that too

"What about you Jordan?"

"Relay" wait what? With the how surprised I looked you would think I was told Michael Jackson came back from the dead.

"You thought I would say Archery? Erwin is the one in doing that but Daniel and I Relay" well that's a shocker.

"close your mouth sweetie you might get flies in them" Erwin said as he held my chin and moved his thumb in a very soft manner. He has been getting really handsy lately, he is either helping me hold my bag when I am going to class, just to hang with us like he would leave his friends and hang out with us just to have a conversation with me or make fun of me do I like it no but do I hate it no would I allow anything happen between us NO.

"Eww you guys should kiss already" Jackie said as she made a gagging sound


"Heck no!" Jackie said slapping him at the back of his head. Erwin held me from behind to use me as a shield to prevent Jackie from hitting him more.

"Hi Erwin, Daniel Jordan" Lilian said. From the corner of my eyes I saw her place her hands on Erwin's shoulders so I moved away from him. Daniel and Jordan ignored her greeting while Erwin picked her hand from his shoulders and boy was he not happy to see her.

"What do you want Lilian?"

"I came to see my future husband" she said with a chuckle

"You are getting way ahead of yourself hunny" Jackie said with a mock laughter

"I don't remember talking to you Jackson or are you jealous?"

"First of all, it is Jackie and secondly nobody is jealous of you Lilian you think way highly of yourself"

"Well I came to see my competition and she is not even all that" Is she for real look who's talking

"Nobody is competing with you Lilian snap out of it" Daniel told her

"You weren't much of a talker Daniel what happened to you? Did the newbie taint you already" she really has a big mouth

"That's enough you've said what your piece" Erwin interrupted her

"Well just came to tell you in advance my family is coming over for dinner dress nice" She said and gave him a peck on his chick and walked back to her friends. I kept looking at her until she disappeared from sight. I looked at my friends to see Erwin having some kind of look on his face that I can't explain. I heard rumors that Lilian's family wants Erwin to get married to their daughter so they can have a huge business collaboration. These I the kind of things is see in romance movies but witnessing it in real life is a whole kind of drama on its own.

After signing up everybody went to the staff in charge of each category. On getting to our coach only a few persons signed up for the 1500m race including both boys and girls well elimination won't be too difficult. All the runners were told to jug round the field. I wan jugging with my fellow long-distance runners when I saw Jordan and Daniel running together and I saw so girls in gymnastics cheering I just laughed at ran to them, the moment Jordan saw me coming he had a huge grin on his face. Jordan is not much of a give off my emotions type of guy but with me and Jackie it was different.

We ran for about 30 minutes when we heard the bell that practice was over. As the three of us were heading back we saw Jackie and Erwin coming together, Jackie does not still like him but she accommodates him. As myself and Jackie got back to the locker room some girls were already there changing. I took off my sports clothing as my body was still wrapped in a huge towel. Jackie and I came out of the bathroom and as we were getting dressed some girl I did not know walked up to us.

"How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How did you manage to get the three most popular boys in this school to be at your beck and call in just six months"

"Two weeks!" someone shouted from afar which made everybody laugh

"I was just myself" I said as I was finished wearing my cloths

"Or you were throwing yourself at him" One of Lilian's friends said as walked into the room

"Not everybody is you sloppy" I ignored the shocked look she had on her face as I and Jackie walked out of the place living every body laughing except Lilian and her people do I care no.