
chapter 3: we don't bite

Tuesday,March 20

At work

I heard Tiana, " sup girly." I smiled, " hey." She said, " I need your help." I said, " what's up?" She said, " we have a bigger problem." I said, " okay what." I took a sip of my monster. " Malaki Parker is back." I coughed spitting my drink. " please tell me your kidding?" She said, " no. I'm not. Look."

She handed me a letter it was from a person named Caroline. " dear Tiana if you can or can we meet somewhere really. We need to talk and catch up. Things are taking a turn for the worst. Elena is ina. Death coma, Damon's being Damon, and Stefan is ripper style. I am sorry I knows it's been forever, but if you can goodluck stay out of trouble."

" okay, we can't do this. Can we shut for the day?" She nodded, " yeah. Where do we meet?" I said, " we need more hands on with this, we need a plan. This is getting to be much. With lucien and the ancestors now Kai who's the head of the Gemini coven, were screwed, I heard, " oh and don't forget that lily Salvatore is also trying to be buddy buddy and all. Along with a vampire slayer on the loose."

Tiana said, " all be damned, Stefan Salvatore? How are you?" He gave her a hug, " I'm good, I think. Listen, do either of you know where I can find Klaus mikaelson?" I growled, " prick." Stefan asked, " this is true. Sorry, hi I'm Stefan." I replied, " Rachel but please call me raven."

He nodded, " nice to meet you raven." I said, " listen, we were just talking. And we have a s**t ton of problems. So we need an army." He looked to me, " all I know is that my mother is on a rampage." I said, " malaki Parker is alive." He said, " what?" I nodded, " I think her names Caroline but she sent Tiana a letter."

I got a message from Marcel, " hey listen, can you meet me with Eric, at Elijah's home in ten minutes? It's important." I replied, " yeah. Also I think we have a problem bigger than this."

Okay really quick, I have thought of a new species I don't know for sure though if it's new in the supernatural community: a hybrid raven- half wolf half siren. I know it's a stretch but the best part is super strength which is from the wolf side, and a ear piercing screech towards enemies or an enchanting voice.

Now with the enchanting side, if one were to sing a certain song it can help give immunity towards that person. But still has human blood in their veins. To cover tracks. Or scent.

Half and hour later

I heard voices, " you both can come in." We walked in, I seen, Hayley, Freya, the mikaelson family, my boyfriend, Stefan, Marcel, cami, and Tiana. " alright now explain why you asked us to be here?"

Kol asked us, " we have got a big problem. One my sister is alive, two there is a psychopath on the loose, three, Lucien is alive, four, Lillian Salvatore is alive, along with freaky a** travelers, and last but not least, the ancestors are on Lucien's side. They are the one who brought him back."

I seen fury in Klaus eyes, " now you don't get a temper." Stefan then said, " don't forget that my mother has a d**khead boyfriend and there's a vampire slayer on the loose." I said, " oh and that."

Rebekah asked, " and who might be the deranged psychopath, I thought nick was the only one." He growled, " no malaki Parker, head of the Gemini coven. Was killed four years ago."

Stefan added on, " but apparently he wand trilled only put back in the prison world." I said, " go figure." Marcel asked, " what does this have to do with us." I sighed, " Lucien has a plan to try and kill Klaus and end his sire line."

Klaus has fury no rage in his eyes, " wait, if I die, then that means-" he looked to Stefan, " no one else is gonna die. Not if I kill the bastard first." Eric growled, " babe put a sock in it. I'm willing to fight for those who are family and friends, and the one I love." He looked to me, and everyone at once said, " no." I said, " oh really now. So just because I have human blood running through my veins means I am weak?"

I felt rage burn inside me, yeah I forgot to mention, I'm a hybrid raven. The last of my kind, " only Eric and Tiana know what I am." Elijah said, " human?" I smiled double fanged, " no, something better and the last of my race. I am a hybrid raven."

Rebkah said, " I call bs." I laughed and growled my eyes changing color to now a deep yellow ombré, " don't believe me now?" Marcel asked, " what do you mean hybrid raven? Your not like Klaus are you?"

I laughed, " no. A hybrid raven is half wolf and half siren." Kol said, " sirens are just a mer myth." I was about to scream, " I wouldn't do that if I were you rave." I said, " right vampire hearing will shatter your eardrums."

Then Tiana said, " I think we should take a vacation." I said, " Tiana how's not the time." She said, " I just got a text from Caroline saying that we need to take a vacation." Stefan and Klaus said, " same Caroline." We looked to them, my mouth dropped open, " nevermind I agree with Tiana and care."

Eric said, " alright where?" She replied, " a place called riverdale?" I felt my heart beat quicken, " okay but I drive."

Next week

Monday,March 24


So I fell asleep in the passenger, for now it would be me, Eric, Caroline and damon going to riverdale. I'm looking forward to this. Apparently Caroline has a few friends here and are willing to let us stay with them at the cabin for a few weeks.

At the diner

We stopped at this little diner in town, and I am freezing so I put on my jacket my sister got me. I love this jacket, it's comfy. We sat at a booth, and I didn't get anything besides coffee, same for the others, " okay she should be here in a moment. And paws off Damon, she has a boyfriend." I smirked, resting my head on Eric's shoulder. Then I heard, " Caroline?"

She looked over, " Veronica. It's so good to see you again." She got up and went over giving her a hug. " and you must be Caroline's friends. It's nice to meet you I'm Veronica, this is Betty." I smiled, " nice to meet you." She smiled, " same. So how are you all? Did you drive safe?"

We nodded, " I'm sorry where are my manners, I'm Veronica, what are your names?" Damon smirked, " Damon Salvatore." I kicked his leg, " I'm Rachel O'Connell but please call me raven."

Then Eric spoke, " Eric Northman." " it's so great to meet you all." I then said, " please have a seat." They grabbed a chair and took a spot, " Caroline told me briefly about what's been happening? Is it true?" I said, " how much do you know?" She said, " there's a war starting. Between an original family."

I replied, " okay do you know of the original-" she nodded, " yeah, we know that their vampires and so are you four." I stopped her, " no. No. I'm a hybrid raven. Not a vampire. I have human running in my veins. But not a human. Just hides my scent."

Three hours later

We were talking about everything, and we got to know each other more. " listen we were just about to head back to the cabin."

At the cabin

We got to where she said, and it was beautiful. " you can come inside. I think jug and Archie are back. Guys! We're back we bring friends." I heard, " kitchen."


I seen two guys and two other girls, " hey guys, who are they?" She introduced us, " nice to meet you all. I take it they know?" We nodded, " I talked to a few and they were gonna talk to the other serpents but we might have this in the game." I felt a bad feeling. Jitters? No, like someone was in trouble. " cami."

Excusing myself and called my sister. " hey Camille." She answered, " hey how's vacation?" I said, " thank god you're okay. Is everyone alright?" " yeah, we're fine why?" I replied, " just nervous motive." She said, " you will be fine. We are fine trust me." I said, " okay just call if you need or hear anything." She replied, " I will by baby sis."

I hung up heading back over, " okay everything is fine" we talked a little more and then called a quit for the night.


Eric's pov

I woke up knowing that Rachel wasn't okay. " Rachel. Hey, come on." She woke asking, " what happened?" I replied, " you we're having a nightmare."

Rachel's pov

Eric woke me up, " you were having a nightmare." Go figure, I'm so worried about what this will do I can't even sleep right. " do you wanna talk about it?" I asked Eric, " do you really think there's going to be a war?"

He looked to me with sorrow yet sympathy in his eyes, " at this point I am unsure, but we will prepare for what is coming." I cuddled up to his chest, " will we be okay?" He nodded then kissing me, " Eric can I ask you something."

Eric looked me in the eyes, and well right now he's kind of straddling my waist. " would you ever turn me into a vampire?" He kept quiet, " I am sorry I shouldn't have brought it up."

He looked to me, " your okay. I didn't know you were thinking of it." I asked, " can we drop the subject?" He nodded. Eric leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back. Why is he a damn good kisser? He pulled away looking to me, I know those eyes, I my breath hitch. Looking to him, nodding he kissed me again. And started to trail down to my neck.

I always am so nervous about this, I trust him though. I do. I really do, this just scares the hell out of me sometimes. I felt his cold breath beating on my neck, I held my breath for the moment, Eric sunk his fangs into my neck, causing me to flinch. He held my hands, and didn't realize it but he let a adorable growl escape. I just smirked trying not to laugh.

After a moment he pulled away, with a little blood on his lip. I just smirked, " what are you smiling at?" I replied, " you have blood on your lip." He smiled, " ego vos non mordere?" I can speak three languages, Greek, French and Latin. I replied, " quod sic. sicut ne mihi praebuit excoquatur Eric." He smirked, and that's what he did, I really don't mind this, it takes my mind off of the situation right now.

He lightly took my left wrist, " Multum te amo vulpes corvum." He sunk his fangs, causing me to gasp. I love Eric with all my heart. I don't know what I would do without him.