
Chapter 2: I hugged my thigh, but it was a bit early

"Senju Clan! You've reached the thigh!" The pirate Chu Yang was very envious. He was the same, but his circumstances were completely different.

"Brother, this is the Warring States Period, not the first year of the Hokage. Our brains and the Uchiha clan next door are about to be beaten out. Do you know how dangerous it is?" Hokage Chu Yang said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"That's better than me." Pirate Chu Yang asked curiously: "Who is the current head of the Senju Clan? Have you met the first generation?"

Hokage Chu Yang smiled quite proudly and said: "The first generation has just taken office, and he has accepted some young people in the clan as disciples to teach his own original wood escape. I am one of them."

Hearing this, the envy in Pirate Chu Yang's eyes almost overflowed, but he knew that Wood Style was a blood successor, and the chance of learning it was very low.

Wood Release is a fusion of two different chakra attributes, earth and water.

It sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult to do.

More importantly, fusing chakra with different attributes involves huge risks. If it fails, it will suffer horrific backlash.

As members of the Senju Clan, the similarity in genetic material will allow them to better avoid this kind of backlash.

Hokage Chu Yang continued: "I am the only one among this group of people who has learned Wood Release. Coincidentally, my consciousness entered this palace just after I learned it."

"Can I take a look?" Pirate Chu Yang looked at Hokage Chu Yang hopefully.

Some of the ninjutsu of the Blood Succession Limit do not require seals. Hokage Chu Yang just smiled and clapped his hands, and a special energy surged out of his body, and a large number of branches and vines spread out from his upper body.

"How is it?" Naruto Chu Yang said with a proud smile.


Pirate Chu Yang was about to praise him when he suddenly felt that his body was undergoing some inexplicable changes.

He instinctively imitated the opponent's clasping hands, and a shocking scene happened!

Pirate Chu Yang is also sprouting a lot of branches like crazy!

He is using wood escape!

Hokage Chu Yang stared at this scene in stunned silence!

Hokage Chu Yang said in surprise: "You can use my power, and in turn, I can use your power."

Pirate Chu Yang nodded and said: "It should be like this, but it's a pity that I don't know anything now."


Naruto Chu Yang felt the changes in his body and suddenly became even more shocked, "My chakra is more active than usual, almost twice the difference."

Pirate Chu Yang guessed: "The more people there are, the faster the strength will grow?"

Hokage Chu Yang nodded excitedly and said: "That should be it. If we get all of 'ourselves' back, wouldn't we reach the sky in one step?"

The two of them were still excitedly thinking about the future, but a lot of fog suddenly appeared inside the palace, and they all felt that they were about to leave here.

"I don't know when we will see you next time. You must improve your strength quickly!" Hokage Chu Yang reminded him earnestly.

Chu Yang just nodded, and the next second his consciousness returned to his body. The severe pain woke him up. At this time, the jailer had just taken away the iron.

Chu Yang obviously stayed in the palace for a long time, but it only lasted a moment in the pirate world.

Seeing that Chu Yang woke up soon after being unconscious, the jailer sneered and raised the iron again, "You woke up pretty quickly, let's try it again."

The jailer didn't notice...

The mark on Chu Yang's chest is healing rapidly. This is a self-healing ability that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

The slow flow of chakra...

Chu Yang's whole body was filled with strength, and with a roar, Chu Yang broke free of the chains on his body.

In the jailer's horrified eyes, Chu Yang grabbed his neck. Countless vines spread from Chu Yang's body and instantly wrapped around the jailer's body.

Kacha~ Kacha~

As the vines continued to tighten, there was a clear sound of bone cracking coming from the jailer.

"Those who can...have abilities."

The jailer looked at Chu Yang in disbelief.

His face was filled with a look of remorse, and soon he no longer breathed.

time to go!

Killing their lackeys before the eyes of the Celestial Dragons is undoubtedly a serious provocation to the majesty of the Celestial Dragons.

Chu Yang definitely couldn't stay in Mary Geoise. If he stayed a little longer, he would be in more danger.

"However, the chance of success by escaping without a plan is too small."

In order to protect the safety of the Celestial Dragons , a naval admiral is stationed in the Holy Land all year round. There are countless masters in the naval base, and perverted organizations like CP0 must be added.

Chu Yang understood that with his current ability, there was no way to avoid the pursuit of these people.

"We have to make some noise and cause maximum chaos."

Chu Yang suddenly remembered Fisher Tiger's feat of setting fire to the Holy Land, and he kept doing it, preparing to imitate it.

After walking out of the dim torture chamber, Chu Yang ran back all the way based on his memory. He didn't stop until he got close to the slaves' cells.

When the three sisters saw that Chu Yang was safe and sound, they looked at him in surprise at first, and then were immediately overwhelmed by fear.

Chu Yang was not escorted back by the jailers, but came back on his own.

There is only one explanation for this situation.

Sandersonia, the second oldest, screamed in horror: "You!!! Do you mean to give the jailer..."

Chu Yang nodded.

The third child, Marigold, was trembling with fear.

They were trapped here for several years. Although they often had the idea of ​​killing the jailer, they never dared to carry it out.

On the other side, Hancock, the eldest sister, was also looking at the young man in front of him in shock.

From the first moment she saw the boy, she felt that there was something different about him.

But he never expected that Chu Yang would dare to do such a shocking thing.

Although she was afraid, Hancock felt extremely happy because Chu Yang did something she had always wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

Hancock quickly reminded Chu Yang: "You should run away quickly before anyone finds out. If you are caught by the Celestial Dragons , your fate will be worse than death."

Chu Yang nodded and said, "I know, but before I leave, I have to rescue everyone."

"What?" Sandasonia and Marigold exclaimed at the same time. They didn't expect that Chu Yang could still think of other people in the dungeon at such a critical moment.

"Don't be a hero. You have no idea how many slaves are imprisoned here. How long can you save each one?"

Although Hancock was very moved, he still yelled at Chu Yang and hoped that he would leave quickly.

After so many years of rule by the Celestial Dragons , there has never been an incident of such a vile nature. Chu Yang's fate can be imagined.


She didn't know that Chu Yang was rescuing people just to distract the navy so that she could have a greater chance of escaping from Mariejoia.

Chu Yang had no intention of leaving at all. He knelt down and pressed his hands to the ground under the confused gazes of the three sisters.