
All Hail the sect leader (The strongest sect of all time)

This is the journey of Jun Chang Xiao making his sect The Strongest Sect Of All Time

LuoChuan · Eastern
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65 Chs

Chapter 46

Aishangke can also be regarded as a sword repair expert. At a glance, the cold sword produced by Jun Changxiao is of extraordinary quality.

He faintly said, "This sword is truly wasted in your hands. Hand it over and let's settle our grudge."

Swapping the Ironbone Sect for a sword seemed acceptable to Aishangke.

"Hand it over?" Jun Changxiao laughed. "Is my brain healthy?"

A deep coldness flashed in Aishangke's eyes, and a white wave of energy suddenly surged around him.

After stepping into the martial arts, warriors gather psionic cyclones in their dantian. When excited, this momentum erupts, known as Lingwei.

Feeling the close presence of this power, Jun Changxiao thought to himself, "This guy is much stronger than that pirate. This is going to be tricky."

Previously, he had killed a martial artist named Zhou Tianba using a hard-to-receive sword. Now, with his weapon sealed again, relying on the first-grade cold sword alone seemed difficult.

Moreover, the opponent's weapon appeared to be superior to Wei's angry sword. Without an equipment advantage, how could he fight?

Should he use the system?

Forget it.

He only had 24 contribution points left, so he needed to save them.

Jun Changxiao reached into his space ring, summoned the galloping amulet from the novice gift package, and thought, "In the martial arts world, speed can break all techniques. This should work."


He crushed the amulet.

Suddenly, a peculiar force poured into his legs, making Jun Changxiao feel the urge to run immediately.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "I feel the power of the wind..."

"Boy," Aishangke said coldly, "are you ready?"

Jun Changxiao smiled and said, "Bring it on."


As soon as he spoke, Aishangke took a step forward, swinging his right wrist. A three-foot sword cut through the air, forming a powerful sword spirit that headed straight for Jun Changxiao.


In an instant, the sword energy spread.

Seeing this, the distant Ironbone disciples' faces changed suddenly.

Everyone looked at Jun Changxiao, but he still stood still, a light smile on his lips.

Is he... going to use the Iron Bell Shirt?

"Not dodging?" Aishangke sneered.

Even though the sword swing seemed light, it carried the force of a thousand pounds. If Jun Changxiao didn't avoid it, he would be in serious trouble.


At that moment, the sword energy passed directly through Jun Changxiao, splitting him in half.

"Head!" the disciples shouted in unison.

Aishangke was also stunned. Had he really just split Jun Changxiao in half with a casual strike?

Was he really so weak that he couldn't even take a single sword strike?

No, no!

Why wasn't there any blood spurting from the cut?

The Ironbone disciples noticed this too, soon realizing that Jun Changxiao's body was gradually disappearing.

What was going on?

"A phantom?" Aishangke frowned.

"Hey." Suddenly, a voice came from behind him. "I'm right here."


Aishangke turned quickly, seeing Jun Changxiao standing with his back to him, smiling calmly. "How did you get there?"

Seeing their leader safe, the Ironbone disciples sighed in relief but were puzzled. How did he move so quickly?

"Come here," Jun Changxiao said.

"Impossible!" Aishangke exclaimed. "You must have used some kind of trick!"

Jun Changxiao touched his nose, smiling. "Watch closely. I'll walk over again."


As soon as he spoke, he remained still, yet a voice came from behind Aishangke. "Did you see it this time?"

Aishangke turned around again, finding Jun Changxiao back where he originally stood, his expression frozen.

"Oh my God!" the Ironbone disciples exclaimed.

In their view, they saw two identical Jun Changxiaos standing on either side of Aishangke!

Gradually, the one on the left began to dissipate.

Aishangke was startled. "What... what kind of sorcery is this?"

Jun Changxiao shook his head. "This isn't sorcery. It's a footwork technique called Phantom Step."

"Phantom Step?" Aishangke hadn't heard of it, but the name suggested its essence. "Is the phantom just because the speed is too fast?"

"Smart," Jun Changxiao smiled.

Although he appeared nonchalant, he was internally amazed. "This galloping amulet is incredible. I can change positions so quickly that my afterimage hasn't even disappeared yet."

"Impossible, impossible!" Aishangke couldn't believe it. Such speed, turning almost invisible, was simply astounding!


Suddenly, a gust of wind came.

Jun Changxiao was now in front of Aishangke, leaving a phantom behind, and said, "Did you see it clearly this time?"

"I didn't see how the leader moved!"

"He's so fast we can't catch his motion with our eyes!"

"The leader is mighty!" the disciples shouted in worship.

"Damn it!" Aishangke slashed his sword angrily, but it only hit the phantom. Jun Changxiao was already standing to the right.

To Aishangke, this was beyond his understanding of martial arts.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Jun Changxiao constantly shifted positions, creating over ten phantoms in Aishangke's field of vision.

Each phantom signified Jun Changxiao's brief presence, yet the movement process was invisible.

Aishangke's face stiffened, his sword-hand trembling.

If he couldn't even see his opponent, how could he fight?


Suddenly, Jun Changxiao kicked him from behind.

This kick, carrying at least a thousand pounds of force, sent Aishangke stumbling forward, almost falling.

"Hahaha!" The disciples couldn't help but laugh.

A dignified elder, reduced to such a state, was truly amusing.

"Damn it!" Aishangke steadied himself, angrily raising his sword and slashing, creating a powerful sword force.



Jun Changxiao calmly moved, dodging to the left, then the right, each dodge leaving a phantom.

Under the blessing of the galloping amulet, the sword energy seemed to slow down. Even if it spread across the martial arts field, he could easily avoid it.


Jun Changxiao appeared behind Aishangke, kicking him again. Although it didn't cause substantial harm, it drove Aishangke crazy.

"Aaah!" he roared.


Suddenly, his robe was torn, leaving him in only white underpants.

Jun Changxiao stood in front, picking at a lock of hair and laughing, "Elder Ai, do you still think there's a need to continue this fight?"